The SuperHeroes List
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Doctor Octopus Finishes Spider-Man


And The Worst Happens!

~Excerpt from Avenging Spider-Man #15.1 (2013)

There's been lots of clues, even spoilers out there, and it's all been culiminating to Superior Spider-Man #1, an issue coming out in January 2013. Previously released in December 2012, Peter Parker met his fate, defeated by Doctor Octopus.

The story has been building up over the last couple of years, finally exploding as a new title emerging from the Marvel NOW! event. For those of you following the Web-Crawler, he's been fighting Otto Octavius to prevent the villain from destroying the world. We thought he won!

But in a villainous plot of uncanny proportions, Doc Ock had another agenda. His body had been failing and we thought it was only months before he would succumb to natural (yes, I said natural) causes. Little did we know, he was preparing Peter Parker as his new host.

Obviously this new...dare we say "Superior" Spider-Man is going to cause an uproar with fans. But for now, Parker is history...

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

The Trapster Sucks At Math!


But Doc Ock Places His Life On The Line, Anyway

~Amazing Spider-Man #700 (2013)

There's only a few hours left in the failing body of Dr. Octopus. But...we're rooting for him!

This is the final issue: Amazing Spider-Man #700, and we're about to get a glimpse of some seriously messed-up super-villains. Hydro Man and Scorpion are just lackeys, but Trapster has to do some serious calculations to keep the mechanically-armed mastermind alive.

Does Dr. Octopus make it? Does it matter? Well, this issue is so messed up, you have to hope he wins. Because if he loses, Peter Parker becomes a changed man. (Yeah, that's a hint.)

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Dr. Manhattan, Wave Rider, and Linear Woman Have Time


Chronal Power #2: Time-Space Immersion

~Jon Osterman aka Dr. Manhattan from Before Watchmen Dr. Manhattan #1 (2012).

Gifted to only a small handful of superheroes, there is one ability that transcends typical temporal abilities, going beyond the scope of human thought. It could have been number one on the list with its god-like qualities and paranormal traits, but lacking one additional power, it rests here nicely as the second greatest power of all Time: Time-Space Immersion.

Extremely uncommon, this is the ability to join the timeline. A hero of this magnitude seems omniscient and capable of moving through the timestream at will or appear, mentally or physically, at multiple times simultaneously. Because of this strange phenomena, Time-Space Immersion usually puts this hero in a state of evolution and transcendence, and can change their demeanor.

WaveRider aka Matthew Ryder is one such DC Comics superhero with Time-Space Immersion as his fundamental power. First appearing in Armageddon 2001 #1 (1991), he was later killed.

Later, Liri Lee would gain WaveRider's abilities when Black Beetle and The Linear Men fought over his corpse. Gaining the upper hand, she fused with his chronal matter and because known as The Linear Woman, seeming to have all the same abilities.

And finally, the one superhero gaining the most attention lately is Jon Osterman aka Dr. Manhattan. His fame started with Alan Moore's The Watchmen mini-series in 1986. One of the most enigmatic characters of the plot, Jon becomes so aware of time that he loses more and more of his connection to reality, eventually leaving the earth. His struggles become even more apparent in the 2012 series Before Watchmen.

Chronologically correct and temporally precise, this is The Top 10 Temporal Super Powers, a Countdown of Time-Wielding Abilities and Characters provided by The Superheroes List provided every Wednesday (except this week because of Christmas) for the 2013 New Year. (And no, Father Time is not a superhero.) Want to read more? It's about TIME! Read the List!

The Joker Doesn't Just Kill You, Nightwing


He Kills Everyone Else, Too.

~Excerpt from Nightwing #15, part of the Death of The Family event.

He's been terrorizing DC Comics for the last month, and just murdered a member of Haley's Circus.

The Joker is no joke; that's what Nightwing has learned over the years. But now he appears to know Dick Grayson's identity. In a cruel, senseless act of violence and madness, the super-villain kills "Jimmy", one of the Haley's Circus clowns, just for looking similar.

This is only the first death. For the second, you'll have to read Nightwing #15 and follow Death of The Family.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (now Monday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Hawkeye: Superhero Landlord!


...And All-Around Fixer-Upper

~Hawkeye #6 (2013)

Clint Barton runs a building; he's the Landlord. But just because you're a superhero AND the owner of a residential property doesn't mean everything will go right.

Titled "Six Nights in the Life of Hawkeye", Hawkeye #6 shows us that being a civilian and a business owner comes with a whole new list of problems. Especially when those pesky problems arise from fighting crime.

This issue is part of the Marvel NOW! event.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

What Does Iron Lad, Mr. Fantastic, Rip Hunter, and Hourman Have In Common?


Chronal Power #3: Time Travel

If there is one power that always fast forwards the clock and finds its way into the superhero universe, it's Time Travel, a power so uncanny that it's use will typically cause creative designers and writing teams to pull their hair out (if they have any left, of course). Oddly enough, it's also the most prevalent temporal power due to the extremely useful ways it can fix things that go wrong.

Most people are surprised when they find out how pervasive Time Travel is in the superhero world. And then when they think about it, it's obvious. Did Charles Xavier get killed in a villainous act? Is the world about to collapse because their is no Flash? Did the Justice League never exist? If there's ever a problem that seems so convoluted and complicated that the answer is near impossible...go back in time.

Reed Richards, aka Mr. Fantastic actually has stretching powers gained by Cosmic Rays, but since then, he's been worked on and developed technology that constantly sends the Fantastic Four into different times and dimensions (but you can thank Dr. Doom for much of it). In 2013, as part of Marvel NOW! the group will be doing just that to save their own lives.

Iron Lad is a young teenager (actually Nathanial Richards) who is visited by his future, villainous self called Kang the Conqueror. Deciding to alter course from evil, he adopts his own brand of Iron Man stylized gear and travels time often with The Young Avengers. (He first appeared in Young Avengers #1 2005.)

Although there is one other iteration of Hourman, the version relevant to this countdown is actually a sentient android from the 853rd century. (The previous Hourman, Rex Tyler, had not temporal powers.) A colony of intelligent nanite machines, it could access an "Hour of Power", where it could move through time and access most of the chronal powers.

Rip Hunter, first appearing in  Showcase #20 (1950), is one of the oldest superhero time-travelers around. His expertise and genius is his power, developing the tools and technology to make moving through the timeline his specialty. An icon of DC Comics, he can be used as one of their typical tools for repairing an "irreparable" plot.

The Linear Men (which Rip Hunter also took part in) is another group of time-traveling companions bent on a mission of fixing chronal distortions and temporal paradoxes. Commissioned by DC Comics, they first appeared in Adventures of Superman #476 (1991) with members such as Travis O'Connell, Liri Lee, Rayak The Ravager, and Matthew Ryder.

Chronologically correct and temporally precise, this is The Top 10 Temporal Super Powers, a Countdown of Time-Wielding Abilities and Characters provided by The Superheroes List provided every Wednesday for the 2013 New Year. (And no, Father Time is not a superhero.) Want to read more? It's about TIME! Read the List!

Tony Stark vs. Stephen Strange vs. Reed Richards


The Illuminati Has A Territorial Dispute

~Dark Avengers #184 (2013)

In what appears to be a war of the New Avengers Illuminati, Doctor Strange, Reed Richards, Tony Stark and possibly others, have separated New York and the region into territories and are attempting to destroy their opponents.

Dark Avengers #184 has it all. And it's part of the Marvel NOW! revolution. Moonstone, Skaar, and the other criminals-posing-as-heroes have fallen into an alternate universe where the good guys aren't so good anymore.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

The Avengers Give The Hulk His Shot


Spider-Woman Draws The Short Straw

~Avengers Assemble #10 (2013)

Part of the Marvel NOW! event, the Incredible, or Indestructible, Hulk is still part of The Avengers in this issue. Unfortunately, he's contaminated. And angry.

Avengers Assemble #10 reveals it all when Tony Stark and Bruce Banner have a bet that turns a bit sour. By the end of this issue, the Hulk is host to an organism from the water he drank.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

The Flash, Kid Flash, Impulse, and All The Rest


Chronal Power #4: The Speed Force

Of all the powers related to time and its mastery, one concept has been so categorically profound and important, that it has become a central and reoccurring theme of their superheroes. Called The Speed Force, it's also become one of the most mysterious and hard to define.

Right: Barry Allen is surrounded by a strange, lightning-like energy which would later be termed the Speed Force. Excerpt from Flash: Rebirth #1 (2009).

For those of you familiar with it, The Speed Force is the underlying dimensional energy that powers The Flash, whether your referring to Jay Garrick (The Golden Age Flash), Barry Allen (The Original Flash), or Wally West (The Next Flash Incarnation). It also seems to be linked to every super-speedster in the DC Universe, which includes (or included): Jesse Quick, Johnny Quick, Max Mercury, Bart Allen (Impulse), Professor Zoom, Zoom, Savitar, and likely heirs of the Allen family yet to be born. Whether a stream of lightning-like force or a place that exists outside the realm of time, it has become the integral power that gives super-speed, allows vibrational intangibility, and gives the controller the ability to breach his current dimension and move through time.

But fast feet, rapid-punching, and these incredible feats are only a side effect of this power. In actuality, it has been revealed that the Speed Force is the guiding principle that governs time. This makes The Flash and all the other characters ambassadors of Time by association. And to a greater sense, it seems that The Flash is fundamentally bonded to it, giving him access to its miraculous gifts by a greater degree.

Whether traveling forward or backward in time, entering the dimension through vibratory relocation, or using simple super-speed, the Speed Force and those who use it are some of the greatest actors in the field of time. DC Comics has turned it into an upper-tier power and given it the potential for even greater temporal revelations.

For those interested in learning more about the Speed Force, one of the best sources, although dated from the 1990's, is Flash: Terminal Velocity. This Trade Paper-Back covers The Flash V2, #96-100. Written by Mark Waid, it goes into great clarity as many of the aspects of this dimensional power are learned by the heroes.

Chronologically correct and temporally precise, this is The Top 10 Temporal Super Powers, a Countdown of Time-Wielding Abilities and Characters provided by The Superheroes List  provided every Wednesday for the 2013 New Year. (And no, Father Time is not a superhero.) Want to read more? It's about TIME! Read the List!

The Evil, Insidious, Spider-Man


Should He Be Killed?

~Amazing Spider-Man #699 (2013)

Who's this mysterious villain, hanging on to life with only a few hours left? And why are we rooting for him to capture Spider-Man?

If you've missed the recent revelations of Amazing Spider-Man #698-699, a fiendish plot has been uncovered, a trap so diabolical it may destroy Peter Parker's legacy forever. And it was accomplished by one of his greatest arch-enemies, the figure shown in this picture above. Do you know who it is?

Here's a big hint: It's Peter Parker! (Or is it?)

The latest issue is too big, too evil, and too villainous to spoil. And the last page sums up the inevitability of our hero. There's only 700 minutes left before the Spider-Man you gone.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Slipstream and Gateway


Chronal Power #5: Temporal Displacement

~Slipstream, from X-Treme X-Men #14 (2002)

The 7th power was Temporal Summoning, the ability to call people from the timeline. The 6th power was Temporal Distortion, the changing of the rates of time. Now that we understand those incredible abilities, we can move along to the next awesome phase of our chronology: Temporal Displacement! Based on physics and the consensus that time and space are related, we're beginning to get into the real red meat of Time Control. It only follows that those who can manipulate time, also have a fundamental relationship to reality as we know it. (That's why we now call it the Time-Space Continuum.)

Dispacement means teleportation, and those who can temporally displace are able to teleport through time as well as space.

Slipstream, aka Davis Cameron, was a mutant capable of generating a "warp wave". The true extent of his abilities were never actualized, but he could blow a hole in reality and ride it to his next destination. In all likelihood, this Australian-born superhero - had he continued in his career before M-Day (The day almost all mutants were neutered) removed his powers -  he would have evolved into a time-surfer. Davey's first appearance was X-Treme X-Men #6 (2001).

Gateway is another time-space teleporter, and -you guessed it - another mutant who has been associated with the X-Men for years. His first appearance was Uncanny X-Men #229 (1988), a silent, unnamed aborigine who used his bull-roarer to create dimensional rifts.

In the guises of Temporal Displacement, the key is the ability to teleport; once the hero starts moving across distances, the probability is that time travel is next. Please note, though, that not all teleporters are equal. For example, Nightcrawler, a popular figure of the X-Men, teleports by using a psionic link through the realm of Limbo, which doesn't correlate to this subject matter.

The H'el On Earth Reading Order


The Last Survivors of Krypton Must Fight To Survive

It started with its prelude from October 2012; Superman, Supergirl, and even the clone, Superboy, faced a showdown against a threat of Kryptonian origin in the DC Comics action-packed event, H'el on Earth. This mini-series ran through December 2012, a crossover involving the entire Kryptonian family.

~H'el makes his first appearance, excerpt from Superman #13 (2012)

Who is H'el?
A Brief Note on The Kryptonian Super-Villain

Although H'el appearance and origin has been revealed, it may turn out to be something else by the end of the story.

According to H'el, he was once, before the fall of the planet, Krypton, Jor-El's most praised student and assistant. Before its demise, he was sent into space in a craft and managed to avoid the devastation. Over the decades, he traveled through the cosmos, only to arrive to Earth in the recent months.

H'el also states that his ship carried all the vestiges and records of Kryptonian culture. His self-recognized mission is to restore the planet and he wants to bring Supergirl (Kara) and Superman (Kal-El) with him to accomplish this feat. Superboy, on the other hand, is a hybrid clone; H'el immediately believes he should be destroyed.

He'l On Earth Reading Order
The Basic Listing of The Mini-Series

Prelude: He'l On Earth
001 Superman #13

Chapter 1: Main Event: H'el On Earth
002 Superboy #14
003 Supergirl #14
004 Superman #14
005 Superboy #15
006 Supergirl #15
007 Superman #15

Chapter 2: Assault on The Fortress of Solitude
008 Superboy #16
009 Supergirl #16
010 Superboy Annual #1
011 Superman #16
012 Superboy #17
013 Supergirl #17
014 Superman #17<--Released: 03/06/2013

FINAL Update: 03/06/2013

H'el On Earth Reading Summaries
Chapter 1: He'l On Earth!

001 Superman #13 (The prelude to H'el on Earth. After battling for his notion of what newspaper reporting and journalism should be, Clark quits, or is fired, from the Daily Planet after an argument with the boss, Morgan Edge. Soon after, a huge draconian creature is witnessed towering over Metropolis. Clark switches to Superman and confronts the creature, but realizes this entity is stronger than anything he's ever faced. Using the vast array of his incredible powers, the fight continues across the globe until Clark manages to ignite the beast, killing it. All appears well...until Supergirl arrives in anger; she then exclaims that the creature was actually a prehistoric Tripedal Curosiananiun, once native to Krypton. In the background, the being known as H'el watches, emotionless.)
002 Superboy #14 (Kon-El begins to lose hope while pondering the villain Harvest and the people attempting to use him; fortunately Bunker manages to cheer him up. While they are walking and talking, H'el appears, sensing that he is a clone, and decides to test his abilities. They fight, but it is quickly one-sided with Superboy losing. Bunker calls in the Teen Titans, but they are easily overmatched as well. Instead of killing Superboy, H'el decides to teleport away and use him for a future scheme.)
003 Supergirl #14 (Resuming hours or days after Superman's battle with the Kryptonian Dragon, Kara and he bring it to The Block, a research facility near the center of the earth. She points out that if this creature can exist, so can other Kryptonians. Superman disagrees, though, and the two argue. Kara then heads to hear Sanctuary for rest, when she is teleported out by H'el who introduces himself as another survivor of her homeworld. He explains his origin and his mission: to bring the Krypton survivors back and revive their world. As an offering, he presents Superboy, whose neck he plans to snap. Supergirl asks him to hold off killing Superboy, and requests a chance to speak to Superman. H'el says he'll be hard to persuade, but lets her go anyway.)
004 Superman #14 (Resumes at the point where Kara arrives as Clark's apartment, in Supergirl #14. The issue starts with Lois at Clark's apartment, trying to get him to return to his job. Clark and her argue over his moral beliefs and her boyfriend status; that's when Lois states that Clark and her are just good friends. Suddenly Kara barges in and the two leave Lois and head to Centennial Park. Kara begins revealing H'el to Superman, and that's when the mysterious Kryptonian appears. He tries to convince the son of Jor-El of his origin, but Superman has none of it. In the same gesture as before, H'el produces Superboy and prepares to snap his neck. Superman quickly springs to action and stops H'el; the two begin fighting. While H'el has a chance, he appears to Kara as Superman and knocks her out. It appears his goal is to make Superman look like her enemy. After some lesser skirmishing, H'el vows to continue his mission, leaving Superman behind with a nearly dead Superboy.)
005 Superboy #15 (Continues immediately from Superman #14. Superboy awakens amidst auto debris after being thrown by H'el; for some reason, he is completely paralyzed with numbing senses. Superman, though, comes to his aid and whisks him off to his Fortress of Solitude. While there, he learns that Superboy has three strands of DNA and that they are separating. To fight off the deteriorating condition, he places his crest - which also means his armor - on Kon-El. Superboy immediately gets better, and super-strong, but has now lost his tactile kinesis abilities. Elsewhere, the issue cuts to H'el convincing Supergirl that he's on her side; he leaves her and reaches Superman's Fortress, to throw them out and claim it as his.
006 Supergirl #15 (Continues from Superboy #15. H'el returns to Kara and brings her to the Fortress of Solitude. Meanwhile, blocked from entrance and outside, Superman and Superboy ponder how to reenter. Superman comes up with an idea which eludes to "combining their powers". Back at the Fortress, H'el shows Kara the City of Kandor and shrinks her down inside. Inside, he shows her his true form from an astral projection because he is unable to shrink. Kara sees all the citizens in stasis, and then remnants of Brainiac's forces find her and attempt to put her in stasis. Kara destroys them and locates the Quantum Crystal, a Kryptonian power source. She leaves Kandor, gives it to H'el, and he thanks her for trusting him. In the last frame, finally enthralled, she embraces him with a kiss.)
007 Superman #15 (Continues from Supergirl #15, where Superman's idea comes into play. Trusting his intuition, Superman takes Superboy to a military installation that acts as a prison for one man: Lex Luthor. Both heroes makes their way through the several forms of security until they are face to face with the villain and begin questioning him. Surprisingly, Lex knows a great deal about what's going on, and confirms that H'el is going to use the Kandorian power source to fuel his time-jump and save Krypton. Unfortunately, the reaction will cause earth to explode. As they part ways, Lex ultimately states that Superman didn't need to come see him, and only visited because he needed to understand that to be stopped, H'el would have to be killed. In the last few frames, Superman summons Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and The Flash, updating them to the crisis and informing them that they need to assault the Fortress of Solitude.)

 Assault on The Fortress Of Solitude
Chapter 2
008 Superboy #16 (Continues from Superman #15 after a brief, undisclosed period. After planning a strategy in Dr. Veritas's lab, Superboy joins a distractive, frontal assault with Batman and Wonder Woman and reaches the Kryptonian force field. Using his Tactile Kinesis, he destroys it. Superman and Cyborg are standing by and activate a boom tube into the Fortress. Unfortunately, He'l is ready and misdirects their teleport to the deadliest security bots. Fighting continues on both fronts, each side battling their way past Kryptonian wonders until they come together against a mysterious prison-tech object. It hits Superman and teleports him into a series of pocket dimensions. All appears lost, but hoping to aid the Man of Steel, Superboy follows him, leaving uncertainty in their wake. The final pages of the issue diverge from the main story and show tremors in the Himalayas as a research witnesses the unearthing of a strange, gigantic and alien creature.)
009 Supergirl #16 (The events in this issue happen during events in Superboy #16, near the middle and end. As Superman, Superboy and the Justice League lead an attack on the Fortress, The Flash is vibrating into it to find Supergirl. Too late, though, she's found him. They battle as he tries to explain H'el is misleading her, ending up in other alien habitats, until they randomly come upon Krypto. The Flash uses the opportunity to find a special kinetic weapon and uses it on Kara. He's about to take her down until H'el shows up and teleports him to The Watchtower, failing his mission. H'el warns her that he won't let them win this battle. Elsewhere, on the other side of the galaxy, aliens recognize a power signature and a picture reveals The Oracle.)
010 Superboy Annual #1 (The events in this issue occur within the span of approximately 3 minutes and resolve to coincide at the end of Supergirl #16. Superman and Superboy now find themselves in an pocket dimension of an alien device obtained awhile back in the Fortress of Solitude. They battle through an ever-changing reality landscape until they come upon the manipulators of their torment, Blastor and Lasara. These two were imprisoned long ago by Blastor's brother, Garzo, and now Blastor believes Superboy's power could free them. The fight begins until Superboy leaves the fray and communes with the dimension with his empathy powers. Together, they free everyone, but he sends Blastor and Lasara to a desolate place on the other side of the universe. By the end of the issue, Superman and Superboy return, learning they've only been gone for about 3 minutes. On another panel, H'el and Supergirl are getting ready to activate the device that will cause the Solar System to collapse.)
011 Superman #16 (Continues immediately from Superboy Annual #1. The fight continues within the Fortress of Solitude. Each time Cyborg attempts to Boom-teleport them, H'el relocates their destination. That is, until Batman devises a plan. They send Superman towards H'el, alone and at super speeds. Once they prepare to teleport, he attacks H'el. Now together, the forces of the Superman, Superboy, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Cyborg face H'el and Supergirl. But it's a short fight; gaining a moment's control, H'el teleports the Fortress away from it's initial location. He then turns on the device. Elsewhere, the Oracle is now awakened, preparing to watch the end of the world.)
012 Superboy #17 (Continues immediately from Superman #16. Kon-el watches as the Starchamber where H'el and Supergirl are waiting, activates. Batman and Cyborg return to the Watchtower and Superman, Wonder Woman, and he continue to fight. Superman stays behind to fight H'el, but before Superboy can leave, H'el attempts to destroy him again. He barely manages to keep his DNA together with the help of his powers. While trying to to navigate his way into the Starchamber, he faces Kara. He's no match for her right now, so he let's her throw punches while he tries to convince her to give up her quest. Fortunately for him, Wonder Woman intervenes and carries on the battle. Kon-el, now having a distraction, continues to move closer to the Starchamber in the final pages. And this entire story continues with scenes of The Herald summoning Oracle to earth to prepare for its final destruction.)
013 Supergirl #17 (Continues from Superboy #17, but also happens near-simultaneous to the event within that issue. Taking place as Kara faces Wonder Woman, the two females square off with near-equal speed and power. Diana, however, has experience on her side and lassos Supergirl into submission. Confronted with impossibilities, Kara does break free, but ultimately sees that the sun is about to explode or collapse and the world is dying. Confused, she faces H'el who finally admits to his plans. That's when Kara goes ballistic, threatening him. H'el decides to give her one last chance, though: Earth or Krypton.)

The Finale

~Supergirl delivers the final blow. Excerpt from Superman #17 (2013).

014 Superman #17 (Continues from Superboy #17 and Supergirl #17. Superman is now in space after being heavily struck by H'el. Strangely though, his trajectory is stopped short. Taking it all in, Superman sees The Oracle and begins having visions of his past when looking in its eyes. A sense of impending doom comes over him, but he ignores it and flies back to the battle. All across the world now, tremors, storms, and destructive events are heralding earth's final moment. Superboy, however, finally achieves the destruction of the Star Chamber, believing he may have stopped the villain. It's only a trick, though; secretly H'el planned for this and the act frees him ship for takeoff. The heroes are completely at H'els mercy, even as Superman arrives to make another attack. At the end, it is Kara, appearing to succumb to his plans and join him, who gets the final blow. Secreting a piece of green kryptonite in her hands, she gets close to H'el and stabs him in the heart. With death nearing him, H'el disappears with some ominous parting words. The world is saved by this single act, but Superman fears that H'el may be more dangerous, now wounded. In truth, they don't know what happened or where he went, but the issue then shifts to Krypton, 12 years before it's demise, and a younger Jor-El during an archaeological dig. He stumbles upon the body of H'el with the kryptonite in his chest. The issue concludes by questioning how the future may have changed with this event.)

H'el On Earth Release List
The Issues For The Event

The following issues have been released by DC Comics as part of this event. If additional titles are added, they will appear here.

Superman #13-17
Superboy #14-17
Superboy Annual #1
Supergirl #14-17

Your Comments:

Do you have any information, questions or comments, or would you like to mention something you've seen or heard surrounding the H'el On Earth event? If so, please feel free to submit your commits; just please remember to be courteous.
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