The SuperHeroes List
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Iron Man vs. Magneto and More

 ~AVX Versus #1 (2012)

This week we all received a close-up, detailed look at some of the major battles occurring on Utopia during the Avengers vs. X-Men battle. Those of note were Iron Man vs. Magneto, The Thing vs. Namor, and Red Hulk vs. Colossus. Meanwhile, above Earth, Beast is leading other Avengers in an effort to route The Phoenix Force before it can get closer.

In AVX Versus #1, an incredible force of display showed us that Iron Man was fully capable of taking on the Master of Magnetism. Supplied with a non-metal version of his suit, he managed to take Magneto out. Underneath the waves, Ben Grimm faced Namor in what was expected to be a decisive victory for the Atlantean, but surprisingly ended in his defeat.

Uncanny X- Men #11 focuses primarily on Red Hulk vs. Colossus. Once again, the battle led to an underwater front where the scarlet behemoth managed to best the newly, Juggernaut-enhanced mutant. In the same issue, Hope has decided to flee the battlefield after speaking with "Unit".

New Avengers #25 threw a curveball at everyone with a historical account and prophecy of The Phoenix Force. It's clear that The Immortal Iron Fist will be instrumental in dealing with Hope and her powers in the near future.

Secret Avengers #26 took us into space where The Beast, Thor, and others tried to route The Phoenix Force, but failed. Beast is attempting to use an invention he made that might contain it. So far, no luck; fortunately for them, the monstrous energy turned to Hala, home of the Kree, after those aliens coaxed it and somehow resurrected Captain Marvel. The latest concern now is what he, Mrs. Marvel, and The Protector intend to do; there's a huge implication that they will attempt to backstab The Avengers for an unknown reason!

Overall, the entire event is in full battle mode. There's now two more plots to uncover: whatever the Kree are doing and Iron Fist's role.

This Week In Comics is a series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. This is the Avengers Vs. X-Men edition: if you're interested in this event, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC

Nightwing Receives The Call

~Nightwing #8 (2012)

As the prelude for Night of The Owls ends, Nightwing #8 shows Dick Grayson receiving the call from help from Alfred Pennyworth. This coincides directly with the last few pages of Batman #8 (2012) and is the same transmission that is going out to all the members of the Batman Franchise.

Nightwing's mission leads him to Mayor Hady and Councilman Davis. Crashing through the windows, he's already to late to save the decapitated councilman, but manages to survive and escape with the Mayor. At the end of the issue, Grayson is suddenly struck by surprise with throwing knives to the chest. There's no telling if he will survive the rest of the evening. (Pick up Nightwing #9 to find out!)

Meanwhile, back at the Batcave, Bruce Wayne has donned a furnaced-stylized Batsuit and is preparing to take on a whole hoard of Talons. The idea is to lower the temperature of the cave, negating their regenerative powers and causing them to be susceptible.

If you're just learning about Night of The Owls, it includes the Birds of Prey, Batgirl, Robin, Red Hood, and more. Even Catwoman will be in on the event, and if you're wondering what happened from a historical perspective, expect to see All-Star Western provide a story or two in the future.

This Week In Comics is a series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. This is the Night of The Owls edition: if you're interested in this event, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC

Shattered Heroes and Battle Scars

~Battle Scars #6 (2012)

This week the Shattered Heroes event is unofficially coming to a close.Well, almost; we're still waiting to see if Iron Man #516 will fit in nicely (and it probably will). Among the most important releases to the story was Battle Scars #6 which made a dramatic, practically unexpected, twist in the course of the future.

You see that gentleman up there: Nick Fury? That's the Ranger-hero, Marcus Johnson, now revealed to be the original Fury's son. In issue #5, we learned that Marcus is Nick's true heir and carries a genetically-perfect rendition of the Infinity Formula within his blood. (Correct, he's going to live a long, long time notwithstanding any bulletfire.)

What we're learning is that the older Nick Fury's formula is on its last legs; Marvel is making way for Marcus Johnson, whose name is actually Nick Fury, Jr. (And, by the way, notice they managed to throw in Agent Phil Coulson?)

So what does this mean? I'll give you one clue: Samuel L. Jackson won't have to look for a job in the near future. He's already cemented the Fury position in The Avengers Movie and Marvel has already pointed out they modeled the Ultimate version of Nick after him.

Sam Jackson, Fury, Agent's all coming together!

This Week In Comics is a series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. This is the Shattered Heroes edition: if you're interested in this event, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC

Avenger #2: Iron Man

~Cover of Iron Man #2 (2008)

Intro: We can rebuild him. Stronger. Faster.Better. We have the technology...

No wait. That's the wrong guy! But in all seriousness, Iron Man is by far worth more than millions if you consider the level of technological ingenuity and power built into the nanotech and circuitry Tony Stark devised to save his own life.

Originally born to us in Tales of Suspense #39 (1963), Stark was a playboy millionaire and inventor caught in a terrible hostage situation which ended up nearly killing him. In an explosion, pieces of shrapnel became embedded near his heart: a mortal wound. To save himself, he contrived a metal suit that kept his heart beating. From that day forward, this device and the weaponry additions turned him into The Invincible Iron Man.

Iron Man, like many of those on this list, is also a founding member of The Avengers; at the time, he was a bulky shell often nicknamed "The Golden Avenger". Together with Hank Pym, they created most of the technical advances, including the Quinjet, the official Avenger's transport, and security defenses.

While the Avengers have had multiple leaders, Tony Stark and his suit are often seen fulfilling the role. It is not atypical for him to be running the group at any time. And over the decades, he has managed to rebuild his heart and integrate his tech into his body.

The Top 10 Greatest Avengers is a countdown list provided by The Superheroes List. This is an event coinciding with the release of the 2012 Avengers Movie premiering May 4th. If you're big with Avengers trivia or superheroes, then Check out this List!

Hulk Will Smash For Pants!

~Incredible Hulk #7 (2012)

In the past, it's always come down to the tattered pair of purple pants. Not today, though, as we see in the most recent issue of Incredible Hulk.This time it's...grey? Khaki?

For once the Hulk critics can be at ease; they don't have to speculate how the big, green gargantuan can fit in Banner's trunks.

SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.

Night of The Owls Invades Wayne Manor!

~excerpt from Batman #8 (2012), prelude to "Night of The Owls"

One of the latest and greatest from DC Comics, the story event Night of The Owls is actually already taking place in the depths of Batman's lair, starting with the raid of these strange, undying super villains on Wayne Manor in Batman #8.

As this emerging battle which entails the adventures of the entire Bat Franchise initiates, it starts with Bruce Wayne, who has only recently escaped an elaborate deathtrap placed by the Court. He's recovered mostly and planning his next move until Alfred warns him of heat signatures all around the building, moving in on his location.

In the panel above, you only see the first strike; the issue is spellbinding and packed with necessary information for the months to come.

And if you're wondering what else is going on, be sure to check out Nightwing #8 and the rest of the other Batman-related titles, including Catwoman and Birds of Prey. This will be the darkest night of Gotham for years to come.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Avengers #3: Henry Pym and Janet van Dyne

 ~Excerpt from Tales to Astonish #44 (1963)

Henry Pym is one of the catalyst co-creators of the Avengers; it was through his efforts and technologies that the group gained many of their popular advantages, such as artificial intelligence and machina, as well as some of their greatest super-villains (like Ultron, whom he created). First appearing in Tales to Astonish #27 (1962) though, he was originally a biologist and popularized by his study and creation of the "Pym Particle", which allowed him to shrink (and later, grow) in size. Adopting the name Ant-Man, he embarked upon his solo career for a approximately a year.

And then he met Janet van Dyne. Although reflexively, she is recognized by most Marvel Comic fans as The Wasp, originally she was nothing more than Pym's lab assistant. Although he protectively kept his identity secret from her, she was given an biological transfusion of sorts and equipped with bioelectric blasts and wings when her father was murdered an invading alien. Officially, she was born in Tales to Astonish #44 (1963) and the team became Ant-Man and The Wasp.

The history of Henry and Janet is extensive, and it is all surrounded with Avenger-stylized intrigue. In the most recent accounts, the two divorced and Janet died in Marvel's Secret Invasion (However, no one believes she will remain dead.) Either way, there is no couple so tied to the supergroup as these two; regardless of his inventions, Henry has served as Goliath, Yellowjacket, a male version of The Wasp, and Giant-Man. In the same venue, Janet, has traditionally been by his side; even though she is dead, her consciousness now serves as the mind pattern for Jocasta, Pym's intelligent female android.

The Top 10 Greatest Avengers is a countdown list provided by The Superheroes List. This is an event coinciding with the release of the 2012 Avengers Movie premiering May 4th. If you're big with Avengers trivia or superheroes, then Check out this List!

Wolverine Crashes a Party

~Wolverine #304 (2012)

As Austin Powers would say, "Allow myself to introduce...myself".

This issue might as well be called "Party at Sabretooth's"; it's a funny tale of how Logan's nemesis invites all of his worst enemies to a bash, the goal of which is to beat him to a pulp and end him forever. Some of the attendees our Lady Deathstrike, Mystique, Jade Claw, and the new White Queen.

In a grandiose fashion, Wolverine finds the location of the gathering in Madripoor and makes his usual entrance. Without spoiling the conclusion, it turns out the entire plan was concocted on Sabretooth's birthday; just a little something he wanted to do for himself.

SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.

Beware The Purple Light

 ~Green Lantern #8 (2012)

Hal Jordan and Sinestro are facing a serious threat in the form of the Indigo Tribe. In this latest issue of Green Lantern, those emissaries of the purple spectrum are preparing to assimilate the two. As we can see in the picture above, Sinestro has already been converted.

And who's that in the background? The Black Hand? You might remember last seeing him in the Blackest Night Event.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Avengers #4: Jarvis The Butler

~Mighty Avengers #21 (2009)

The panel above speaks the truth; one amazing constant that has endured longer than any other Avenger - a source of inspiration, as well as cleanliness and good house-keeping - is none other than Edwin Jarvis the Butler, who was first recognized in Tales of Suspense #59 (1964) by Captain America, and first appeared with the group in Avengers #16. (It was a rather dubious introduction, though; Hawkeye tied him up to prove he was worthy Avengers material.)

From a proper British background, Edwin Jarvis has no real special powers; what we know is that he is an experienced airman and former member of Her Majesty's Royal Air Force, meaning he likely has some combat under his wings. All that aside, his true contribution to the team has been his service to the Stark family, having been Howard Stark's butler, and then Tony's. Since the 1960's, what becomes apparent is that he keeps the team morally founded while also fixing personality conflicts.

And so, ironically, what puts Jarvis in this position are words from fellow Avengers. Captain America has stated that this gentlemen will forever stand as one of the team; Hercules and others have supported it with equally dedicated notions, furthering that without him, The Avengers wouldn't last.

The Top 10 Greatest Avengers is a countdown list provided by The Superheroes List. This is an event coinciding with the release of the 2012 Avengers Movie premiering May 4th. If you're big with Avengers trivia or superheroes, then Check out this List!

Spidey and Cap, BFF?

~Avenging Spider-Man #5 (2012)

In the new Avenging Spider-Man series, our favorite wall-crawler has been hanging out with The Avengers and is currently in the middle of one of their missions. But just before they left, old comic books, drawn by Cap himself, appeared from back when he was a youth. Virtually everything from the WWII vintage Captain America era is selling hot on the internet these days.

Which leads us to Spider-Man, who we already know is a nerd. After viewing the young Steve Rogers drawings, he now feels a bond, a nerd-y kinship, with the star-spangled hero. And this, my friends, is what happens when Spidey has a man-crush on you.

SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.

Classic Avengers vs. X-Men

~Cover Scene from Uncanny X-Men #9 (1964)

If you're a fan of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, The Avengers, or The Uncanny X-Men, you might be a fan of the Avengers vs. X-Men event. which released in April of 2012. It heralds a confrontation between two extremely powerful groups from Marvel Comics with battles of world-breaking potential.

Okay, now how about if you're old school? A serious purveyor of theories and challenges?

Well now you can tackle an issue that may have been plaguing Marvel fans for many decades. Who would win in a match-up between the founding members of The Avengers and the first graduating class of The X-Men? That's right, this is a contest between two supergroups at their infancy.

In this article, you'll see analysis and commentary, some graphics, and pollings. Your opinion is also welcome; after all, maybe you see things in a way that escapes others. (Comic Book fanatics are, after all, a unique brand of people.)

In a tribute to the Avengers vs. X-Men event, we're providing a look at this classic match-up in our "Prepare For Battle!" section. You can go directly to the Classic Avengers vs. X-Men page, or head over to The Superheroes List and find it there. Hey folks, this is all about fun and the enjoyment of seeing your favorite heroes beat each other up. And remember to Check out the List!

Cyclops of Apocalypse

~Age of Apocalypse #2 (2012)

In an alternate reality, mutants have taken over the earth and humans have all but been extinguished. This is the lead-in to the Marvel Comics series Age of Apocalypse, where a group of homo sapiens with no powers -  only their training and skills - have banded together in resistance. These individuals: Goodnight, Horror Show, Deadeye, Fiend, and their leader Prophet,  have named themselves The Exterminated.

This week's villainous moment comes from Age of Apocalypse #2, revealing to us this reality's Cyclops. According to the historical records, he was supposed to be dead. Somehow, though, Wolverine, the current Warlord, has brought him back. And in this panel, you can see he's more so a cyclops than ever.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Harley-Davidson Avengers #1

~Excerpt from Harley-Davidson Avengers #1 (2012)

Harley-Davidson Motorcycles has joined in, promoting the Avengers movie with a 2-part digital comic book release and a sweepstakes prize. The winner will be drawn into his or her own comic book and receive a custom built motorcycle. Now that is awesome! If you're interested, you can check out more info at

Harley-Davidson Avengers #1 (The team is exploring Russia for high-level Starcorp tech until one of them members, Hawkeye, disappears. He has been captured by Baron Zemo, working with Whiplash, Mister Hyde, and TigerShark. Hawkeye manages to set off a homing beacon and Earth's Mightiest Heroes head there. Suddenly, they are ambushed on the ground by Taskmaster, using a high-grade ray blaster. As Zemo and Avengers prepare to square off, the villain makes a deal with the Negative Zone Army. The Avengers are about to be overwhelmed until the U.N. Council sends in a special task team known as The Road Force!

This is a running article that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, The Superheroes List website, and the Spotlight On The Avengers Movie fan page. If you're interested in this movie, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! (The next update will occur with Harley-Davidson Avengers #2 releases.)

Avenger #5: The Mighty Thor

~Excerpt from, Secret Invasion #6 (2008)

His legacy comes from folktales and Norse mythology, a deity of storms and unheralded prowess, the son of Odin All-Father. And then, one day, after centuries of technology, a mystical walking stick in the hands of Dr. Donald Blake brought back his return. Of all the Avengers, he remains one of the most powerful and unstoppable. He is Thor, God of Thunder, wielding his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir.

Thor's first appearance to Marvel Comics is Journey Into Mystery #82 (1962), at the time it was pure luck that a debilitated doctor would find a gnarled cane in the wilderness and be transformed into an immortal being of immense strength and fury. But when he struck it to the ground, he enacted the Asgardian powers within, transforming to the god who would eventually become and Avenger.

An original , Thor is one of the founding members who created the group in Avengers #1; it was his muscle which helped stopped the Hulk, but also his relationship to Loki, God of Mischief, which brought the entire villainy upon the team. After their formation, Thor has been a constant appearing force when they are in trouble; there have been occasions where he was on hiatus, but he is never gone long. And to be honest, it's hard to think of the Avengers without him.

The Top 10 Greatest Avengers is a countdown list provided by The Superheroes List. This is an event coinciding with the release of the 2012 Avengers Movie premiering May 4th. If you're big with Avengers trivia or superheroes, then Check out this List!

AvX: Cyclops Attacks

~Avengers vs. X-Men #1 (2012)

Well, in case you were taking your superhero cape out to the cleaners, Avengers vs. X-Men #1 released on April 4, 2012. The issue took off right away; there was no shortage of pace and action.

Some of this information is spoiler material: The entire event, which has been culminating from Marvel Point One #1 (2011) is the return of The Phoenix Force to earth; once again, it is heading for a host. This time, it will find its mark in Hope Summers, the mutant messiah.

The teams will break into two schools of thought:

  1. The Avengers, who believe they are defending the world from an extinction-level event, and
  2. The X-Men, who think that the Phoenix' return may save the mutant race from extinction.
In Avengers vs. X-Men #1, Captain America made his way to the mutant-controlled island of Utopia to have words with their leader Cyclops. Needless to say from the picture, talks didn't go well. Cyclops has struck the first blow in this 2012 Marvel Event. And now, it's time for battle...

Avengers vs. X-Men is a Marvel Comics event. A Reading Order, Checklist, and summary of the issues are being post on The Avengers vs. X-Men page sponsored by The Superheroes List. If you're interested in following the action, check it out.

Red Robin, Undisputed Team Leader

~Teen Titans #7 (2012)

Consisting of Skitter, Bunker, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, and Red Robin, the Teen Titans are not fully formed. In this issue, the team is up for a vote: Robin wants them to plan an attack on NOWHERE headquarters and free Superboy from captivity.

Ahh, teenagers; the only problem now is motivation.

SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.

He Hunts for Aquaman

~Aquaman #7 (2012)

He is one of the pinnacle supervillains of Aquaman, and now he's finally surfaced, hunting down the hero's friends. Black Manta returns!

And he's not your Super-Friends variety of bad guy anymore. In this enthralling issue, you'll get a sense of Aquaman's circle of alliances and close friends, ones who Black Manta intend to systematically exterminate. Over the next few issues, we'll see just what happened; for now, it appears his motive is deep-rooted hatred and revenge.

Black Manta first appeared all the way back in Aquaman #35, vol.1 (1967). This is his first appearance since DC's New 52.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

We've Found Steve Rogers

Fury's Big Week #8 (Agent Phil Coulson is wandering through SHIELD headquarters and runs into Nick Fury with some groundbreaking news; they've found the body of Steve Rogers! Apparently, he's alive and in suspended animation. All this suspense mounts in the backdrop of Stark's power source, the Asgardian wormhole event, and Banner's DNA. Hawkeye arrives at Project PEGASUS and meets Dr. Selvig; who Fury says has been acting strange. They exchange some words and we learn he is truly Loki, Thor's half-brother, in disguise.)

This is a running article which will be updated Mondays on the Superheroes List Blog, The Superheroes List website, and the Spotlight On The Avengers Movie fan page. If you're interested in this movie, keep your eyes open and Check out the List!
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