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Mobius is WANTED!


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Analysis: Michael Morbius, now freed during the preceding issues of Spider-Man, attempts to regain some semblance of life. He hates what he has become and ends up in Brownsville, New York during his adventure.

Optional Amazing Spider-Man #699.1 (There are no chronological markers in this issue. Although not officially part of the Marvel NOW! event, this issue starts with Michael Morbius breaking out of prison. It then goes into his past, becoming friends with "Emil", and the both of them working on a Nobel-based prize from research that will cure his blood disease. Michael, however, is impatient and forces his friend to test the cure on him, turning him into a living vampire. He turns and feeds on his friend, killing him in the process. At the end of the story, Michael has decided to flee into the mysterious unknown and a new title that will be called Morbius #1.)

Morbius, The Living Vampire #1 (Follows ASM #700, where his origin and prison breakout are explained. The story of Michael Morbius starts off with the many truths, lies, and myths about his vampire-like powers. We then learn that to avoid super-heroes, he takes the subway to Brownsville, where he walks the street homeless. Basically, everyone there, including cops, ignores the crime. That's when Michael meets Noah St. Germain, a sort of "Boss" or Bully of the thugs in the town. From the beginning to the end of the issue, Michael tussles with this figure until he's shot in the chest and expected to die.)
Morbius The Living Vampire #2 (Continues from Morbius #1. Michael comes to after having been mortally wounded. But then, he isn't mortal in the truest sense. He meets Becky, a homeless that helps him move to an abandoned theatre, and relates the story of how he ended up tusseling with Noah. Becky takes Morbius to Noah's hideout and they go at it again, all to save a young boy from being inducted into the gang. And although Noah has heightened strength, Michael finally unleashes his bloodlust and slashes his throat.)
Morbius The Living Vampire #3 (Resumes from the previous issue immediately. While Noah lays dying, his girlfriend goes berserk; she orders them to kill him, finally shooting Michael in the neck herself. But he survives and awakens, chained upside down. Becky and the boy, Henry, have escaped in the confusion, but Noah's girlfriend has a tail on them. Michael buys his freedom, proclaiming he can help Noah because he was a medical doctor. She warns him and lets him attempt to save her boyfriend's life. During the process, it appears Noah might make it, but suddenly he awakens and goes berserk. Michael shoves him down while flailing, and appears to kill him outright. And now his girlfriend is really mad.)
Morbius The Living Vampire #4 (Resumes from Morbius #3 immediately. Having enough of playing with mortals, Michael disarms Noah's girlfriend and bites her gunman. She then warns him about the truth behind Brownsville; it's a staging ground for crime waves and has been fought over for years. Noah's origin is also part of this issue; his original name was David Brill when he was rolled and "upgraded" at a place called the North Brother Island by a mysterious benefactor. This turns out to be a super-villain called The Rose, who secretly manipulated Morbius' arrival in the town. He plans on using Michael for his schemes. Meanwhile, the fights have just gotten worse, with thugs of The Rose firing on them all and whisking Noah's body away.)
Morbius The Living Vampire #5 (Resumes from the previous issue. The Gang War has intensified and Micheal decides to "clean house". He goes in, feral, and incapacitates everyone, including Noah's former girlfriend. In the aftermath, the citizens of Brownville, now aware of his flavor of vampirism, bind the wounds of the victim, ensuring their survival. Micheal hears a gunshot and returns to the house to find The Rose. In his introduction, the super-villain explains his plans and Micheal's part; he then shoots our hero in the chest and reveals a picture of Micheal's mother...a bound captive that will be killed unless the vampire does what he says. Later, The Rose calls an investor and states that everything is going as planned; ironically the person on the other end appears to be Micheal's father.) 

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

The Troubled Mind of The Superior Spider-Man


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Analysis: The second story arc of Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man's body takes place starting with Superior Spider-Man #7, but is effectively a good lead-in with issue #6. People are starting to sense things are different with the Web-Slinger and now there's going to be trouble.

Optional Avenging Spider-Man #18 (Electro returns and wants revenge on Thor. He makes a deal with AIM and in converted to an anti-matter form. Confronting the God of Thunder, he's now immune to Thor's control of electricity. Spider-Man, though, contructs a device and with Thor's help, gets rid of Electro. Thor believes him dead, but at the end, we learn Spider-Man captured him and has him contained next to Sandman in Doc Ock's lab.)

Superior Spider-Man #6 (Continues from Superior Spider-Man #5, but after Avenging Spider-Man #18. Thor comments that he's teamed up with Spidey and that he's different. Captain America is in his new threads. Featuring two internet buffoons, The Jester and Screwball. These two play some antics on Mayor Jameson for their website and get away. Jameson calls in Spider-Man to apprehend them; at first Spidey declines, then he decides to deal out some revenge against the bullies. His Spidey "bugs" eventually find them and he goes into fighting mode. Jester and Screwball decide to turn this into a web event; it starts off funny, but Spidey gets mad and beats them to a pulp. The viewers watching now realize Spidey is different.)
Superior Spider-Man #7 ( This issue completely skips the events in Superior Spider-Man #6AU as if they never happened. You'll have to read the Age of Ultron event to figure out why. The events here follow Superior Spider-Man #6. The beginning and mid-stream of this issue is about Cardiac using his powers to save people. He infiltrates a police lot to acquire a life-saving device originally created by Doctor Octopus. Spider-Man, however, arrives on the scene to stop him. The original Peter Parker's psyche and influence have slowly been more powerful, and he can now move his body while Doc Ock is sleeping; we also find out that Ock can almost "hear" him. When Spider-Man prepares to severely strike Cardiac, Parker mentally yells "NO". In the confusion, Cardiac gets away. Spidey is then called to Avengers Tower, where Captain America and the rest decide to give him an intervention; they have noticed he's not acting right. They tell him to get a physical, proving he's the real Spidey, or else. Spidey decides his answer is "Or Else", and fights back.)
Superior Spider-Man #8 (Closely follows the previous issue. Notably, Spidey comments that Iron Man is in space. Of Spidey's close contact, Carly and The Avengers are most suspicious. Carly calls in help from a mysterious stranger, and The Avengers force the Web-Crawler into submission, knocking him out. When he wakes up, their scanning his physiology completely. Unfortunately for Peter, trapped in his own brain, they detect nothing out of the norm. They let Spider-Man go, but warn him. As soon as he's free, he assaults Cardiac's hideout. He makes a path to his helmet and then finds out that his past exploits have caused a young girl's dying condition. Instead of ripping the helmet off her, he completes her diagnosis and performs the surgery to save his life. He then offers Cardiac his support and leaves. Once he's back at Horizon Labs, though, we find out the sobering truth. Doc Ock now knows that Peter is still alive and residing in his head. Now he can hear him, and now he plans to get rid of him completely. Is that confusing or what?)
Superior Spider-Man #9 (Follows the previous issue, with a short, undefined break. Otto now uses his brain scanner and locates the memory fragment of Peter Parker in his head. He then attempts the extraction of the last vestiges of the true Spider-Man. Parker isn't going down willingly, though; as his thoughts crumble, he fights back with all his strength. Suddenly, the battle goes into the psyche with Otto and Peter facing each other like never before. Each hurls weaknesses at each other as they ploy their mental strengths. Each believes they are the better Spider-Man. The fight goes to near extinction for each, but in the end, it appears Otto gains the advantage. On the last panels, it appears he's beaten Peter Parker completely. The original Spider-Man may be gone for good.)
Superior Spider-Man #10 (Continues from the previous issue with an undefined break. There is a reference by Mary Jane that Peter has changed over a period of months. It seems like the original Peter Parker is now gone, purged. Spider-Man, no unbridled, first goes after White Dragon and The Owl, but not after letting them thin themselves out in a gang war. In the midst of earning his Doctorate, Peter now ignores Mary Jane, but begins to have a relationship with his tutor. As all this is happening, a new villain is lurking other the streets of New York City. He's called the Goblin King and he's learned how to get around all the Spider-bots watching.)
Superior Spider-Man #11 (Continues from the previous issue, but there is an undefined break in time. Starting with J. Jonah Jameson's call to spidey, the issue focuses on the execution of Alistair Smythe aka the Spider Slayer. Expecting a break-out, the web-crawler uses his "superior" tech to be ready. Once the execution commences, true to form, Smythe attempts to escape and Spidey is ready. At the end, though, there is one thing he may have not realized; Scorpion, Vulture, and Boomerang are also nearby and Smythe has them fixed up and freed. His request is simple: I helped you, now help me kill Spider-Man!)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Fearless Defenders, Facing The Doom Maidens


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Analysis: Marvel comes up with an all-female alliance, heralding a new brand of justice with Valkyrie, Misty Knight, and more deadly ladies of power. These first few issues do not follow a distinct story arc, but represent the origin of the characters coming together as their first villain attempts to revive an ancient Asguardian legend.

Fearless Defenders #1 (Has no chronological markers. Misty Knight has been retained by Annabelle Riggs to acquire Asguardian artifacts, but when she stops the smugglers, she assaulted by mercs with high-tech weaponry. She manages to escape with a piece. Once she gives it over to Riggs, it turns on, emitting an ancient song, and calling the dead in the area to undeath. Misty goes into action, but is surprised when Valkyrie on her winged Aragorn land and take to battle. Valkryie destroyed the artifact the end zombied-warriors fall. Searching for wisdom, she tells Riggs and Knight that she will consult with All-Mother. Riggs decides to go with her, and Misty plans on staying around as a bodyguard. By the end of the issue, we learn that a plot is hatching to awaken Doommaidens.)
Fearless Defenders #2 (Continues from the previous issue. This issue begins with mercenaries attempting to capture Dani Moonstar. She's ready for them and takes most of them out, but is eventually caught. When she awakens, she's in a stone encasement, captured by a woman who says she wants to become a Valkyrie. The story then cuts to Broxton, Oklahoma where the Misty, Annabelle, and the last Valkyrie are approaching Asgardia. When the reach the All-Mother, the learn about the Doom Maidens and their possible return. Hela, goddess of Death, appears, and Valkyrie goes immediately into a frenzy, attacking her. During the battle, though, Hela has her own champion: Warrior Woman, Hippolyta.)
Fearless Defenders #3 (Follows immediately from Fearless Defenders #2. Now that Hippolyta has appeared, Hela announces that she's chosen her as her champion. The All-Mother staves her command though, stating that Hippolyta, The Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Riggs will all go together to the source of the Doom Maiden trouble. That turns out to be Washington State. As they search, Dani is caught in the middle of a ritual, awakening the ancient Maidens. The girls arrive just in time to battle. The endgame is uncertain, but the female legends stop when they assume The Valkyrie is one of them.)
Fearless Defenders #4 (Follows immediately from the previous issue. Valkyrie is confused, but fights on. Something strange has her distracted. During the battle, though, the rest of the team manages to retrieve Dani and escape. They make a strategic withdrawal to one of Misty's safehouses. Valkyrie, having one of her visions, realizes the truth, that she is a Doommaiden and the rest will come for her. She splits the team up, leaving Misty and Annabelle behind. Misty has other plans, though, and calls on her Heroes For Hire resources.)
Fearless Defenders #5 (Follows immediately from the previous issue.  Valkyrie, Hippolyta, and Dani are fighting for their lives and the Doommaidens come in on flying dragons. About to be beaten, Misty shows up with multiple super-women, everyone from Thundra and She-Hulk to Black Cat and Black Widow. As the tide of the fight turns, though, Valkyrie herself unleashes. She's becoming consumed with her Doommaiden heritage; she's now in a rage.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

It's Reverie for The Secret Avengers


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Analysis: Compared to this series, X-Force and the previous Secret Avengers were child's play. Now building a true espionage force to accomplish their dirtiest missions, SHIELD has recruited a task force that forgets almost everything - who sent them, their objectives, and secrets that could implicate the organization. Main characters are Mockingbird, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD.

Secret Avengers #1 (Currently placed here because there are no chronological markers. Hawkeye and Black Widow team up with the latest Nick Fury incarnation to go on a mission involving the attempted assassination of The President. The target is Andras Bertesy, a drug-dealer and practitioner of the mystic arts. Surrounding the story is the strange case of memory lapses and redacted information. It turns out SHIELD is using specialized nano-tech on Natasha and Clint to keep them from remembering the truth should they become captured or a threat. At one point, Clint remembers be shot by three thugs, but it turns out it was actually Fury; they just manipulated the memory to make it acceptable. Andras is captured by the end of the story, and his plot was to use Darkforce energy to teleport a terrorist into the White House. When the plan finally enacts, though, Fury is waiting and kills the killer.)
Secret Avengers #2 (Continues after Secret Avengers #1 with an undefined lapse in time. Starting off with the focus on AIM and the new Scientest Supreme, they are having a breakthrough at one of their facilities, and moving forward in their plans. The story then shifts to the new Nick Fury in the villain-nation of Bagalia. He's buying Taskmaster out of prison there and gets double-crossed by the villain Crossfire. They manage to escape with the help of Mockingbird, Coulson, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, later offering him a job. Bagalia appears to be a consortium of super-criminals running the government, with villains also in the citizenry. As the AIM Scientist Supreme begins conversing with their Department Heads, though, we notice that Taskmaster, obviously a SHIELD double-agent, is now their Minister of Defense.)
Secret Avengers #3 (Continues from Secret Avengers #2, but there is an undefined time lapse. As Agent Fury and Director Johnson visit a tech expo, they are surprised to see that an Iron Patriot version of Iron Man is being shown and will be used as drones. AIM, now a diplomatic organization with their own country, arrives and begins to get into an altercation with Daisy. She strikes and then a fight begins. They kill a Senator and steal the Iron Patriot before leaving. Meanwhile, Maria Hill is tasking Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Mockingbird to unofficially breach the AIM headquarters. They take out a number of scientists and find a copy of the JOCASTA andriod. Or is it? At the end, The Scientist Supreme has some plans for Mentallo, and it involves the new Iron Patriot they acquired.)
Secret Avengers #4 (Continues from the previous issue. Using their new armor, AIM grabs the rest of the Iron Patriots and uses Mentallo's power to make them sentient. SHIELD brings in Bruce Banner aka Hulk to help them. As the behemoth, he jumps in to a mess of the Iron Patriots and destroys everything. Quickly after, though, they wipe his memory and make it look like it was a rampage of the monster of his own volition. Near the same timeframe, Mockingbird and her team are breaking into AIM Island; the plan is to assassinate the AIM Scientist Supreme.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Iron Man is GodKiller


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Analysis: The second story arc from Iron Man is the AvX: Godkiller plot. Now Iron Man is out in space; he's had interaction with the Guardians of The Galaxy and he's been exploring. Uniquely, this is also important to the Avengers vs. X-Men story arc, as it has some implications to the disappearance of The Phoenix.

Iron Man #6 (Has no chronological bearing at the time. This placement may be temporary. In Iron Man #5, the story ends that this suit will be built "weeks later". New "space suit" and new "PEPPER" a.i. After fighting and finishing up space pirates, Tony ends up on a ship with the Voldi, an ancient race whose teachings have reached the Kree and Shi'ar. It's his birthday and he tries to hook up with a Voldi princess, but she's disgusted by his hair. As his day gets worse, though, he's attacked by robots. Destroying them, he learns that they are cops and he's under arrest. He turns himself in to find out that they are arresting him for the destruction of "The Void Falcon", which you and I know as "The Phoenix". This issue has multiple banners. It is also part of an event called AvX Aftermath.) 
Iron Man #7 (Continues from Iron Man #6 after a short period. Tony is now a prisoner of the Voldi and has been called on to answer for crimes against their people and their god, which turns out to be the Phoenix Force. The issue is built a lot like a Star Wars movie, but ultimately the robot, or droid, supplying him with drinks reveals itself to be Recorder 451, a Rigellian creation unique to its kind because of a programming malfunction. Explaining it's origin, it tells Tony of a play to invoke Shay-Tah Run, a Voldi rite of combat. In Star Trek-like Captain Kirk fashion, Tony issues the challenge during his trial and ends up in an arena like a pit fighter. Fortunately for him, the Voldi suck at fighting; Tony beats them all up. At the same time, the Recorder is searching for Tony's armor, getting closer by the moment. But as Tony tires, the goal is for him to stay alive long enough for this plot to work. Getting worried, though, the Voldi Supreme Justicar begins to consider that Stark's success in combat may cause a problem. Her advisor comes up with a solution, and on the last page Tony meets his final opponent, Death's Head the Bounty Hunter.)
Iron Man #8 (Continues immediately from Iron Man #7. Death's Head begins attacking and all Tony can do is run. Elsewhere, Recorder 451 reaches the Iron Man armor and convinces the Pepper AI to rescue him. In the meantime, he steals the Voldi "Heart", a very special device. Back at the arena, Tony is saved as a moments notice when his armor flies in, knocking Death's Head away. He suits up and rockets back to his mobile armory. While gearing up, Pepper tells him something bad is happening back at the Voldi base. It the Celestials: they are now destroying the ancient race. Before Iron Man can turn and help them, Recorder 451 displays his image saying that they heart was a device they used to siphon power off The Celestials. Once he removed it, The Celestials killed them like a tick. It turns out all this was Recorder's idea: to lure Stark to The Voldi and use him as a distraction while he stole The Heart. Thanking Iron Man, he disappears.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Here's The New Nova!


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Analysis: Sam Alexander isn't Richard Ryder, but he's an unofficial member of The Nova Corps nevertheless. Inheriting the helmet from his often-absent father, Sam is now one of the youngest heroes around. He's fast and quantum-equpped, he's Nova!
Nova #1 (An origin story starring a young kid named Sam Alexander. His dad, a previous member of the Nova Corps, is now a janitor as Sam's school. Although he tells Sam and his sister stories from beyond the stars, Sam is skeptical. It's this same attitude, though, that gets him into trouble at school. After getting banged up one day, he's out for three days in the hospital. He wakes up, though, and is confronted by Rocket Racoon and Gamora, two Guardians of the Galaxy!)
Nova #2 (Continues from the previous issue without any breaks. Startled by the appearance of Gamora and Rocket Racoon, Sam runs out of his room for help; when he returns with a nurse, they're gone. Somehow Sam gets out of the hospital and tries on the helmet they left behind, though. That's when he gets a message from his dad about the burden and responsibility of using the Nova powers. Sam tries them out for a bit, and then returns to leave the hospital next morning. Later, he works on testing out the powers again, but forgets how to slow down. He eventually hits, or ends up, on the moon, before the presence of one of the Watchers.)
Nova #3 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. The Watcher refused to speak, but shows Sam the image of a coming fleet of warships. When Sam returns to earth, Rocket Racoon and Gamora appear once more. They explain their mission and begin training him. Later, they tell him of the coming threat and the Chitauri Armada. That's when Sam acknowledges the vision The Watcher gave him. Thinking they can plot their location, they send him on a "space jump" to find the fleet. Sam treks out in space; when he arrives, he's virtually in front of the Chitauri fleet. And they've just fired their weapon, The Ultimate Nullifier!)
Nova #4 (Continues immediately from Nova #3. Sam fights back, weaving and dodging with the power of the Nova Force at his command. He breaks into one of the Chitauri ships and comes face to face with a character known as Titus. It turns out Titus was once a friend of Sam's dad, but is now calling him a traitor. Sam and Titus argue about Jesse Alexander, but it doesn't change opinions; Sam blasts through the ship and finds the Ultimate Nullifier. He then returns to Earth, looking for Gamora and Rocket Racoon. There's no sign of them so he hides the device. Heading to the shed, he thinks his friends have returned, but it turns out to be Titus, the former Black Nova, who tracked him.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

The Guardians Of The Galaxy In The Wake Of War


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Analysis: Ever since the announcements and speculation of the 2012 Avengers movie, The Guardians of the Galaxy have been gaining in popularity. These aren't the Guardians of the 70's, they've been rebuilt in the last decade with Starlord, Rocket Raccon, Drax, Groot, and Gamora. Also integral to the silver screen and the Marvel NOW! reformation is Iron Man's appearance in space. He's going to play a part of their adventures as you'll soon see.

Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 (An origin issue of sorts, it delves 30 years back when J'Son of Spartax acccidentally lands on earth in a rural setting, meeting Meredith. She nurses him to health, but they also fall in love. Before he leaves, he gives her a special weapon designed only for him. The issue then moves to the younger years of Peter Quill, the child of Meredith and J'Son who never got to meet his father. His days growing up are tense, finally exploding on the night two brood soldiers kill his mother, invading his house. He manages to pull a shotgun and kill them first. In the tussle, he also finds the special gun his father left behind long ago. The issue ultimately closes with an adult Peter Quill, relaying his story to none other than Tony Stark, Iron Man, while on the Guardians ship. Iron Man then says "he's in" and prepares to join them in their fight.)
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (It's clear Iron Man has met with Peter, so this occurs after Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 and the recent Iron Man issues. Peter's dad, King of the Spartax Planetary system, warns him that Earth is now off limits to all others. The story then breaks to Iron Man, once out in space, who runs into a Badoon Phalanx and is targeted. While fighting, the Guardians come to his aid. But as ferocious as the Badoon are, they realize they are beaten and explode their ship. From the wreckage, they can see another ship heading towards earth. At the end, Peter suspects that his father knew this was going to happen; we see London under attack.)
Guardians of the Galaxy #2 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. Starlord and his team, with Iron Man joining them, go into action against the Badoon invasion of London. They attempt to radio for help, but all communications are blocked. One by one, each of the Badoon ships are taken out until the team stands alone with few wounds. Suddenly, Spartax forces appear and order Peter and the rest to drop their weapons for violating the Earth Directive of non-interaction with the planet. Throughout the issue, there is also a meeting of the galaxy's leader's, including the All-Mother of Asgardia, who warns the rest that they should not attack the planet because it is under her protection. The King of Spartax uses this threat as a means to set up the Directive.) 

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Thanos Rising


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Analysis: With the end of the Avengers Movie of 2012, we got an Easter Egg glimpse of their next big super-villain: It's going to be Thanos. He's always been popular since the Infinity Gauntlet story, having swooned Death and the near-destruction of the Universe. In Marvel NOW!, they're rebuilding his fandom. This 5-part mini-series is designed to draw new readers and prepare us for the next Avengers movie installment.
Thanos Rising #1 (Part 1 of a 5-part story. Thanos walks on his homeworld, Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, and begins remembering his childhood. He was born with a genetic mutation that made his skin purple; when his mother first saw him, she became insane and tried to kill him. She ended up in a solitary mental institution. As he grew, he became one of the smartest students; he also became frinds with Argus and Cythera. Later, a strange young girl approaches him one day and tells him about a cave; he takes his two friends there and it collapses on them. Buried alive, he tries to claw his way to freedom for days. Once he gets to an opening, he finds his friends eaten to the bone by lizards. He makes it back to civilization and the strange girl is there again, convincing him that he has something he needs to do. Thanos later returns to the cave and begins enacting retribution, killing all the lizards in the cave.)

Thanos Rising #2 (Part 2. Now in his teenage years, Thanos cravingly looks for the answer to life's mystery: a purpose. He's become the most gifted, most brilliant, in the school's history, even surpassing his teachers. But the strange girl is ever watching, influencing, and advising; even though he dissects small creatures, it isn't enough. He doesn't understand love. Convinced or manipulated, he captures two youths engaged in romance. He dissects them, completely the first murders on Titan since times long past. As people begin disappearing, no one truly suspects a crime, but his mother broods that she knows him. The same strange girl, whom he feels may offer him love, rebuffs him and says that he's actually found what he needs. He denies it at first, but later realizes that killing is what makes him complete. At the end of the issue, he plans on searching that aspect of his life more fully; he captures his mother and prepares to dissect her.)

Thanos Rising #3 (Part 3. After killing his mother, Thanos leaves to the outer rim of the galaxy and begins looking for "truth". He ends up joining a group of Space Pirates, using his wits to help them gain loot. Unfortunately, the Captain of the group hates him because he won't kill. Throughout the issue, Thanos mates and makes offspring with many alien races, but never finds love. Near the end, the Captain attempts to kill him, but Thanos in a moment of bliss, opens his eyes and realizes he's killed his enemy. The issue then resumes to where Thanos is walking on the dead moon Titan, staring over his mother's grave. The woman who has always haunted him from youth, surprisingly, is also there. Thanos professes his love for her, but she says he'll have to give himself to her fully. There can be no others. And that's when Thanos begins tracking down all his previous mates and children, killing them for her.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

The Return of Cyclops


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Analysis: Although the story of Scott Summers has already commenced, this section deals intrinsically with his plans. It actually begins in AvX: Consequences #1-5, but unfolds in Marvel NOW! through Uncanny X-Men, where he begins recruiting new mutants to train. Unlikely alliances follow his guidance with the likes of Magneto and Magik. Scott and those mutants who once held the Phoenix Force are now changed. Also provided here is Cable and X-Force issues where the appearance of Cyclops is part of the story.

Uncanny X-Men #1 (No chronological markers in this issue that set it anywhere except past Scott's escape from prison. Maria Hill of SHIELD is visited by a mutant whose face we can't see until the end. This character then tells her all the details of Scott Summer's rise to cult fandom in the nation, as well as his missions to gather awakening mutants. But he also relates how Scott's power is on the fritz and acting unpredictably. By the end of the issue, the character is revealed to be Magneto, now playing a new role, and preparing to betray Scott.)
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Continues after Uncanny X-Men #1, and noticeably at the end, you have the armored-up Hulk and new-costumed Captain America. Mostly an issue about resolving differences, Scott and Emma talk about their past and how they are coming to terms. Emma decides to stay with Scott because she's a good teacher, but she's not sure about the Revolution. Scott shows the new mutants the Sentinel threat and explains the grand scheme of mutantkind, but some of the kids still want to make amends at home. Scott has Magik teleport them to Australia, leaving Magneto behind. Big mistake: Magneto warns SHIELD of their location. When the X-Men appear, Captain America and the Avengers are jumping in to take them down.)
Uncanny X-Men #3 (Continues immediately from Uncanny X-Men #2. Starting from the showdown, it's mostly a contest of words. Captain America attempts to place them under arrest, but Scott will have none of it. As a matter of fact, they place some of the blame on the Avengers, for breaking the Phoenix Force. At some point, though, a fight almost occurs when suddenly, one of the new mutants creates a time bubble and freezes the Avengers. Scott's team leaves and teleports back to their hideout. There, they find out Magneto gave away their position. But surprisingly, he also explains he did it to get in good with SHIELD and others to learn more about their plans against mutantkind. His excuse is that he needed everyone ignorant in case psychics attempted to learn the truth. In that last few pages, Scott gets an idea and teleports with Magneto, Magik, and Emma to the Jean Grey School, preparing for some unrevealed confrontation.)
All-New X-Men #9 (Continues from All New X-Men #8, but has a scene at the end which correlates to the scene at the end of Uncanny X-Men #3. Kitty has the team train in their Danger Room while testing their powers. Jean continues to show her new talents and eventually uncovers that Scott has met with Mystique. Scott won't talk, though, and keeps quiet throughout the issue. Meanwhile, Mystique disguises herself as Maria Hill, taking Sabretooth to The Raft and freeing Lady Mastermind to join her group. Elswewhere, Angel queries the newly-mutated Beast about the Mutant Genocide and he responds that this is what he's trying to avoid. Tempers rise and fall throughout the issue, but all are stunned when Scott Summers - this era's Cyclops - appears with Magneto, Magik, and Emma Frost, at their front door.)
All-New X-Men #10 (Continues immediately from All-New X-Men #9. (Centering around Cyclops' appearance at the Jean Grey School, he and his team tell everyone that they are opening their own school for mutants, preparing them for harsher realities to come. There's a lot of back and forth animosity and explanations over Xaviers death and the fact that Summers is naming his center the "Xavier School". At the end, though, the Cuckoo triplets leave and one other mutant, who no one expected. Elswhere in the issue, Mystique and her group continue their exercises and make an 18 million dollar grab. SHIELD is now alerted the Mystique's attack which freed Sabretooth and the Lady Mastermind, and they check in with the Jean Grey School, alerting them.)
All-New X-Men #11 (Continues immediately from All-New X-Men #10. Kitty, Jean, and the rest are stunned that Warren would want to leave. Jean attempts to force him psychically, but the Cuckoo triplets face off against her. She's untrained and loses the fight. With tempers flaring, the present version of Cyclops, with the past version of Warren, leave. The members of the school are sad and confused with Angel's decision. Kitty warns Jean that she can't use her powers to force people anymore; she has to be responsible for her actions. Later on there's an attack of mutants on a Stark Resilient factory. It's actually Mystique and her team, but they are appearing like the young X-Men. Kitty, Logan and the past X-Men head to investigate it, but their aircraft is downed. When they step outside to meet their aggressors, it's Havok, Captain America, and the Uncanny Avengers.)
All-New X-Men #12 (Continues immediately from All-New X-Men #11. Young Scott meets his brother Havok like its the first time, learning lots of history in the process. Meanwhile, Jean, upon seeing Scarlet Witch, finds out how she destroyed the mutant race. This causes her to lash out at the Uncanny Avengers. Fortunately, no one takes to battle. Captain America tells them about the black-and-gold X-Men sightings, but Wolverine defiantly says it's Mystique behind the ruse. The groups break off on better terms, but Wolverine directs his team to go after the mutant shape-shifter.)
Uncanny X-Men #4 (Continues from the previous issue, but for syncronicity, works best after All-New X-Men #11. Most of this issue involves the encounter between Cyclops' team and the team at the Jean Grey School, which is detailed in All-New X-Men #10, #11. What's new is Emma Frost's telepathic conversation with the Cuckoo triplets. Once they encounter ends, the story goes into much of the training and integration of the new mutants. It also begins alerting us that Magik is starting to have demonic problems of her own.)
Uncanny X-Men #5 (Continues from Uncanny X-Men 4. The word is out now; Magik reveals that her powers are starting to break apart and become unpredictable like everyone else who once held the Phoenix powers. She relates how she was summoned to Limbo and had to fight Dormammu. She also reveals that the Darkchilde took hold of her to win the battle. As the new members, the Cuckoo triplets and young Angel, are meeting the rest of the team, Magik has another attack and everyone is transported to Limbo. Scott attempts to get her to focus, but her Darkchilde personality is now in control.)
Uncanny X-Men #6 (Continues from the previous issue. Dormammu is now using Magik as his focus as he attempts to take over Limbo and become its ruler. He prepares to kill all the X-Men, but Emma convinces the Cuckoos to make the newest members brave and fight. The battle is still ongoing as the issue ends. Meanwhile, Agent Hill is dealing with all the anti-mutant tech after all the events of the past and decides that a mutant expert - one who is also a mutant - will be needed. She enlists Dazzler as an Agent of SHIELD.)
Cable and X-Force #6 (Continues after an undefined break from the previous issue. Cyclops is noticeably in his new costume, and we're currently not sure where this happens during the Uncanny X-Men titles. So it may be moved in the future. Peter is no longer in Mexico, but imprisoned on The Raft, escorted by Wolverine. Logan reminds him that they'll probably throw away the key. During his stay, which could be days or weeks, Kitty uses her powers to spy on him. She wants to make amends, but doesn't know how to approach him anymore. Near the middle to end of the issue, though, Domino and Boom Boom stage a breakin; ironically, it's not to free Pete, but to grab an incarcerated alien. While Cable is preparing their escape, though, he's met by his father, Cyclops, who wants to speak.)
Cable and X-Force #7 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. Cyclops appears to have no other purpose but to help Nathan stick a thorn in SWORD's side. While they are talking, the organization sends a ship to attack. Meanwhile, Forge and Dr. Nemesis are attempting to pilot the alien's craft towards the place where it is imprisoned. Domino pleads with Pete to walk free, but he's stubborn and wants to pay for his previous crimes against humanity. Down at the bottom of the installation, Boom Boom attempts to free the alien; some difference in understanding causes a struggle, but eventually the ship and it's master meet up. The alien creates a huge portal for Pete to head towards freedom, then leaves.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Wolverine and Shanna are Savaged!


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Analysis: With Marvel NOW!, Wolverine is going to get a lot of titles. Savage Wolverine just happens to be one of them, the main theme being his more bestial nature. In this first story arc and plot, he's dropped into The Savage Land and meets with Shanna, the She-Devil and Amadeus Cho. Their character development is also important to the evolution of this huge event.

Savage Wolverine #1 (No chronological markers, but this appears to be an encounter best left towards the end of this event.. This issue could be moved at a later date. Guest-starting Shanna of The Jungle, Logan plops into The Savage Land and finds himself on a cursed island that won't let him leave. He tracks his way to a downed SHIELD aircraft and encounters Shanna who tells him that she was aiding a mapping mission when they lost power. For eight months, she and the SHIELD operatives have been trying to survive. Now, she is the only one left. She also tells Logan that they located an ancient machine in the mountain that they were going to explode. He takes the explosive and pockets it, suddenly they are attacked by "Reapers". Wolverine takes one out, but is plummeting to earth as this issue ends.)
Savage Wolverine #2 (Continues immediately from Savage Wolverine #1. After Logan hits the ground, he and Shanna still have to fight their way to survival. The issue goes indepth into how well the two work together. In the meantime, Amadeus Cho appears in the Savage Land out of nowhere and begins to "survive" his way to a tribal chief, where he can learn what's happening. He uses his technical powers to appear as a diety.)
Savage Wolverine #3 (Continues from the previous issue with an undefined break. Cho questions the tribal elder and learns that the Forbidden Island houses a sleeping creature called a "Dark Walker". The tribe, throughout the ages, has been tasked with killing interlopers who might try to awaken it. Cho also learns of Wolverine's and Shanna's presence; he leads part of the tribe to them while they are engaged in battle, just as Shanna gets a mortal wound and Wolverine gets thrown over the cliff. Cho attempts to rescue Shanna, but the elder's medicine is not powerful enough. He suggests a special ritual. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the cliff, Wolverine gets up and is furious, threatening to kill everything on the island.)
Savage Wolverine #4 (Continues from the previous issue. Cho and the tribal chief move Shanna's body to a sacred area and finds a Man-Thing resting within. Using part of it's natural power, Shanna is resurrected; now she is bonded to the Savage Land with increased strength, speed, and powers. Slightly confused, Cho explains to her the reason the island exists; that's when she takes off, worried that Wolverine might detonate the bomb and free the imprisoned alien. Arriving just in time at the pyramid, she stops Wolverine from making a fatal error. But in the midst of their victory, another being appears: The Hulk!)
Savage Wolverine #5 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. No one knows from what place or time the Hulk came from, but he does seem to recognize Cho and the others. Amadeus convinces both Hulk and Wolverine to stand down; as they back away, though, a huge ape attacks Hulk. Shanna takes out the gorilla and Logan stabs Hulk in the head. You have to wonder if something like that would kill the green guy, but it doesn't. Because of the battling, the monstrosity within is now freed. Hulk reappears and grabs the bomb from Shanna; he leaps with it towards the monster, but is smacked away towards the ocean and eaten by a huge sea creature before he lands. The Cthulu-like creature than flies towards the sky and is seen leaving the galaxy where it arrives on a planetoid-like craft. We then learn it is a herald of the god-like creature Visher-Rakk, and has found its master a new galaxy to devour.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

An Uncanny X-Force Reborn


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Analysis: Led by Ororo and Psylocke, the offshoot success that followed Uncanny X-Force in the past has now been revitalized with a face-lift. The jury will be out for awhile as these two femmes recruit Puck, bring back Fantomex and his clone lover, and maybe even recruit Bishop and Spiral, to the fold. Please note the first issue in this arc is Wolverine and The X-Men #24. This is intentional because it establishes Storm's old, but new, Mohawk hairstyle.

Wolverine and The X-Men #24 (Occurs after the events in All-New X-Men because Beast is now mutated and the time-travelled X-Men have decided to stay with The Jean Grey School of Higher Learning. In an attempt to reveal a series of relationships, this issue shows Ororo attaining the Mohawk and getting romantic with Wolverine. Kid Omega finds telepathic friendship, and some desire, when he finally meets Jean Grey. Bobby and Kitty go out, but it's so boring that they decide to switch gears and use their powers to have one of their best dates ever. And lastly, Idie is still heart-broken about Broo's critical condition, but suddenly he wakes up and attacks!)
Uncanny X-Force #1 (The key element from this issue is Storm's haircut. She's now sporting the mohawk. Also, Betsy asks her about her romance with Wolverine. Right now, the best placement for this is behind Wolverine and The X-Men #24. An origin-based issue, it starts off centered on Betsy Braddock aka Psylocke who can't find her place among the world's mutants anymore. Wolverine prompts her to leave the Jean Grey school and Storm decides to play babysitter and follow her around while she follows a mission. She ends up at a California bar where Puck, formerly of Alpha Flight, is residing. He points her to the dealer of a new drug called Tao. When Storm and Psylocke look, they realize it's Spiral. Psylocke immediately goes on the attack while Storm and Puck check out her vault. As these events transpire, the issue cuts to France where Fantomex and his clone, Cluster are in the middle of a job. They escape and we see that he and her are romantically involved.)
Uncanny X-Force #2 (Continues immediately from Uncanny X-Force #1. They fight continues with Spiral attempting to get away with the newest mutant. This girl appears to have some form of psychic influence and the six-armed ninja doesn't want to let her go. Meanwhile, across the city, Bishop has appeared from the end of time. He's more feral - something's really changed in him. Betsy and Ororo continue their fight with Puck at their side and finally find where Spiral has holed up. Suddenly Bishop explodes unto the scene. And he's after the new mutant girl, as well.) 
Uncanny X-Force #3 (Continues from the previous issue. Betsy wakes up next to Storm and Bishop is gone. After a quick debriefing, though, they have Puck free Spiral and teleport to Ginny's location. It turns out to be a subway. From the darkness, Bishop strikes. Spiral uses the battle to grab Ginny and teleport into a Subway train. Betsy hits Bishop with her psychic knife attack, but suddenly enters his mind. Inside, it's a confusing world of psychic dangers. She's trapped.)
Uncanny X-Force #4 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. Betsy fights a strange Owl and Bear in Bishops mind, but is knocked out before she can truly arm herself. Meanwhile, Spiral and Ginny are found; the enraged Bishop faces her as explosions go off. Fantomex and his female clone are not far off; they're about to arrive in the area until Dark Fantomex appears and begins battle. Storm revives Betsy as she's expelled from Bishop's mind; they locate the battle but are too late; Bishop wins and Ginny disappears. They all witness a "Ghost Owl" visage in the wake. Puck knocks a newly-aware-but-confused Bishop out, but no one truly understands what just happened. At the end, Ginny is at a bar; the Ghost Owl image burns on her forehead and she calling herself a  four thousand years old.)
Uncanny X-Force #5 (Continues from the previous issue. With Storm at her side, Betsy psychically enters Biship's mind and reveals a "past future" where he becomes a member of "The Order". Revenants, vampire-like creatures who infect humans, run rampant and he becomes a hunter. In this mind, which Betsy and Storm are trying to repair, Bishop is trapped by the Ghost Owl who turns out to be the Queen of the Revenants. Learning this, Betsy reveals the Demon Bear, which is a crucial entity and element in repairing Bishop's mind. All this is going on while, externally, Puck gets drunk with Spiral. As they are getting liquored, Dark Fantomex steals Betsy's body.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Sif Is The Berserker


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Analysis: Lady Sif is one of the interesting characters of Asgard that Marvel has decided to give more substance. Although her future remains unwritten, she's the center of the Journey Into Mystery titles at the onset of Marvel NOW! The plot is actually her origin, and turns out to be critical in her development.

Journey Into Mystery #646 (This issue has no chronological marker, but is bound to events on Asgard. Lady Sif stars as the warrior-woman, having survived Surtur's attack. She begins to question what Asgard has become and goes on a quest that leads her to the doorstep of Nidhogg the Corpse Eater. She gives him a tribute for information; she seeks more power. Following his clues, she finds Aerdis the Teacher and convinces her to bequeath the berserker incantation. Before Aerndis can leave, however, Sif decapitates her. Later, she is seen in a bar on earth, wanting to deal more death...)
Journey Into Mystery #647 (Continues from Journey Into Mystery #646 with no other chronological markers. Lady Sif broods over her insurmountable unease at a bar. She returns to Asgardia and begins acting erratic, even harming Fandral and one of Volstaggs' daughters. When Volstagg here's of this, he angers, but his wife convinces him to speak to Heimdall who is Sif's brother. Heimdall confronts Sif and he learns that she has used the Berserker Incantation. She battles him and strikes a dangerous blow; in response, he sends her to another dimension or land, facing a huge creature.)
Journey Into Mystery #648 (Continues from Journey Into Mystery #647, but also shows the Superior version of Spider-Man at the end. This means that the issue resolves after Superior Spider-Man #1. Therefore, The next issue of Journey Into Mystery will take place then. Sif battles the Robot Moster and though the fight is bloody, she completely skewers it. As soon as it ends, though, she is attacked by Einhar, Bodvar, and Svip, three Berserkers, not unlike herself. They explain that, long ago, Odin commissioned 100 Berserkers to pledge their life and fight in this strange land, keeping non-Asgardian monsters out. After defeating them, Sif hears this tale and decides to lead them against the greatest monster in the realm. A Black Lake creature. She attacks, but soon thereafter, all of them are pulled in. The journey leads them through a strange vortex, ending up in New York where they come face to face with the new, Superior, version of Spider-Man.)
Journey Into Mystery #649 (Continues from Journey Into Mystery #648. With quick exchanges, SIf and her team, with Spider-Man, begin fighting a race of Spider-creatures who also came through the vortex. They dispatch their foes, but all across the world, monsters from the dimension, which followed Sif to Midgard, are appearing. The world's heroes are working at taking them down as soon as they show up, but Sif is concerned with getting him. She manages to get a message to Asgardia where Heimdall sends Bifrost to pick her up. As soon as she gets there, though, she attacks, appearing to sever his head.)
Journey Into Mystery #650 (Continues from the previous issue. It turns out that the slain being is not Heimdall at all, but a golem of some sort. Sif and her mean travel to Asgardian and finally met her true brother who says she had no sanction to return. She goes to visit Aerndis and finds a shrivaled old witch who tells her that it was all her and the Berserker Charm was a trick. She just need the license to kill. Lastly, she shows Sif some strands of the black lake and tells her that the monster and it are one, needing to be fed. The story then goes to Broxton where Svip is in Berserker Fury; Sif then realizes that he's betrayed his people, often feeding the Black Lake Monster his own kin. Using the strands she obtained, she shoves the last bits in Svip's mouth and he's sucked away. The story then shifts to March where Sif and the remaining members of her team settle down to mortal pleasures.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Thor Faces The God Butcher


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Analysis: The adventures of Thor are written in a very historical perspective, but starts off with the god of thunder facing a villain that specializes in murdering other gods. One important aspect of this title is the nature of the storytelling; it includes tales of the past and future, including the mystical realm of Asgard, giving the entire character a deific aura.

Thor God of Thunder #1 (There are no chronological markers in this issue. Set in three times, we see the Thunder God of the Ancient Norse Myths, The Present Thor, and The Future King, Thor Odinson, of a nearly destroyed Asgard. In the five-part story arc A World Without Gods, he learns of and reveals Gorr the God Butcher to readers. This creature remains unseen throughout the issue, but is the key element of the immortal deaths faced at each point in time.) 
Thor God of Thunder #2 (Continues from Thor God of Thunder #1, and appears to be exclusive to other occurrences in the Marvel NOW event. Thor, in the past, travels to the Slavic lands where he encounters two more dead gods. Flying off upon one of their steeds, he is ambushed by the God Butcher and locked in battle. Before this foul being can harm him, though, he summons a thunderbolt which blasts them from melee, providing him safety. In the present day, Thor finally manages to dispatch the guardian creature left behind at the lair of the dead gods. He recognizes Gorr's passage and vows to follow his trail.) 
Thor God of Thunder #3 (Continues from Thor God of Thunder #2. There is an appearance of Iron Man, briefly, but not distinct chronological markers. With jumps between past and future, the present-day Thor travels to Omnipotence City, a nexus of the gods, where he does research in the Hall of Lost Gods. After some studying he realizes that many of the ones that disappeared were killed. When he returns, Iron Man helps him locate the cave where he, long ago, battled the God Butcher. He enters and faces him again. Inside, he faces a defenseless creature telling him that the dying gods are his fault. Then he is ambushed by the shadows.)
Thor God of Thunder #4 (Continues from Thor God of Thunder #3, and occurs in three different parts of the timeline. Bannered. In the past, Thor is chained and captured by Gorr, who begins interrogating him. The God Butcher wants to know all about the Asgardian Gods, intending to make Thor his last prize. In current times, the shadowy attacker turns out to be Shadrak, a Mad God. Thor pities the deity and questions him about Gorr, learning a single-worded clue "Chronux". Returning to the Hall of Lost Gods, he finds it in the midst of an attack by Gorr's Berserkers. Thor fights them off and finds the book of the Hidden World, Chronux, before it burns to ash. It turns out that Gorr has been to Chronux and forcing their last God of Time to send him through the timeline. In the future story, old King Thor is beaten, but the Berserkers refuse to deliver the killing blow. They return him to his throne. King Thor pulls himself away, trying to fight again, while seeking to give up. Suddenly, a flash appears, and the present-day Thor steps forth, looking for Gorr.)
Thor God of Thunder #5 (Continues from issue #4. Beginning to bring all three stories together, we learn of Gorr when he was born to the day he tortured Thor and was beaten back by his Vikings. We then see Gorr as he tortures the last Time God and enact his sinister plan. The Modern-Day Thor arrives, but is too late, seeing the fleeing villain. He follows him to the future where King Thor sees him appear. Unfortunately, though, he's about 400 years late. The final pages of the issue show Gorr is about to unveil his plan to rid the cosmos of all deities.)
Thor God of Thunder #6 (Continues from the previous issue with an undefined lapse in time. Most of this issue is a full origin of Gorr, The God Butcher; we see how his tribe and family were extremely pious, but savaged by the land and starvation. These scenes continue until he is cast out as a blasphemer, until the moment he witnesses a meteor strike and comes upon two immortal figures entwines in death throes. The black figure is dead, but the shining figure is barely alive. Gorr slays it, thinking it is a God, and adopts the weapon of the dark champion. The issue then fast forwards to Gorr standing over a thin, starving Volstagg. Now running slaves and mining pits, he has Asgardians and other gods preparing his ultimate weapon, which is part of his plan.)
Thor God of Thunder #7 (Continues from the previous issue immediately. Thor sees his future self, appearing much like Odin. He has many questions. The All-Father Thor then explains that Gorr has been attacking for thousands of years, taken the Asgardians, either killing them or having them work in his mines. But with his youthful visage in front of him, his strength is renewed. The two go forth on a ship, preparing to take on Gorr one final time. In the meantime, the story cuts to Omipotence City where the Librarian fears all is lost. He orders The Parliament into session. And at the last moment, he learns that one God, Shadruk, is the deity of bombs and has taught Gorr to make a huge, universe killing weapon.)
Thor God of Thunder #8 (Continues from the previous issue. Trapped as a slave on the world with the God Bomb, young Thor attempts to be unruly, but learns his actions cause pain for the others. He also meets his Grandchildren, the future Goddesses of Thunder from another age. While in a secret meeting, they explain that they've amassed enough material to make a bomb of their own, destroying Gorr's weapon. All this is happening while Present and Future Thors head to Gorr's homeworld. Young Thor grabs the explosive material and makes it to the weapon, blowing it. His body is unscathed, but is flung from the planet, landing in the Longship of his Present and Future selves. Together the three learn his explosion had no effect, but now they are heading back and preparing to fight in a war of the Thunder Gods.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

The Thunderbolts are Enlisted


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Analysis: Deadpool was originally in this section, but once Deadpool #6 came out, it was obvious that the superheroes hadn't changed costumes yet. Anyhow, The Thunderbolts here are an arbitrary placement because they are operating on their own and have little to nothing to do with any other heroes. Overall, the focus is on Red Hulk's recruit of Deadpool and the rest of this new team of Thunderbolts. These are good guys who know how to act like bad guys.

Thunderbolts #1 (Deadpool has now been recruited and it appears his side adventure with the dead Presidents is over. Gen. Ross is now starting up a new team, although it's not quite clear if this is a truly government-sanctioned force like the Thunderbolts of before. In this beginning, he is talking with captured Frank Castle, but the story goes into the recruitment of other heroes like Deadpool, Venom, and Elektra. By the end of the story, he convinces The Punisher that his style of crime-fighting is perfect for their team.)
Thunderbolts #2 (Continues from Thunderbolts #1. Ross sets up their first mission, to unseat the tyrannical government in Kata Jaya. Assembling the group, they wear gamma-shielded armor, with Punisher and Venom taking front. He then sends Deadpool and Elektra to head in to another location, but they are stopped at the waterfront and captured. Venom and Punisher are upset that Ross is keeping some of the information from them, but he tells them that he has the "intel" coming. On the last page, it appears he is reviving Samuel Sterns aka The Leader.)
Thunderbolts #3 (Continues immediately from Thunderbolts #2, without chronological markers. Bannered. Deadpool learns that Red Hulk is reviving The Leader for information, but is going to keep him from his short-term memory. Meanwhile, Punisher and Venom or training resistance forces; they lead an assault an an ammo depot and take it over. Elektra is now in captivity and introduced to Dr. Philip Sterns, a super-villain called Madman who is also The Leader's brother. It turns out that this is why Red Hulk is reviving him. Venom and Punisher return to team HQ and see The Leader; as Red Hulk and Deadpool try to explain, Punisher shoots him in the head.)
Thunderbolts #4 (Continues immediately from Thunderbolts #3. Red Hulk immediately takes off with Stern's body. Meanwhile, most of the issue goes back and forth with flashbacks to show how Kata Jaya and General Awa came to this state of affairs. Although they want to disband, Deadpool and Punisher take on Madman while Venom goes in to rescue Elektra. Not surprisingly, she doesn't need saving; when she's ready, she makes the General kill himself. As the issue concludes, we get a shot of Red Hulk washing Sterns over with a huge pipe emitting gamma energy.)
Thunderbolts #5 (Continues immediately from Thunderbolts #4. With Awa dead, some of the soldiers attempt to rise up, but they are confused. Ross, now unconscious, is being led by Sterns; they both meet Mercy, a mysterious, violet-haired woman who claims Sterns has all the knowledge and that he can know everything. She plans on helping him. Meanwhile, Punisher and Elektra are fighting to the death as some soldiers are still trying to keep the regime running. It turns out they are romantically involved. Deadpool is doing his same mirthful antics, turning over Madman to the rebels, but not before Venom grabs him, thinking he'll be needed for other things. It all revolves around an underground lab Venom encountered which hooked up lots of subjects to an experimental brain consciousness.)
Thunderbolts #6 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. Mercy is the strange character in this story, she appears before Ross and Sterns, then Venom, where she kills the rebels, and then disappears. Meanwhile, the group is coming together at Sterns remembers the code; it appearantly unleashes all the data that was contained in his mind. He had uploaded it into the internet before he was comatose. As Venom brings Madman into the lab where the group is assembled, the super-villain changes back into his huge form and attacks. But Sterns whispers the code in his ear and his brain explodes. The team now realizes that Ross has some other reasons for being here; he helped build a gamma unit housed in the area. After learning that a ship carrying a deadly device left three days ago, they prepare to take a submarine to follow it.) 
Thunderbolts #7 (Continues from Thunderbolts #6, after an undefined time period. While on the sub, tensions rise. Deadpool isn't happy with Elektra and Punisher's romance and Venom is upset with Red Hulk's lying. A meeting is called on a lower section and Venom attempts to lead a Coup against Red Hulk. It doesn't work, however, and they are beaten. Stern continues to analyze the data, but it's clear he's getting sicker; he's bleeding from the nose. What he does learn is different from Ross's theory. It's not a gamma bomb, but a gamma battery being built. And it's empowering some version of a crimson Dynamo army.)
Thunderbolts #8 (Continues from the previous issue after an undefined break. The Thunderbolts, Red Hulk leading, crash in on a terrorist-spy in Chechnya and extracts the arms-dealer information from him. Then they kill all the terrorists around. The story also breaks to a lecture on Terrorists and person giving the speech. His prominance in the story is still unknown. The last part of the issue moves to Dagestan where the team surrounds an arms-deal negotiation. During their stakeout, Deadpool attempts to kill Punisher out of jealousy. Unfortunately for him, Punisher had Elektra waiting with a sniper rifle across the street. Deadpool is shot in the head. This warns all arms-dealers and the team strikes. Once they have the main negotiator, they try to extract information from him. That's when his phone rings, he answers it, and everything explodes.)
Thunderbolts #9 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. Just before the explosion, The Thunderbolts go into action. Red Hulk throws the dealer through the roof and they barely make it free of the blast. Still attempting to escape, they are faced against gamma-powered Crimson Dynamo units. They take as many as they can out, but Venom is wounded during their escape. Deadpool also recovers and makes his way out with the team, completely unaware of who shot him. Once they reassemble, Red Hulk goes into detail for their next kill mission. Arthur Vanko is the nephew of Ivan Vanko, the former scientist and creator of the Crimson Dynamo. He's also the person responsible for the cell phone bombs. As they set their mission parameters, though, American Intelligence is attempting to get a bead on them from their last exploits. Facial recognition captures Elektra's face, but refuses to reveal her identity without proper SHIELD clearance. The agents are dumbfounded until they get word of Orestez Natchios referring to the incident and asking to help find his sister.)
Thunderbolts #10 (Continues from the previous issue with an undefined break. Orestez, aside from being related to Elektra, is dealing with Vanko and the terrorists using the Dynamo armor. They've figured out they are being betrayed and use a failsafe to control their armors. In the meantime, Orestez murders Vanko and throws him out a window. Ross has the team go on the hunt for Orestez, ending up in the middle of a city, but it's obvious he knows they are there. With cell phones going off around them, an explosion is near-imminent. As the Red-Hulk, Ross has the citizens put the devices down and walk away. He answers one of them.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Parental Liabilities For The Young Avengers


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Analysis: Surrounding The Young Avengers, Marvel rebuilds this team with some of their core members and some new additions. This is another newly rebuilt title, giving us an indication that Marvel NOW! wants to appeal to younger readers. Or maybe they're looking for their next breakout hero? Ironically, it's Young Loki, helping them to assemble. Also note that Avengers Assemble Annual #1 is placed here at the end because of The Vision's tie to two of the children.

Avengers Assemble Annual #1 (Iron Man is in his latest armor. Captain Marvel is in her new outfit, and The Vision meets with Wiccan, probably after the events in Young Avengers #1. Centering on The Vision, he and some of the other Avengers take on Sunturion, a super-powered employee of Roxxon Oil that learns he is dying. Although the issue has battle, it's really about Vision finding his own identity and coming to terms about himself. Sunturion is a lot like him, and during their fight, he realizes that he needs to begin a process to help himself. It ends with The Vision leaving the Avengers and meeting with Wiccan of The Young Avengers.)

Young Avengers #1 (Once again, we have an issue that lacks chronology, and actually moves into alternate dimensions. Beginning with Kate Bishop and No-Varr in outer space, they are beset upon by Skrulls. Meanwhile, down below on earth, Hulkling and Wiccan are in a spat over Hulkling still using his powers. Wiccan thought they agreed to give it all up, but realizes that Hulkling knows no other life, even mentioning how things have changed when his mother died. After their talk, Wiccan starts looking into other realities and pulls Hulkling's mom out of one where she was alive. In one other disjointed plot, young Loki is eating at a restaurant when he's plucked out of the air and standing before Miss America. She is about to pummel him when Hulkling arrives and Loki teleports out. There's a lot of confusion, but Wiccan shows Hulking his mother. At the end of the issue, though, she's not exactly a good person.)
Young Avengers #2 (Continues from Young Avengers #1. Noticeably, there's a scene showing The Uncanny Avengers at a table. Moving quickly, Hulkling wakes and quickly finds that his mother isn't normal. Wiccan perceives a similar problem with his folks. They fight and flee, heading to Avengers Mansion for help. Wanda says she can help, but they only return them to their parents. Now captured, Loki appears and helps them escape. He takes them to a diner where they plot how to get the parasite creature out of their parents. Wiccan and Hulkling decide that Asgardia has the answer and force young Loki to go with them. Once there, though, they encounter Laufey the Frost Giant, who they thought was dead and isn't too happy to see the young god.)
Young Avengers #3 (Continues immediately from the previous issue. Loki's true father, Laufey, begins battle, but is quickly subdued when Miss America shows up. Loki teleports them to MJ's Club and after some discussion, they learn that Wiccan's spell got twisted and parasitic aliens are appearing as all their parents. But before they can do anything about it, Hulkling's mom and the rest of the parents find them. They are captured again!)
Young Avengers #4 (Continues shortly from Young Avengers #4. Noh-Varr and Kate Bishop aka Hawkeye, appear and rescue the captured kids, freeing them from the goop, but not before his parents-who-should-be-dead show up. As the team assembles on his craft, they explain what's going on. Battle ensues and the craft lands in a park. Suddenly, Loki realizes a flaw with the parasite and tells Wiccan to loan him his power for 10 minutes. Again. This time, Wiccan agrees, giving it to the demigod who, promptly, teleports away. As all the parasitic, alien parents rush to attack, the Young Avengers wonder if they'll ever survive the next moment.)
Young Avengers #5 (Continues immediately from Young Avengers #5. Loki, it turns out, hasn't left. He's preparing a defense against the parasite. As Wiccan swerves towards suicide as a means to end the parasitic "Mother", the god of mischief appears and keeps him from self-fatality. Loki then invokes a ritual that makes each hero act as a living counterspell. They attack the parasites and destroy them. Then, taking Noh-Varr's ship, they head out of town. Loki explains that Wiccan's parents are infected with the parasite and that none of the kids can return to the place where their parents died...or else the parasite parents will return. This turns them into a loose affiliated team. Noh-Varr decides to stick around because of Kate and Miss America figures it's best if she keeps a continued watch on Loki. The issue ends with them coming together as a team.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW

Fantastic For Four Or More, Marvel NOW!


Click Here: The Marvel NOW! Reading Order

Analysis: Reed Richards and his infamous "Quad" of heroes are being considered a major part of the Marvel NOW! event. Although there's been less attention on the Fantastic Four over the years, Marvel refuses to let them disappear. And most of us agree: we love the team. That said, this section has two major titles intertwining, telling a bigger story. Fantastic Four mainly covers the journey of the first superhero family through space and time; sorta like an episode of Lost in Space. Meanwhile, back on the ground, Reed has put Scott Lang aka Ant-Man in charge of the Baxter Building. Lang and three other counter-parts are standing in as the "proxy" Fantastic Four. They're also in charge with the schooling for the FF aka The Future Foundation, a consortium of youthful brilliance. So what are the changes? Mostly, it's superficial and costume. Expect more to come as the event concludes. Chronologically, The Fantastic Four leave on New Years' Day; it's the mark of a new beginning.

Fantastic Four #1 (The FF's story is a five-parter and includes FF #1. Since there are no chronological markers, it can be contained in it's own section. Reed, Ben, Johnny, and Sue are busy fighting through space and time. When they arrive back home, Reed and Sue realizes that Franklin needed his mom and she wasn't there. In addition to that minor plot, Reed's arm is damaged, seemingly at a cellular level. Performing scans on his DNA, he finds out that his powers are causing a rapid cellular decay, something that will likely be occurring to the other three members of the team. Using "the family" as a motive, Reed suggest they take the Pestilence spacecraft and go on a year expedition with the entire family. Meanwhile, he true reasons are still hidden.)
FF #1 (Reed references the degenerative state of their powers, putting this issue after Fantastic Four #1. Preparing to embark on a journey that will take them at least a year, Reed Richards and the rest of the Fantastic Four look for suitable replacements to act as a temporary team as well as instruct the FF classroom. Richards chooses Scott Lang aka Ant-Man. The Thing picks She-Hulk. Sue picks Medusa, and Johnny, for some reason, hasn't picked anyone, but his hanging out with a musical star, Darla Deering.)
Fantastic Four #2 (Occurs after the proxy Fantastic Four of Ant-Man and the others are chosen in FF #1. Reed prepares to take his journey, performing some more tests on his DNA with Ant-Man. Meanwhile, Medusa meets the class of young students and She-Hulk works out with Grimm. When the proxy Fantastic Four meets, Johnny realizes he hasn't actually chosen anyone, so he grabs Darla Deering, who reluctantly agrees. The team then straps into their time-space-ship and blast off, leaving the new group behind for what is expected to be 4 minutes. Or is it?)
FF #2 (Continues from Fantastic Four #2, where the team just blasted off through a chronal manifold. Ant-Man and the team wait as the clock ticks down; it's only supposed to be about 4 minutes. But the press goes chaotic when the Richards and crew don't return. In the meantime, as they try to figure out how to handle the situation, the Mole Man comes from below the earth to challenge the new team. They beat him up and take him out, but afterwards, Darla quits because she's just not cut out for superhero work. At the end, the chronal manifold that has been shining above Baxter Building suddenly flares and the Human Torch comes forth. Or it is? He lands on the Baxter roof and tells everyone that the Fantastic Four is dead.)
FF #3 (Continues from FF #2.. The FF does all the checks on this version of Johnny Storm, and each one verifies that he's the original. During that time, he tells them that Doctor Doom, Annihilus, and Kang the Conqueror have joined forces; the other three members have been destroyed. Meanwhile, during the interlude, Scott attempts to woo Darla back to the team. He buys her flowers, and is present when the Yancy Street Gang attempts one of their antics. They give chase for awhile and stop them cold. During that time, Darla decides she should return. In the last few pages, Scott has decided that if the Fantastic Four is gone, they should try and solve one of Earth's greatest problems: Doctor Doom.)
FF #4 (Best continued from FF #3, where they are still discussing Doctor Doom's removal. Alex contests the idea of getting rid of Doctor Doom and mentions Cassie's death to Scott. Scott goes ballistic and kicks Alex out of class. The remainder of the issue then goes into She-Hulks date with Wyatt Wingfoot. At the same time, the Moloids, with Bentley's help, attempt to ruin the date with all the technological wonders at their disposal. Of course, none of it works and Bentley is shamed at the end of the night. But that's when Medusa comes in says she wants him to become the best he can be.)
Avenging Spider-Man #17 (Stated to Occur after the Fantastic Four have disappeared into space. Because of a threat in the Microverse, the proxy Fantastic Four call in Spider-Man-Octavius to babysit. Most of the issue goes into the antics throughout the school, but the plot then becames the appearance of the Time Variance Authority with a bounty hunter named "Death's Head" set to exterminate the FF. It turns out that the Bentley clone was building a chronal device. The TVA also knows Spider-Man is not Parker right now, so Otto has to juggle things around to keep him ruse secret. At the end, in a whisper he threatens Bentley and everything seems to be fixed. Of course, Spidey is still a host for Otto's mind, and not surprisingly, he finds where the Fantastic Four have kept Sandman's body.)
Fantastic Four #3 (Continues from Fantastic Four #2 and FF #2 from the original timeline, but can take place simultaneously with FF #3. Bannered. The story begins with Earth's New Year on January 1, 2013 as they arrive at unique-formed planet they're calling Zeta Doradus. The team takes a shuttle down to the surface and shortly after the landscape begins attacking them. Ben is still on the main ship and reveals to them that it is a huge part of an even larger planet-sized creature. He drops into the atmosphere and strikes at anything he can as the shuttle lifts off and manages to get away. It turns out that Zeta Doradus is basically part of the creature's tongue and a "lure". As the Fantastic Four head away, Reed and Sue promise to act more safely and not put the kids near any immediately uncertainty or danger.)
Fantastic Four #4 (Continues from Fantastic Four #3, but the time difference is undefined. Built as a Valentine's Day tribute, the team travels to a new planet with an earth-like atmosphere and spends time with the alien race who tells them that they have a cave mural depicting them. On the next day, they visit the cave and the leader of the race tells Susan that she could be their queen. But the irony of the story is Reed's narrative comments and where he recognizes that he's been taking Susan for granted. It turns out that he travels back in time and is the one who placed the drawing there. By the end of the issue, Sue is getting suspicious, starting to detect something is wrong. By the last panel, Reed admits he's been hiding something.)
Fantastic Four #5 (Continues from the previous issue where they are jumping through time and space. Now appearing in Rome at the time of Caeser, the team continues their "vacation". But now Sue knows about Reed's illness and wonders if will affect the rest of them. Meanwhile, Johnny, Ben, and the kids actually meet Caeser, only to learn by his admission that he is a time travelling alien commandeering his body; the real Caeser died in a previous battle so the alien possessed him. But like in history, Caeser is then captured, with Johnny and Ben thrown in the arena. A creature named Cacus, son of Vulcon is released and Ben goes into a fury, ultimately defeating him. At the end, Caeser is believed to have died, but secretly is whisked out of the city. He meets the rest of the Fantastic Four before they depart. By the end of the issue, the story cuts to November, Present Day times where the man once known as Caeser is reading about the team's departure and their replacements. He then states that he will repay his debt.)
Fantastic Four #6 (Continues from Fantastic Four #5 and assumes that whatever happened in Fantastic Four #5AU never occurred. Teaching his kids about the "Big Bang", Reed pilots the ship to the beginning of time so they can observe it. Surprisingly, there is an alien creature there, entombed in an armored prison. Reed decides to pull it onboard and that's when they find out that it's Blastarr. They fight and the ship is damaged; it can no longer sustain itself. Brainstorming, Franklin decides that he has the only solution; with his powers, he pulls the team along the chrono-stream to the end of time, from where the villain had come.)
Fantastic Four #7 (Continues from the previous issue. Now at the end of time, The Fantastic Four meet an alien race that plans to welcome the event. They hold Blastaar captive and will send him to the beginning of the universe as punishment. Reed begs them to put the criminal in his custody, but they refuse. Using their powers, they switch Blastaar's body with Ben Grimm, The Thing, who has just turned human, a minor side-effect that will occur for only one day. Reed explains to the alien that they need to keep Blastaar from returning to the beginning of time to save their own lives. The team then leaves and goes to new destination for Grimm's adventure. The whole group is now aware that they are decaying, but there are no complete answers yet.)
Fantastic Four #8 (Centering on Ben Grimm. The Thing gets one day a year to turn human, and he uses this occasion to go back in time and help Ira Rosenbaum of Yancy Street. At this stage of time, the roaring 20's, Yancy Street is full of thugs who are a lot like the mafia. As Ben Grimm, he beats them up and runs them off. But as his human-ness wears off, they return and he fights them as The Thing. Meanwhile, Valeria and Franklin have a "dream" they share with their parents, and this leads them to ask Ben serious questions when he returns.)
FF #5 (Appears to run before Fantastic Four #5, but the original team is jumping around through time and space. Medusa brings her son and Lockjaw to meet the kids at the Tower. Crystal also shows up with her daughter. Meanwhile, old John Storm goes crazy and burns the city; lucklily the team brings him down and some of the royal sea-kids summon a Sea Monster to drop water on the place. Alex Powers makes an attempt to meet Dr. Doom, but so far no luck. At the end, though, Medusa appears with The Wizard and The Frightful Four in front of Bentley.)
FF #6 (Continues from FF #5. With numerous characters running around, the main plot is about Darla's problem with the Yancy Street Gang. Their upset because she's standing in for The Thing. Besides hacking her iPhone, they crash one of her events. Scott Lang manages to find them out and blackmail's them into leaving her alone. All this happens in the backdrop of Medusa and Bentley's disappearance; She-Hulk and Ahura tell the Inhumans and Lockjaw is sent with them to continue the search. At the end of the issue, though, the Baxter Building is somehow transported to the Negative Zone.)
FF #7 (Continues from FF #6. Now brought into the Negative Zone, Scott Lang assembles the kids and prepares them to fight. The Wizard and Blastarr have Bentley-23 and are mind-controlling Medusa. It's all a plot based on The Wizard wanting Bentley back into his "family". The fight begins and the bad guys are winning until Bentley-23 creates a clothes device to trap Blastarr's energy. The villain is then catapulted into space where a wandering battle-craft approaches upon him.)

This is a Story Arc Summary Page provided by The Superheroes List. If you're just arriving, Marvel NOW! is a reformation of the Marvel Comics Publishing Group, reinventing and revitalizing their great superheroes and villains to the latest era. Are you interested in what's happening with Marvel NOW!? Well you're not alone. You can find the Reading Order and more information at The Marvel NOW! Reading Order. Twitter #MarvelNOW
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