~Excerpt from Batman #6 (2012), prelude to The Night of The Owls
The premiere event for 2012, DC Comics pushed The Dark Knight to his limits in a nest of pervading and inevitable doom with Night of The Owls. Starting with Batman #1 (2012) and stretching to encompass Nightwing, Catwoman, and nearly all the other members of the Bat Franchise, this story nearly clawed the Wayne family name and resources from history.
With a backdrop of over two hundred years of legend, the demonstrative and far-reaching power of Night of The Owls culminates in a single evening of mass assassinations; powerful beings called Talons, with heightened strengths and regenerative abilities, have been unleashed to remove elite figures from Gotham City's hierarchy. Bruce Wayne is one of the earliest targets; it turns out that a "Court of Owls" has been operating under his nose, secretly residing within Wayne buildings and using Wayne assets for years.
As each chapter unfolds, the immensity of danger grows to include relatives of his past and even his former sidekick, Dick Grayson, who was intended to serve as one of their killers. The sickening truth is that The Court has been waging a silent war with Batman for years, meticulously plotting to undermine and ultimately destroy him. And at the single moment of unveiling, when The World's Greatest Detective learns of their existence, it's too late. (Or is it? You'll have to read it to find out.)
Why does Night of The Owls resonate so strongly? Because when Batman beats a foe, it's not due to super powers. It's not because he's lucky. The truth is, it's hard to take him by surprise; his mental and preparedness keep him one step ahead of danger. And if, by some chance, he gets into a jam, he can call upon wealth or technological resources for any particular situation. But that all goes away in this tale; now, he is at a complete disadvantage with everything at stake.
The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!
SuperBabe #10: Ya'Wara
~Ya'Wara, from Aquaman #7 (2012)
Introducing The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012
If you were trying to second-guess all the other things going on in the comic book world this year, you might be surprised to know that a lot of changes and updates are happening to the super-powered ladies. To commemorate the news, we're going to gather them into a Top 10 list and let you check them out in all their glamor. This will be called The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012. Here, you will get some comic book brain candy as well as some nice photo shots of those woman taking a center stage.
Super Babe #10: Ya'Wara
If you're wondering how to start a list of this magnitude, you do it with a the first appearance of this beauty in Aquaman #7 (2012), a dark-skinned, scantily-clad heroine, known only as Ya'Wara. Putting an alternative slant to DC Comics' Vixen, she's more bestial, revealing, and carries an air of feral allure; her origin remains to be detailed as of yet, but she just arrived in full barbaric fury, to kill an enemy that was aiding Aquaman. Read More.
Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.
Introducing The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012
If you were trying to second-guess all the other things going on in the comic book world this year, you might be surprised to know that a lot of changes and updates are happening to the super-powered ladies. To commemorate the news, we're going to gather them into a Top 10 list and let you check them out in all their glamor. This will be called The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012. Here, you will get some comic book brain candy as well as some nice photo shots of those woman taking a center stage.
Super Babe #10: Ya'Wara
If you're wondering how to start a list of this magnitude, you do it with a the first appearance of this beauty in Aquaman #7 (2012), a dark-skinned, scantily-clad heroine, known only as Ya'Wara. Putting an alternative slant to DC Comics' Vixen, she's more bestial, revealing, and carries an air of feral allure; her origin remains to be detailed as of yet, but she just arrived in full barbaric fury, to kill an enemy that was aiding Aquaman. Read More.
Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.
The Deathbeaters
~X-Factor #238 (2012)
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
John Stewart: Guilty
~Green Lantern Corps #10 (2012)
John Stewart was sentenced to death last week in a guilty verdict under the authority of the Alpha Lanterns in Green Lantern Corps #10. His execution is was to be staged at a later time.
In this issue, we are once again seeing a Green Lantern trial, much like the one during the Justice League Animated series, where their roll as "cosmic" police officers are in question when they cross the line. The atrocity here is that some of their decisions require a heavy toll on morality and a failure to act could cost many more lives.
Playing the role of unbending arbiters, the Alpha Lanterns are this week's villain. Unconditionally, they believe they are serving the role of justice and the higher good. But there is a strangeness - and we see it often in media - when the law can't account for exceptional circumstances, even when the action dutifully saved others.
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday, and yes, this is Thursday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
John Stewart was sentenced to death last week in a guilty verdict under the authority of the Alpha Lanterns in Green Lantern Corps #10. His execution is was to be staged at a later time.
In this issue, we are once again seeing a Green Lantern trial, much like the one during the Justice League Animated series, where their roll as "cosmic" police officers are in question when they cross the line. The atrocity here is that some of their decisions require a heavy toll on morality and a failure to act could cost many more lives.
Playing the role of unbending arbiters, the Alpha Lanterns are this week's villain. Unconditionally, they believe they are serving the role of justice and the higher good. But there is a strangeness - and we see it often in media - when the law can't account for exceptional circumstances, even when the action dutifully saved others.
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday, and yes, this is Thursday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
Spidey Suit #1: The FF Spider-Man
~Excerpt from FF#1 (2011)
On the heels of a terrible tragedy befalling The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man received his latest spider-suit, which coincidentally, turned out to be the one clamoring with popularity in 2012. And while there's no certainty that this is warranted attention, these new threads have been getting all the talk and stirring up the most views. Dubbed the FF Spidey suit, it's sometimes called the Ghost - or White - Spider costume.
Are you sure you like this suit? Well, the debate is still on. A lot of the attention could be due to its origin; after the death of Johnny Storm, Reed Richards refitted the Fantastic Four moniker, The Future Foundation ("FF" for short), and adopted Spider-Man as their newest member. Parker was then given this suit in FF #1 (2011), matching the newest style for the whole team. Read More...
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
On the heels of a terrible tragedy befalling The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man received his latest spider-suit, which coincidentally, turned out to be the one clamoring with popularity in 2012. And while there's no certainty that this is warranted attention, these new threads have been getting all the talk and stirring up the most views. Dubbed the FF Spidey suit, it's sometimes called the Ghost - or White - Spider costume.
Are you sure you like this suit? Well, the debate is still on. A lot of the attention could be due to its origin; after the death of Johnny Storm, Reed Richards refitted the Fantastic Four moniker, The Future Foundation ("FF" for short), and adopted Spider-Man as their newest member. Parker was then given this suit in FF #1 (2011), matching the newest style for the whole team. Read More...
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
Batman Tragedy #5: The Death of Robin
~Excerpt from Batman #428 (1989)
When the Joker shot Barbara Gordon in the stomach, we thought he had reached the pinnacle of villainy: ending the career of a superhero. But we were wrong. Way wrong. Less than a year after that ill-fated crime, Joker returned to raise the bar, add one more notch to his insane list of accomplishments. And it was all thanks to you, the readers, because that's when he killed Robin. (Not my fault, really.)
Depicted in the story arc A Death in the Family, from 1988 to 1989 with Batman #426-429, this event takes place far away from Gotham; Bruce Wayne is now training a new sidekick, Jason Todd, with great skill, but easily angered. Sensing the potential for problems, Batman takes him out of action. At the same time, Jason has none of it and abandons the Batcave. The story then takes a turn where he searches for his real mother; the dynamic duo work out their differences, but end up in the Middle East where Joker is dealing out his latest scheme.
If you want to talk about a tragic ending, look no further: Todd finally finds his mother, but she's a twisted, tormented soul and leads him into Joker's trap. She literally takes advantage of his last shred of innocence and trust and turns him over to the madman. Pages later, Batman's greatest villain beats Robin to death with a crowbar.
How did it happen? Why, it was all thanks to a poll. DC held a hotline where readers could vote at a cost of 50 cents per call. (Multiple calls? No problem!) The result was 5,343 to 5,271: Robin would die. Humanity exposed its cruel fangs and took Jason Todd out. And certainly, this time, Joker had the last laugh.
The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!
When the Joker shot Barbara Gordon in the stomach, we thought he had reached the pinnacle of villainy: ending the career of a superhero. But we were wrong. Way wrong. Less than a year after that ill-fated crime, Joker returned to raise the bar, add one more notch to his insane list of accomplishments. And it was all thanks to you, the readers, because that's when he killed Robin. (Not my fault, really.)
Depicted in the story arc A Death in the Family, from 1988 to 1989 with Batman #426-429, this event takes place far away from Gotham; Bruce Wayne is now training a new sidekick, Jason Todd, with great skill, but easily angered. Sensing the potential for problems, Batman takes him out of action. At the same time, Jason has none of it and abandons the Batcave. The story then takes a turn where he searches for his real mother; the dynamic duo work out their differences, but end up in the Middle East where Joker is dealing out his latest scheme.
If you want to talk about a tragic ending, look no further: Todd finally finds his mother, but she's a twisted, tormented soul and leads him into Joker's trap. She literally takes advantage of his last shred of innocence and trust and turns him over to the madman. Pages later, Batman's greatest villain beats Robin to death with a crowbar.
How did it happen? Why, it was all thanks to a poll. DC held a hotline where readers could vote at a cost of 50 cents per call. (Multiple calls? No problem!) The result was 5,343 to 5,271: Robin would die. Humanity exposed its cruel fangs and took Jason Todd out. And certainly, this time, Joker had the last laugh.
The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!
Go Get Em' Deadpool!
~Deadpool #56 (2012)
Deadpool has lost his powers; now he needs to refine his skills with the help of his old nemesis, sometimes best pal, Taskmaster.
After losing his powers, Wade Wilson joins his cohort with a straight-up-the-middle plan in Deadpool #56; he's going to attack a secret SHIELD installation in Nevada and get some Pym Particles. This is clearly a two-man operation: Deadpool leads an all-out frontal assault while Taskmaster gets the treasure.
By the way, did we mention Deadpool has LOST HIS POWERS?
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
Deadpool has lost his powers; now he needs to refine his skills with the help of his old nemesis, sometimes best pal, Taskmaster.
After losing his powers, Wade Wilson joins his cohort with a straight-up-the-middle plan in Deadpool #56; he's going to attack a secret SHIELD installation in Nevada and get some Pym Particles. This is clearly a two-man operation: Deadpool leads an all-out frontal assault while Taskmaster gets the treasure.
By the way, did we mention Deadpool has LOST HIS POWERS?
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
Spidey Suit #2: Scarlet Spider (Kaine)
~Excerpt from Scarlet Spider #3 (2012)
In the recent months (2011-2012 for those of us reminiscing), Peter Parker has gone through quite a wardrobe malfunction of designs. That's not to say that every creation has been dismal; on the contrary, these next two submissions are the quintessential portraits of latest Spider-Man fashion. So, before you search through all your web-head comic books trying to figure it all out, here's number two: the Scarlet Spider suit modified for Kaine.
A heavier, darker, crimson with black face and shoulders, this isn't your "friendly" neighborhood wall-crawler - nope - not at all. Then again, Kaine is more of an anti-hero, in the venue of The Punisher. And nothing gets this across better than a black facemask with large, glaring, blood-red eyes.
The glamor behind this suit is not only the colors or theme; the red and black put a chilling effect on observers like the Venom suits of old. But this is actually a modified version of the recent stealth suit, the one Parker was using in 2011. And that means it can turn him virtually invisible.
Although there have been other versions of The Scarlet Spider, this one appeared first in Scarlet Spider #1 (2012), receiving it's own title. (Special Note: Technically, Marvel Point One (2011) offered a glimpse at this costume first.)
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
In the recent months (2011-2012 for those of us reminiscing), Peter Parker has gone through quite a wardrobe malfunction of designs. That's not to say that every creation has been dismal; on the contrary, these next two submissions are the quintessential portraits of latest Spider-Man fashion. So, before you search through all your web-head comic books trying to figure it all out, here's number two: the Scarlet Spider suit modified for Kaine.
A heavier, darker, crimson with black face and shoulders, this isn't your "friendly" neighborhood wall-crawler - nope - not at all. Then again, Kaine is more of an anti-hero, in the venue of The Punisher. And nothing gets this across better than a black facemask with large, glaring, blood-red eyes.
The glamor behind this suit is not only the colors or theme; the red and black put a chilling effect on observers like the Venom suits of old. But this is actually a modified version of the recent stealth suit, the one Parker was using in 2011. And that means it can turn him virtually invisible.
Although there have been other versions of The Scarlet Spider, this one appeared first in Scarlet Spider #1 (2012), receiving it's own title. (Special Note: Technically, Marvel Point One (2011) offered a glimpse at this costume first.)
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
Nothing Stops The Rhino
~Amazing Spider-Man #687 (2012)
Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich is the super-villain known as The Rhino. Equipped with a near-indestructible hide, he won't go down easily.
Last week, Aleksei had a pretty terrible villainous moment in Amazing Spider-Man #687 when Dr. Octopus started a process to obliterate nearly all the world's population. With Silver Sable in tow, the wall-crawler skittered through the madman's lair in a last ditch effort, but was brought to a halt when Rhino blocked their way.
If you've ever seen the Rhino before (he first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #41 (1966)), you might not expect this level of intensity and callousness.
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich is the super-villain known as The Rhino. Equipped with a near-indestructible hide, he won't go down easily.
Last week, Aleksei had a pretty terrible villainous moment in Amazing Spider-Man #687 when Dr. Octopus started a process to obliterate nearly all the world's population. With Silver Sable in tow, the wall-crawler skittered through the madman's lair in a last ditch effort, but was brought to a halt when Rhino blocked their way.
If you've ever seen the Rhino before (he first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #41 (1966)), you might not expect this level of intensity and callousness.
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
TWIC: As The World Burns...
~Excerpt from X-Men Legacy #268 (2012)
The week of June 13, 2012, while evolving some plotlines, is beginning one to a close. As well, buzz is starting to surface of a movie to come.
Avengers vs. X-Men - The hosts of The Phoenix are on earth now; we know they are purging the world of "problems" (such as guns, war, etc.), but the extent of their control is - as of yet - unknown. X-Men Legacy #268 (2012) gave us a brief glimpse of the struggles to come. In addition to that release, you can view a couple of detailed battles on the moon in AvX: Versus #3 (2012) with The Thing vs. Colossus and Black Widow vs. Magik.
Night of The Owls - The DC event is almost over. Batman, however, has only just begun. After exacting a couple of clues, he found a lead on the Court of Owls and is closing in. By the end of Batman #10 (2012), a complete twist emerges and could change the known history of Bruce Wayne. (It's unlikely, but you'll have to read it to find out.) Batman #11 is probably the final issue of the event (should arrive around July 11th.)
Before Watchmen - Now underway, this week's release is Before Watchmen - Silk Spectre #1 (2012) and details Laurie Jupiter's background. It doesn't comprise a lot of action, but does give a more rounded, historical perspective of the female member of The Watchmen. The real question is whether DC will do more harm than good to Alan Moore's TPB.
Iron Man 3 - Tony Stark's next flick is on the way; they released some new picks. The latest rumor is that he'll be facing The Mandarin. Sorry no official site yet, though. But here's the first set photo from Marvel.com.
Now...let's see what's coming this week, shall we?
The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC
The week of June 13, 2012, while evolving some plotlines, is beginning one to a close. As well, buzz is starting to surface of a movie to come.
Avengers vs. X-Men - The hosts of The Phoenix are on earth now; we know they are purging the world of "problems" (such as guns, war, etc.), but the extent of their control is - as of yet - unknown. X-Men Legacy #268 (2012) gave us a brief glimpse of the struggles to come. In addition to that release, you can view a couple of detailed battles on the moon in AvX: Versus #3 (2012) with The Thing vs. Colossus and Black Widow vs. Magik.
Night of The Owls - The DC event is almost over. Batman, however, has only just begun. After exacting a couple of clues, he found a lead on the Court of Owls and is closing in. By the end of Batman #10 (2012), a complete twist emerges and could change the known history of Bruce Wayne. (It's unlikely, but you'll have to read it to find out.) Batman #11 is probably the final issue of the event (should arrive around July 11th.)
Before Watchmen - Now underway, this week's release is Before Watchmen - Silk Spectre #1 (2012) and details Laurie Jupiter's background. It doesn't comprise a lot of action, but does give a more rounded, historical perspective of the female member of The Watchmen. The real question is whether DC will do more harm than good to Alan Moore's TPB.
Iron Man 3 - Tony Stark's next flick is on the way; they released some new picks. The latest rumor is that he'll be facing The Mandarin. Sorry no official site yet, though. But here's the first set photo from Marvel.com.
Now...let's see what's coming this week, shall we?
The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC
Batman Tragedy #6: The Killing Joke
~Excerpt from The Killing Joke (1988)
There can be no tragic list of events without paying homage to Batman's greatest nemesis: The Joker. Almost everyone knows of this villain, but few - except for the Dark Knight scholars among us - understand the depth of the relationship between this pale, ghostly-skinned, laughing psychopath and the Bat. Batman strives to prove justice must prevail; he will not kill. The Joker is spurred by the need to show humanity's insane cruelty; for him to succeed, good men like Batman must be driven to madness before they can die. The irony - and dare we say punchline - is the numerous fatalities and shattered lives resulting as a consequence of their philosophies.
This, in turn, represents two very terrible moments. The first, in this submission, comes from The Killing Joke. Written in 1988 by Alan Moore, this highly-acclaimed Batman-Joker story is where Joker came to Barbara Gordon's place and brutally shot her in the stomach. Almost killing her, it took a sharp turn in the Dark Knight franchise and history for decades.
From The Killing Joke, Batman and Joker have never been the same. Neither has Batgirl (Barbara's original identity). In all liklihood there would have never been an Oracle (Barbara's next crime-fighting incarnation) or a Birds of Prey (The female supergroup led by Oracle). And the real joke? The worst was yet to come...
The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!
There can be no tragic list of events without paying homage to Batman's greatest nemesis: The Joker. Almost everyone knows of this villain, but few - except for the Dark Knight scholars among us - understand the depth of the relationship between this pale, ghostly-skinned, laughing psychopath and the Bat. Batman strives to prove justice must prevail; he will not kill. The Joker is spurred by the need to show humanity's insane cruelty; for him to succeed, good men like Batman must be driven to madness before they can die. The irony - and dare we say punchline - is the numerous fatalities and shattered lives resulting as a consequence of their philosophies.
This, in turn, represents two very terrible moments. The first, in this submission, comes from The Killing Joke. Written in 1988 by Alan Moore, this highly-acclaimed Batman-Joker story is where Joker came to Barbara Gordon's place and brutally shot her in the stomach. Almost killing her, it took a sharp turn in the Dark Knight franchise and history for decades.
From The Killing Joke, Batman and Joker have never been the same. Neither has Batgirl (Barbara's original identity). In all liklihood there would have never been an Oracle (Barbara's next crime-fighting incarnation) or a Birds of Prey (The female supergroup led by Oracle). And the real joke? The worst was yet to come...
The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!
Loki Arrives In England
~Journey Into Mystery #639 (2012)
Loki Lauyfeyson has been sent on a super-special "secret" mission to aid Otherworld. He was silently dispatched by Asgardia after they publicly stated they could not interfere in another pantheon's internal affair.
If you're not familiar with Captain Britain lore, Otherworld is the home of all magic and carries a deep connection with the British Isles; currently, though, a war encroaches on this mystical land between these beings and the gods of "Manchester" Fearing they will lose, a call rose for the aid of Asgardians and anyone who would help them fight.
This latest issue of Journey Into Mystery shows us the continuing humor woven into the fabric of a young Loki, as the Child-god of Mischief travels with Leah, Hela's Avator.
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
Loki Lauyfeyson has been sent on a super-special "secret" mission to aid Otherworld. He was silently dispatched by Asgardia after they publicly stated they could not interfere in another pantheon's internal affair.
If you're not familiar with Captain Britain lore, Otherworld is the home of all magic and carries a deep connection with the British Isles; currently, though, a war encroaches on this mystical land between these beings and the gods of "Manchester" Fearing they will lose, a call rose for the aid of Asgardians and anyone who would help them fight.
This latest issue of Journey Into Mystery shows us the continuing humor woven into the fabric of a young Loki, as the Child-god of Mischief travels with Leah, Hela's Avator.
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
Spidey Suit #3: Original Spider-Man Suit
~Spider-Man #3 (1990)
Somewhere down this list of mysterious, alien, or outright, strange fittings, the costume that put Spider-Man in the annuls of historical greatness had to fit. Many of you might think it's #1; after all, this is the same suit that Parker has been returning to for the last 40 or more years. He must be doing something right.
The funny thing about the Spidey's original suit, the ironic thing, is the color scheme; most people will tell you they've never seen a red and blue spider. But that's exactly what Peter Parker sewed together; based on a dark blue background, this costume is cleverly adorned with bright red arcs and chevrons of design. On the red patterns are the stylized web tracings. To complement the entire suit, the mask is full, without any openings, accented with two, one-way mirror, eye covers, and the underarms are fitted with "webbing" underneath (they've never really had a purpose, though).
This suit first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962), the same time Spider-Man got his powers. Although it has gone through some artistic redefinition, it has always been extremely popular and belongs at (or near) the top of any list.
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
Somewhere down this list of mysterious, alien, or outright, strange fittings, the costume that put Spider-Man in the annuls of historical greatness had to fit. Many of you might think it's #1; after all, this is the same suit that Parker has been returning to for the last 40 or more years. He must be doing something right.
The funny thing about the Spidey's original suit, the ironic thing, is the color scheme; most people will tell you they've never seen a red and blue spider. But that's exactly what Peter Parker sewed together; based on a dark blue background, this costume is cleverly adorned with bright red arcs and chevrons of design. On the red patterns are the stylized web tracings. To complement the entire suit, the mask is full, without any openings, accented with two, one-way mirror, eye covers, and the underarms are fitted with "webbing" underneath (they've never really had a purpose, though).
This suit first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962), the same time Spider-Man got his powers. Although it has gone through some artistic redefinition, it has always been extremely popular and belongs at (or near) the top of any list.
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
Stormwatch: Good, Bad, or what?
~Stormwatch #10 (2012)
In the modern era, we've been increasingly faced with conflicts of good, evil, and decisions of morality; no longer are superheroes the "good guys" because they were capes and don't rob banks. It's becoming much more complex.
In Stormwatch #10, the same scenario is playing out: this is an organization that has existed for centuries, run by a mysterious "Shadow Cabinet". Although their goal is to protect the earth from alien invasion and threats - noble in purpose and scope - it turns out that they've conducted assassinations, replaced and rewritten histories, and taken a very totalitarian perspective when conducting their business.
As you read this issue, the question will undeniably surface in your thoughts: Are these heroes on the right side of good or are they a worse threat than the ones they fight?
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
In the modern era, we've been increasingly faced with conflicts of good, evil, and decisions of morality; no longer are superheroes the "good guys" because they were capes and don't rob banks. It's becoming much more complex.
In Stormwatch #10, the same scenario is playing out: this is an organization that has existed for centuries, run by a mysterious "Shadow Cabinet". Although their goal is to protect the earth from alien invasion and threats - noble in purpose and scope - it turns out that they've conducted assassinations, replaced and rewritten histories, and taken a very totalitarian perspective when conducting their business.
As you read this issue, the question will undeniably surface in your thoughts: Are these heroes on the right side of good or are they a worse threat than the ones they fight?
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
TWIC: Minute By Minutemen
The "Stuff" for June 6, 2012.
Once again it's time to hear about The Week In Comics with some quick, short updates of the world of superheroes as they battle their way to infamy.
Avengers vs. X-Men #5 released last week for that event and the deadly entity known as The Phoenix finally arrived where Hope and the two teams were fighting: Earth's moon. Things didn't go exactly as planned, though, and now The X-Men, 5 of them, are hosts to the machinations to come.
Unfortunately it was a slow week for Batman's Night of The Owls. Nothing came out for the story.
If you were anticipating the Before Watchmen event, you can now sit back and relax. Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1 (2012) released and it gives you an intro into the whole roster of their earliest characters. From the perspective of Hollis Mason, he recounts each member, giving a brief profile.
Marvel's Spider-Man Movie project is starting their promotional for the July 3rd film release; now you can pick up Amazing Spider-Man Movie #1 (2012), which shows the character wearing the movie version costume and fighting crime for the first time.
Are you a fan of The Thunderbolts? Sorry to hear that; it appears the series just concluded. Here's a glimmer of hope, though; it may redeem the criminals-serving-as-heroes in your eyes. Dark Avengers #175 (2012) just released, and it's picking up right where Thunderbolts #174 ended. But it's all new characters comprised in this supergroup.
Lastly, on the Comic Book News front:
DC Comics recently announced The New 52 "0" Month, which will be releasing in September 2012. All the comics that month will be number #0 and there will be four new titles releases. More to come; I'll make a summary page for all that information this week. By the way, it was also announced that Alan Scott was the gay person to come out of the closet. Personally, I don't consider him a major character, but in Earth 2, it appears he'll become one.
Marvel, with Avengers and Spider-Man going strong this summer, is gearing up for their next release: Iron Man 3. But here's a tidbit of info; word came out from Latino Review that Marvel might produce a Black Panther movie. Likely for 2014. I'm actually not surprised because I was thinking an Avenger's sequel will need an additional character or two.
The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC.
Once again it's time to hear about The Week In Comics with some quick, short updates of the world of superheroes as they battle their way to infamy.
Avengers vs. X-Men #5 released last week for that event and the deadly entity known as The Phoenix finally arrived where Hope and the two teams were fighting: Earth's moon. Things didn't go exactly as planned, though, and now The X-Men, 5 of them, are hosts to the machinations to come.
Unfortunately it was a slow week for Batman's Night of The Owls. Nothing came out for the story.
If you were anticipating the Before Watchmen event, you can now sit back and relax. Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1 (2012) released and it gives you an intro into the whole roster of their earliest characters. From the perspective of Hollis Mason, he recounts each member, giving a brief profile.
Marvel's Spider-Man Movie project is starting their promotional for the July 3rd film release; now you can pick up Amazing Spider-Man Movie #1 (2012), which shows the character wearing the movie version costume and fighting crime for the first time.
Are you a fan of The Thunderbolts? Sorry to hear that; it appears the series just concluded. Here's a glimmer of hope, though; it may redeem the criminals-serving-as-heroes in your eyes. Dark Avengers #175 (2012) just released, and it's picking up right where Thunderbolts #174 ended. But it's all new characters comprised in this supergroup.
Lastly, on the Comic Book News front:
DC Comics recently announced The New 52 "0" Month, which will be releasing in September 2012. All the comics that month will be number #0 and there will be four new titles releases. More to come; I'll make a summary page for all that information this week. By the way, it was also announced that Alan Scott was the gay person to come out of the closet. Personally, I don't consider him a major character, but in Earth 2, it appears he'll become one.
Marvel, with Avengers and Spider-Man going strong this summer, is gearing up for their next release: Iron Man 3. But here's a tidbit of info; word came out from Latino Review that Marvel might produce a Black Panther movie. Likely for 2014. I'm actually not surprised because I was thinking an Avenger's sequel will need an additional character or two.
The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC.
TWIC: Batman and Spider-Man Weekend Edition
After an extremely successful Avenger Movie, we're now waiting for the latest two hits to reach the big screen: The Amazing Spider-Man, with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, and The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan's last Batman installment featuring Christian Bale. Both are going to do great at the Box Office - that goes without saying in the Comic Book Community.
First, to commemorate and gather as much fan appreciation and information as possible, there are two new summary pages: Spotlight on The Amazing Spider-Man, which will feature all the news, tweets, correlating info, and entertainment of our lithe Wall-Crawler, and Spotlight on The Dark Knight Rises, which accumulates nearly the same info on Batman.Both are established to bring readers up to speed with rumors, but more importantly, to link to other information and things to do while you wait (You'll see in a second.)
The Extras. To accomodate those of us who are big Batman and Spider-Man fans, the following is available:
In this countdown, you're going to see what the life of Peter Parker is like from the inside out. It's not always about beating the bad buy! No! Sometimes you gotta pay the bills, do the homework! And yes, sometimes you have to change your suit! That's why, right here, you're now going to be privileged with The Top 10 Greatest Suits of Spider-Man. These are costumes and gear he's used over the course of his adventures, the ones that made the pages and added to his fan base.
Here, you will learn about the psyche of Batman; you will glean the mind of this hero - that pale glimmer of light - that never goes out, never gives up, and always out-thinks his opponent. Gathered here are the 10 most deadly moments in Batman's life. These are the chapters of his past that defined him, destroyed him, and ultimately, rebuilt Gotham's Avatar into an icon of fear for all those who would pursue injustice on the innocents. Read now, and learn Batman's Worst (and Greatest) moments.
Pretend you're in a cave. Amassed within the dark folds of this densely populated lair are the clans of The Spider and The Bat. (That's you guys.) For decades, these two potential enemies have been vying for rulership over this domain. We'll be looking at a list of scenarios that pits Batman against Spider-Man; this will not be a contest of sheer power. This is about the differences and possible advantages that each superhero could bring to a fight. You'll be able to speak your mind, too. There will be polls and references to draw upon and more. So who would win? Well, that's for you to decide.
This is the #TWIC Batman Spider-Man Weekend Edition. If you were wondering where it went, now you know. Normally, it'll be presented on Mondays, but Friday can't hurt, right?
First, to commemorate and gather as much fan appreciation and information as possible, there are two new summary pages: Spotlight on The Amazing Spider-Man, which will feature all the news, tweets, correlating info, and entertainment of our lithe Wall-Crawler, and Spotlight on The Dark Knight Rises, which accumulates nearly the same info on Batman.Both are established to bring readers up to speed with rumors, but more importantly, to link to other information and things to do while you wait (You'll see in a second.)
The Extras. To accomodate those of us who are big Batman and Spider-Man fans, the following is available:
In this countdown, you're going to see what the life of Peter Parker is like from the inside out. It's not always about beating the bad buy! No! Sometimes you gotta pay the bills, do the homework! And yes, sometimes you have to change your suit! That's why, right here, you're now going to be privileged with The Top 10 Greatest Suits of Spider-Man. These are costumes and gear he's used over the course of his adventures, the ones that made the pages and added to his fan base.
Here, you will learn about the psyche of Batman; you will glean the mind of this hero - that pale glimmer of light - that never goes out, never gives up, and always out-thinks his opponent. Gathered here are the 10 most deadly moments in Batman's life. These are the chapters of his past that defined him, destroyed him, and ultimately, rebuilt Gotham's Avatar into an icon of fear for all those who would pursue injustice on the innocents. Read now, and learn Batman's Worst (and Greatest) moments.
Pretend you're in a cave. Amassed within the dark folds of this densely populated lair are the clans of The Spider and The Bat. (That's you guys.) For decades, these two potential enemies have been vying for rulership over this domain. We'll be looking at a list of scenarios that pits Batman against Spider-Man; this will not be a contest of sheer power. This is about the differences and possible advantages that each superhero could bring to a fight. You'll be able to speak your mind, too. There will be polls and references to draw upon and more. So who would win? Well, that's for you to decide.
This is the #TWIC Batman Spider-Man Weekend Edition. If you were wondering where it went, now you know. Normally, it'll be presented on Mondays, but Friday can't hurt, right?
Spidey Suit #4: The Iron Spider
~The Iron Spider, from Amazing Spider-Man #529 (2006)
By now you understand that Spider-Man adapts with the times. Although his beginning and popularity started in the 60's, he's never been one to shirk the responsibility of a new look, especially now that it is at least 4 decades later. Perhaps it's from this this notion that this costume receives popularity and recognition; in a way, it updated Spidey to the new century with a look and twist that enticed some, but caused rebuke among some of the traditionalists. Known as Iron Spider Suit, it all started famously during a clash of epic proportions. Read More.
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
By now you understand that Spider-Man adapts with the times. Although his beginning and popularity started in the 60's, he's never been one to shirk the responsibility of a new look, especially now that it is at least 4 decades later. Perhaps it's from this this notion that this costume receives popularity and recognition; in a way, it updated Spidey to the new century with a look and twist that enticed some, but caused rebuke among some of the traditionalists. Known as Iron Spider Suit, it all started famously during a clash of epic proportions. Read More.
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
Negative Zone Voter Fraud
~FF #18 (2012)
Negative Zone inhabitants have decided they want free elections...
As the newly, self-appointed ruler of this strange and deadly reality, Johnny Storm is getting a crash-course in dimensional politics; the hard part is figuring out the rules.
Reed Richards is away and The Human Torch is assigned the role of substitute teacher in this issue of FF. What starts off as a Q and A becomes a Field Trip, turns into an Anti-Rebellious squashing, and then ends up in a democratic election. Or maybe...not so democratic. Check out this story titled "What do you call the opposite of a Field Trip?" and find out who wins.
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
Negative Zone inhabitants have decided they want free elections...
As the newly, self-appointed ruler of this strange and deadly reality, Johnny Storm is getting a crash-course in dimensional politics; the hard part is figuring out the rules.
Reed Richards is away and The Human Torch is assigned the role of substitute teacher in this issue of FF. What starts off as a Q and A becomes a Field Trip, turns into an Anti-Rebellious squashing, and then ends up in a democratic election. Or maybe...not so democratic. Check out this story titled "What do you call the opposite of a Field Trip?" and find out who wins.
SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.
The Secret Inside Weapon X
~Wolverine #307 (2012)
That unstoppable berserk weapon, Wolverine, has been effectively neutered with a short phrase of words. Now he is in the clutches of an old nemesis, Dr. Rot, and his "family" of psychotic, medical-malpractice experiments.
In this villainous installment, our feral, adamantium-clawed mutant is about to become another laboratory rat; the setting matches the horror of a Frankenstein movie as he is captively wheeled into a workshop with electrodes, discarded human parts, and lots of blood. Lots of blood.
Dr. Rot is an old acquaintance of Logan's; the two have tangled before. But this time he's looking to unlock some of the secrets of the Weapon X program, and that means going into Wolverine's mind. Literally.
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
That unstoppable berserk weapon, Wolverine, has been effectively neutered with a short phrase of words. Now he is in the clutches of an old nemesis, Dr. Rot, and his "family" of psychotic, medical-malpractice experiments.
In this villainous installment, our feral, adamantium-clawed mutant is about to become another laboratory rat; the setting matches the horror of a Frankenstein movie as he is captively wheeled into a workshop with electrodes, discarded human parts, and lots of blood. Lots of blood.
Dr. Rot is an old acquaintance of Logan's; the two have tangled before. But this time he's looking to unlock some of the secrets of the Weapon X program, and that means going into Wolverine's mind. Literally.
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
Spidey Suit #5: Spider-Man 2099
~Artwork from Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man (1995)
Reaching into the near future, approximately 100 years from the 90's, comes the next installment of popular Spider-Man suits. This one, a futuristic prototype of the original, is called The Spider-Man 2099 Costume.
Spider-Man 2099 was the concept of Peter David and Rick Leonardi back in 1992, and one of the original characters of the 2099 theme, a world that evolved 100 years after the Heroic Age. In a world of cyberpunk society and mass corporate power, Miguel O'Hara is an accomplished geneticist blackmailed by the CEO of Alchemax into using his gene therapies on human test subjects. In an effort to purge an addictive drug from his system, he undergoes an accident which rewrites half his DNA with a spider. This process turns him into the Spider-Man of the future.
Much of the fame from the 2099 Spidey Suit is its monstrous likeness. It also appears to carry traits of the evolved Venom look, like claws, spinnerets on the backs of the hands, and the jagged, thorny fins on the forearms and legs. Traditionally, it still commits to the dark blue and red of the original, but now it is made from Fantastic Four patented unstable molecules, and lacks the eerie, white eyes, having nothing now to distinguish them. The blue is now more predominant; the reds are displayed as slim lines, tracing the spider logo and other features.
One unique trait of this uniform was the web-based air-foils that streamed from O'Hara's underarms to his back; this may have been idealized from the Spider-Man of the 60's onward who had webbing under his arms (although they eventually disappeared). Even though these additions allowed the hero to glide through the air, they were an accidental part of the costume which Miguel received through affiliation with Thorites, a group of radicals that believed Thor would eventually return to their time.
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
Reaching into the near future, approximately 100 years from the 90's, comes the next installment of popular Spider-Man suits. This one, a futuristic prototype of the original, is called The Spider-Man 2099 Costume.
Spider-Man 2099 was the concept of Peter David and Rick Leonardi back in 1992, and one of the original characters of the 2099 theme, a world that evolved 100 years after the Heroic Age. In a world of cyberpunk society and mass corporate power, Miguel O'Hara is an accomplished geneticist blackmailed by the CEO of Alchemax into using his gene therapies on human test subjects. In an effort to purge an addictive drug from his system, he undergoes an accident which rewrites half his DNA with a spider. This process turns him into the Spider-Man of the future.
Much of the fame from the 2099 Spidey Suit is its monstrous likeness. It also appears to carry traits of the evolved Venom look, like claws, spinnerets on the backs of the hands, and the jagged, thorny fins on the forearms and legs. Traditionally, it still commits to the dark blue and red of the original, but now it is made from Fantastic Four patented unstable molecules, and lacks the eerie, white eyes, having nothing now to distinguish them. The blue is now more predominant; the reds are displayed as slim lines, tracing the spider logo and other features.
One unique trait of this uniform was the web-based air-foils that streamed from O'Hara's underarms to his back; this may have been idealized from the Spider-Man of the 60's onward who had webbing under his arms (although they eventually disappeared). Even though these additions allowed the hero to glide through the air, they were an accidental part of the costume which Miguel received through affiliation with Thorites, a group of radicals that believed Thor would eventually return to their time.
The Top 10 Costumes of Spider-Man is a Countdown provided by The Superheroes List, preparing Comic Book Fans for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. If you're a Spider-Man enthusiast, join in and check out the fun as we sort through all his popular and, sometimes most wacky, Spidey designs.
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