The SuperHeroes List
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William Hand, The Black Lantern


It Won't Be Long Now

~The Black Hand, from Green Lantern #11 (2012)

Coinciding with the Green Lantern event Rise of the Third Army, The Black Hand is back. His part in this extraordinary event is yet to be revealed, but with his Black Lantern Ring and the ability to use death as a weapon, it should be very interesting.

#Villainous Moments is a feature from The Superheroes List, updating every week (usually Tuesdays) and representing some of the most diabolical dedications of devilry. The worst of the worst, each submission features the mutating menace, the killer's horrible mind, and the emergence of evolving evil.

Superhero Inventor #6: Bruce Wayne

CEO - Elitest - Inventor - Dark Knight

There's one faction of society, the truly determined and most gifted of us all, that has no desire to wait for the casual radioactive explosion or Ring of Green Energy. They need super powers now! And because of that intense necessity, there's only one choice: inherit it from your mother and father!

Well, that's at least how it started out for Bruce Wayne, one of the country's wealthiest executives and CEO of Wayne Industries. When his parents were murdered during his youth, he became the Boy-Prince of Gotham City who eventually rose to take over his father's holdings. The thing about Bruce, though, is that he was never in it for the money.

Bruce Wayne is Batman; you should know that unless you're living in a cave, but more importantly, he's one of the world's leading innovators and inventors. Most of it is in secret - which he uses to augment his "Bat" toys; you'll often see the Batwing, Batmobile, and Batsub throughout his adventures - but he is still a force in the private market with everything from transportation to free energy to military contracts.

It's an inventor's dream come true if you're rich and a superhero, but that's nothing; with his advanced researching in chemistry and forensics, he's also created inoculations against The Joker's venom and The Scarecrow's Fear toxin. In every battle, he's typically designing up a special device or suit modification that will give him the added advantage.

The Top 10 Greatest Superhero Inventors is a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List, giving you a look at some of the most brilliant minds, working their way with gadgets and innovations. It's also a tribute to the 2012 coming of Labor Day. If you like this kind of thing, head on over and check it out! 

Rise of the Third Army


The Green Lanterns Must Go

With DC's announcement in early July for the Green Lantern event, there's now going to be a Landing and Summary Page where you can see all the information and artwork gathered.

Rise of the Third Army is coming in October, starting with Green Lantern #13 (2012) on October 13th. This mini-event comes after the DC New 52 "0" Month and has already been quoted as a "prologue" to a greater event by Geoff Johns.

According to DC's solicitations for October, this will be a mini-event composed of the following issue:

  • Green Lantern #13 (October 3, 2012)
  • Green Lantern Corps #13 (October 10, 2012)
  • Green Lantern: New Guardians #13 (October 17, 2012)
  • Red Lanterns #13 (October 24, 2012)

One of the biggest speculations coming off the story are the lack of appearances by Hal Jordan and Sinestro in the upcoming covers. It's pure conjecture, but their stories may be integral. The Red Lanterns are also supposed to lose a key member of their group.

If you're interested in following this event, head on over to Rise of the Third Army, a Summary Page which will contain any additional information and artwork. A countdown is listed on the page and it tracks news and social media within 30 minutes of release.

Blame Nightwing


The Revolution, Nightwing....

~Nightwing #11 (2012)

Dick Grayson, Paragon, and the Republic of Tomorrow may want the same thing. Someone killed the Strayhorn Brothers and justice must prevail.

Unfortunately, they just have a different solution.

#SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous moments in comic books.

SuperBabe #6: Caitlin Fairchild


Fairchild, The Ravager

~Fairchild, from The Ravagers #2 (2012)

Having being rewritten from the Wildstorm publishers to the latest DC 52 creation, Caitlin Fairchild has now taken a major contender role - if not leader - in the lady's department with the newly-formed Ravagers. Her group is still in the transitional phase, but will consist of Beast Boy, Terra, Ridge, Thunder, and Lightning.

Fairchild was originally brought to us from the Wildstorm universe; she first appeared back in Deathmate Black (1994) and was little more than a bookwork-studying nerd, excelling in engineering, who happened to be part of a government project. Unknowingly, though, hidden in her DNA was a metagene that could activate when she became angry; once her furious power was unleashed, she could turn into a barbaric, towering, female of surprising beauty and rage.

This summer is Caitlin's time to rise. After the events with The Culling (a cross-over event bringing The Ravagers together), she is one of DC's newest girls on the scene. She's got something to prove and every issue seems to remind us of her frail weakness...until she's had enough.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

Poison Ivy, Poisonous

Did Ivy Just Betray Her Team?
 ~Birds of Prey #11 (2012)

After facing numerous challenges, the Birds of Prey are now being blackmailed by one of their own in what may be their last mission.

Black Canary, Starling, Katana, Batgirl, and Poison Ivy have formed the core makeup of the Birds of Prey, the rare, female-only supergroup bent on stopping those who think they are above the law. For the last year, they've been working together, becoming a cohesive unit.

After much success, their greatest defeat now comes at the hands of their plant expert. Poison Ivy,  betraying her friends, has just informed them they've been secretly injected with a poison. If they don't fight for her, she'll let them die in six months.

Ivy's plan has just been revealed in Birds of Prey #11; and now we remember why she's a criminal.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Iron Man 3 has a Super Patriot

What Else Is In Store For Iron Man 3?

Recent photos surfaced, showing us a glimpse of a red, white, and blue Iron Man.

If you followed the Dark Reign event, you'll remember this design as the Super-Patriot armor, which is actually a Norman Osborn design, not work by Tony Stark. In the story, he was ousted from Stark Industries and made a pariah by Norman, who then decided to form his own Avengers called The Dark Avengers. It was Osborn who took on the new Iron Man role, donning the armor of this design to appeal to the masses.

If you're interested in following this movie, head on over to our Spotlight on Iron Man 3, an information aggregate site with pictures, profiles, and related information concerning The Golden Avengers and his May 3rd, 2013 release.

A Memorial and The Dark Knight Rises

In Memoriam

Normally a strong movie week begins with opening night; that's when the premieres and fan excitement build into a frenzy and the viral atmosphere begins to ignite.

Last Friday, though, the entire comic book industry - and the country - had to take a pause. It happened that morning, 39 minutes after midnight, when a true-to-life madman, fully armed, committed a tragedy upon 70 or more of Aurora, Colorado's citizens.

It was surreal, out of the pages of a comic book, ironically. But in the end, many of our friends - Batman fans just like you and me - faced a true villain.

Without going into the grim details (and out of respect for the families and their loved ones), The Dark Knight Rises remains open in theaters. It's still doing great at the box office, but there is a dark pall, a shadowy overdraft, in the atmosphere right now.

As you go out, please keep those people in your prayers.

If you did see the movie, be sure to vote. Your opinion is important.

The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC

Batman Tragedy #1: Final Crisis


The Bat vs. Darkseid

 ~Final Crisis #7 (2009)

If you want to follow an event of epic proportions, culminating in the death of The Caped Crusader as well as other icons of the DC Universe, then you've encountered it right here in DC's Final Crisis. Like many of the other "Crisis", this is a word in their franchise that guarantees change once all of reality settles. But not for everyone; unfortunately for our beloved Bruce Wayne, he was erased. Gone.

Okay. Originally, Batman was thought dead. In a final act of sacrifice, he fired the one thing that could kill Darkseid, the main villain of the story: a Radion Bullet. Unfortunately, there were other complications and the Lord of Apocalypse was heavily wounded but not dead. Simultaneously, he fired his Omega Beams - twin rays of power from his eyes - that continued arcing until they hit the target. The Dark Knight had no chance and was fried into a burning husk.

As far as deadly moments go, Batman was no more a part of the DC Universe. To the world, he was dead; they raised a statue in his name and performed a funeral. However, the last pages of Final Crisis #7 told us that he was...somewhere. Alive. Somehow. And we knew, even though Bruce Wayne was lost to the world, he would eventually return.

Final Crisis put a lot of people at odds. Not only did Batman take a bow, but the Martian Manhunter and others were terminated. The entire event lasted over a year; stands were taken, and once the chips fell, the fans still weren't sure what was going to happen.

The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!

Damian Wayne Takes The Wheel


"I Got This", Says Robin

~Batman and Robin #11 (2012)

How old is he? Twelve?

Commissioner Gordon and Batman are attempting to solve a series of crimes where people are branded. It's happening all across Gotham in Batman and Robin #11; the markings are in the style of Batman's crest. Still on the edge of danger, Damian Wayne, the latest Robin, remains oblivious that adults perceive him as a child. 

SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.

SuperBabe #7: Catwoman

There are few women with the luxurious and sultry appearance that can easily be garbed in tight-fitting leather, uttering the occasional "meow". Few less that carry a whip. So far, Gotham City has only one...and that's Selina Kyle, Catwoman. Let's be honest: she makes it look good. Making a strong case for her fans, DC Comics agreed, and gave Miss Kyle her own title series in 2011.

One of the few solo-female names to go out on her own, Catwoman is still going strong; besides her her anti-hero, vigilante style theme, she's also using disguise and her sensual skills to gaining readers. But that's not what made the news; early in its run, she - once again - seduced The Dark Knight.

As it turns out, it's also a purrr-fect< season - and week, no less - for Catwoman to show up on this list; it's also not a coincidence. Co-starring with Christian Bale in The Dark Knight Rises, Anne Hathaway will portray the seductive feline-style thief on the screens July 20, 2012.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

The Night of The Owls Has Ended

Meet the brother of Bruce Wayne.

~Batman #11 (2012)

Having faced down a series of Talons on a night of extra-ordinary killers, Batman finally confronts the mastermind in a showdown to the death. In a brilliant plot twist, the villains claims to be his brother.

Batman #11 is the finale of Night of The Owls, resolving the last few months of the event in a one-on-one, big-boss battle. The Caped Crusader, Nightwing, and the remainder of the Batman crew have quelled the threats in Gotham City, but not before the main bad guy makes his appearance.

This event, a very well-written piece written by Scott Snyder and penciled by Greg Capullo, ends one week before The Dark Knight Rises; a fitting story that will bring fans to the box office for the summer.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Thor: The Dark World

When we last left our heroes... was in the midst of San Diego's ComicCon 2012, which ran from July 12-15 and gave us a wealth of information.

*Marvel released the title names to two of their upcoming movies: Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Thor: The Dark World. The entire movie schedule has been updated on the Main TSL Website.

*In Dark Avengers #177 a unique character shows up at the end: Could that be Judge Dredd?

Night of The Owls has now concluded with Batman #11. If you followed The Dark Knight, it's now time to pick up all the titles and reread the event in order. Night of The Owls has an excellent plot twist and forever changes the underbelly of Gotham City history. Possibly Bruce Wayne's, too.

Avengers vs. X-Men release three issues; AvX: Versus #3 showed us what happens when Daredevil faced Psylocke and Thor fought Emma Frost. In the backdrop of the event, it appears Gladiator of the Shi'ar Empire might be dead. We've also learned what the mutants are doing to the Avengers they capture - it doesn't look pretty.

There's also more information on Marvel NOW! A list of titles that will be concluded - or terminated - has been posted on the summary page. (You might be surprised.)

And DC held a panel at ComicCon, giving us a bit more insight to their September "0" Month. The main draw seems to be The Phantom Stranger. They intend to give us a bit of background to his origin, his relationship with Lady Pandora, and perhaps what's really going on in the DC Universe.

There's always more to come. Stay tuned. Otherwise, until next week, this is THE comics!

The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC

Batman Tragedy #2: KnightFall

~ Detective Comics #664 (1993)

There is one encounter, an incident which in fact took Batman out of play, that every fan remembers. And if you haven't heard of it, just ask around. Elements of it are now the plot for The Dark Knight Rises Movie.

Remember the previous Venom tragedy? Where Batman began taking drugs to augment his strength? Well, that episode of his life returned to haunt him. The only difference now was that it took the form of a huge, brilliant, and psychotic fighter named Bane. The story? KnightFall: the tale where a super-villain beat The Dark Knight and broke his back!

KnightSaga is the actual epic story; it started with Batman #489 (1993), has 3 parts, and is comprised of KnightFall, Knightquest, KnightsEnd. Throughout the first event, though, Batman becomes a broken shell. He realizes Bane is on his trail, but is unable to confront or locate the vigilante until finally falling into a trap. From that battle, his nemesis, a cruel venom-enhanced, super-soldier, beats him to a bloody pulp.

For a long time, there was no recovery from KnightFall. Wayne, although alive, put his Batman identity in jeopardy by allowing an "apprentice" named Jean-Paul Valley to adopt the suit and fight in his name. The results didn't go so well; Valley was aggressive and violent, and this put another stain on the Dark Knight legacy, creating a rift with the law.

Batman did eventually recover and this showed us that no one could take Bruce Wayne's place. But KnightFall gave us a glimpse of what would happen without him.

The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!

Tony Stark vs. The Mandarin

~Invincible Iron Man #520 (2012)

Having been bested by Mandarin at every turn, Tony Stark contacts his evil nemesis to work out a deal.

Since the beginning of the Shattered Heroes event, Mandarin has been harassing Stark at every turn. It's obvious that taking Iron Man down is not enough. Lawsuits, government sanctions on the Iron Man armor; Tony throws in the towel and walks away from Stark Resilient in Invincible Iron Man #520.

How does a modern-era mastermind handle one of the world's smartest men? Two words: Remote control.

SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.

SuperBabe #8: The Dazzler

~Snapshot of Dazzler from the cover of Secret Invasion: X-Men #3 (2008)

Once upon a time, the early 80s, you might have heard about Alison Blaire. First appearing in Uncanny X-Men #130 (1980), it was revealed that this musician and singer had the mutant ability to transform sound into light. Located by Professor Xavier, she would later adopt the name of Dazzler, throwing light shows and laser beams as part of her trade. Her uniform, however, made her a throwback: a sparkling, glitter-bound, one-piece disco suit, complete with roller skates and a high collar. She even wore disco-mirror earrings.

Dazzler never really had a strong following and she's had little to do. Her last few adventures involved a brief role in Marvel's Secret Invasion and a 1-Shot with Dazzler #1 (2010).

This Summer, though, it was revealed she'll be starring in a new Marvel Comics release called X-Treme X-Men, the first issue arriving on July 25th. Apparently the editors have been trying to bring her back, and in subsequent fashion, they've been upgrading her looks. Yes, that's right, the long hair is back, the blue makeup - gone for good (I hope.) There's more, too; Dazzler will take the leading role, so to speak, and head a group of alternate reality characters such as a young Nightcrawler and alternate version of Wolverine.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

Solomon Grundy, Man of Grey

~Earth 2 (2012)

The supervillain-zombie known as Solomon Grundy has just reared his grotesque carcass in Washington, D.C. where he is taking apart The White House.

This submission of Villainous Moments comes from Earth 2 #3 (2012), DC's alternate-earth setting where there is no Justice League; in this reality, their story is already over. But now it's up to a new brand of superheroes, The Flash, Hawkgirl, The Atom, and The Green Lantern...these characters and others will form the core of the new Justice Society. Hopefully they'll come together just in time to face Grundy, an avatar of The Grey, on his quest to destroy the living.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

There's Something About Marvel NOW

The Week In Comics

When we last left our heroes, it was really all about Avengers vs. X-Men, The Amazing Spider-Man and Dark Knight Rises Movie, and then some musings over the Before Watchmen and Night of The Owls event. That was yesterday. I promise we'll still go into their updates, but in the last week, Marvel announced something even bigger. It's called Marvel NOW!

Do you remember how Shattered Heroes picked up the fallen pieces after Marvel's Fear Itself event? Well, the impression Marvel Editor-In-Chief Alex Alonso is giving us is something of a similar nature:

"Marvel NOW! is the next step in Marvel story evolution and character evolution. It’s not a reboot. It is a universe-shifting catch-all, which really just tells fans that if you enjoyed Avengers vs. X-Men, get ready for what the outcome is because there’s some major, major changes coming to the Marvel Universe."

If you're interested in learning more about Marvel NOW!, here is a Summary and Landing Page for the "event". The original article over at is here.

Elsewhere in the Universe...

The Avengers vs. X-Men event is again on the hunt for Hope. The Avengers have here now, but The Phoenix Five are not going to let it remain that way. Cyclops just issued a proclamation that there will be no more Avengers (Uncanny X-Men #15). Over at Avengers vs. X-Men #7, though, The Scarlet Witch has taken a prime position. She can hurt the Phoenix Entity.

The Amazing Spider-Man movie drew #140 million according to the LA Times (article here) and this is probably the highest paying 30 days ever seen at Marvel with The Avengers back in May.

The Dark Knight Rises previews are getting standing ovations. I've checked out the sources and don't consider them fully vetted, however, the Twitter and Facebook comments suggest that this movie will equal, if not surpass, what we've already seen this Summer.

Last, but not least, Before Watchmen is going strong with each release. Last week, Ozymandias #1 came out and gave a strong background on the "Smartest Man in The World". The true beauty of the series is that - so far- each story has been extremely strong and well-developed. 

Until next week: We're still waiting for the final issue of Batman that will conclude Night of The Owls. And there will always be more.

The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC

Batman Tragedy #3: R.I.P.

~Batman R.I.P., excerpt from Batman #677 (2008)

There are many ways to skin a bat, but there is only one Batman. In this consequential story, called Batman R.I.P., we learn what happens when you destroy the mind of the hero. Truly his greatest asset, The Dark Knight is systematically taken down by an opponent who carefully dismantles him on the psychological level. For once, we're uncertain he can survive. He's a ragged shadow of his former self...and the predators have only started their hunt.

Starting with Batman #676 (2008), Bruce Wayne is flanked by his girlfriend, Jezebel Jet. (The name alone should have tipped him off, don't you think?) After revealing his secret and letting her deeper into his life, a combination of events, prodded by her and The Black Glove, push him into a state of insanity; that's when she leads him into a psychological trigger while he's looking at a flashing screen with subliminal messaging. Quickly after, they invade the Batcave and discard a mind-numbed and confused Wayne onto the streets of Gotham. Their plan is almost finished; now they are having a party to hunt Batman down and kill him.

There was only one thing they didn't prepare for: Zur-En-Arrh. Having nearly died months before, Wayne studied special meditation technique in Nanda Parbat that allowed him to create a mental backup personality in case his primary one failed. Called The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh, he donned purple, red, and yellow rags and tracked his detractors with a miniature radio he called a "Bat-Media" device.

Batman R.I.P. may be the most twisted and deadliest tale ever for the Caped Crusader. Besides nearly dying, Alfred, Robin, and others are almost killed and his family's history is almost corrupted to make them look like thugs. But, once again, we're given hope; somehow there's something beyond human with Bruce Wayne. And it's all in his head.

The 10 Most Deadly Moments of Batman is a countdown provided by The Superheroes List preparing fans for the upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, with Christian Bale. If you want to get hyped up on Caped Crusader information, come on over and Check out the List!

Hello, I'm Peter Parker. And you are...?

~Spider-Men #2 (2012)

Transported to a different world, Peter Parker meets up with a different version of Spider-Man, Miles Morales.

Spider-Men, which started May 2012, is the recent addition to the Spider-Man titles; in this plot, Parker accidentally arrives in a dimension where their version of Peter Parker is dead. Not to fear, though, Miles Morales, a youthful, young African-American, has gained spider-powers of his own and has taken up the legacy.

SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List.These are the moments of levity and humor, sometimes utterly ridiculous. You can also look for #SuperFunnies on Twitter.

SuperBabe #9: Wonder Woman

~Justice League #7 (2012)

The hailing Amazonian princess from Paradise Island, or Themyscira, Wonder Woman is the next submission of comic book beauties this year. An established part of DC Comics since her first appearance in All Star Comics #8 (1941), you might know a lot about her - or think you do - but ever since the changes of DC's New 52, she's undergone quite a makeover.

Beside being one of the few women with her own solo title (called Wonder Woman), her origin is turning out to be a lie. In the beginning, everyone was told she was fashioned out of clay; now, we've learned that she's a daughter of Zeus! Apparently her mother, Queen Hippolyta, had a supernatural one-nighter with the King of the gods, hiding the truth for all these years to avoid Hera's wrath. (Hera kills any woman who gets with her man.) This, of course, puts Wonder Woman, now a demi-god, at a disadvantage with the Queen of the gods as well.

As of late, everything Princess Diana knew has been turned upside down. Hera turned her mother to stone, the Thermyscirans are a bunch of snakes, and she refuses to go back to her paradise island. And perhaps, amidst all the turmoil, you noticed her new outfit!

Take a look! That's armor; metal bracelets are nothing knew, but now the costume is fitted with banded mail or leather strips.The order is out; Wonder Woman needs to look like a warrior. (But you would have been okay with the Red Sonja design, right?)

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

Scared Yet?

~The Dark Knight #10 (2012)

The Scarecrow has finally surfaced and Commissioner Gordon is under the effects of his fear-inducing gas.

In this latest issue of The Dark Knight, Batman is on the trail of someone deeply disturbed. Still unknown to him, the perpetrator has been kidnapping young children and performing experiments on them. After traumatizing them, they are randomly dropped off in the streets of Gotham City. The latest victim has now been cornered in his own home: Jim Gordon of Gotham City PD.

In the last few pages of the issue, the madman's identity is revealed: The Scarecrow, who hasn't been seen since The New 52. Blood and gore, archaic and archetypical; the mind-twisted horror of a villain and his plot of psychotic fear has now begun.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

TWIC: The Week of The Spider

Unless you've been living in a cave - no wait - under a rock, this week you're getting ready for The Amazing Spider-Man movie, starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone; it starts on Tuesday, but for most of us it'll be midnight tonight. This is definitely the week of the spider and Marvel released Amazing Spider-Man #688 to coincide with the first appearance of The Lizard, one of Spidey's first super-villains. There's a lot to love, but also some originality in this flick, and the reviews have been varied. One of the main points is that you'll be treated to another origin, but you'll get a new enemy.

The viral campaign for Amazing Spider-Man, in my opinion, has been lackluster; if you expected to see a lot of lead-up, keep looking. For the most part, everything must have been spent on the Avengers movie. Regardless, you can still see Spidey in his numerous monthly releases with Amazing Spider-Man, Avenging Spider-Man, Spider-Men, Avengers, FF, Ultimate Spider-Man, and any of the other mags where he appears for a team-up.

Back on Utopia with Avengers vs. X-Men. Well, it's being called Pax Utopia, lately, and that's due to the Phoenix Five - Cyclops, Magik, Colossus, Namor, and Emma Frost - who have the power of that destructive entity. This week it's all about them dominating the world in the name of peace. Does anyone think that it'll work? Nah! But The Avengers made a grab for Hope and The Scarlet Witch is now taking part in the event. Something is going on and we're going to learn real soon what this whole Phoenix Prophecy is about.

Over on the DC side of the fence, if you were finished with Night of The Owls, you closed your comic books too soon. All Star Western #10, which happens almost two hundred years earlier, actually adds a historical flavor that must be included. It just released and is now part of the reading order. Expect the final part of the "Night" to end with Batman #11, on July 11th. (On a special note, if you're in New York, Scott Snyder will be signing the issue during this event.)

Now, let me tell you about Before Watchmen. This running event is actually decent, but it really boils down to the ending. (One of the biggest disparities, for me, was The Comedian #1, which indicated that Blake didn't have anything to do with the JFK shooting. It's a clear separation from the movie, in the intro, which shows him leaving the grassy knoll.) Last week Nite Owl #1 released and we had another good story, seeing Hollis turn his mantle over to Dan. Right now, the verdict is still out and I'm interested in the public opinion.

Want to try something a bit off-kilter, yet realistic? Try Hit-Girl #1, just release from Icon publishing. Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. put this mini-series out to bridge the Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass 2 stories, but also because Mindy McCready's character was too good to leave alone. From the first page, you'll get a serious, punishing, outlook of their superhero life.

Well, that's the highlights, comic books friends, and more on the horizon. Just one last note: be sure to check out The 10 Hottest Super Babes of Summer 2012. It's counting down right now and updates on Wednesday.

The Week In Comics is a new series of articles that will update on Monday on the Superheroes List Blog, and The Superheroes List website. It will cover all the major events and story lines of recent in the superhero and villain world. If you're interested in today's super-news, keep your eyes open and Check out the List! #TWIC
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Price: $112.45
Superman The Man Of Steel Statue By Gary Frank
DESIGNED BY GARY FRANK SCULPTED BY TONY CIPRIANO & JOSH SUTTON The best-selling DC Collectibles line continues with this heroic statue of the Man of Steel based on the designs of superstar artist Gary Frank! Limited Edition of 5,200 Measures Approximately 7.75" Tall.
Price: $71.95
Game of Thrones: Lannister Map Marker
In the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones, we see Robb Stark plotting the movements of opposing armies using a map of Westeros, which is painted onto animal hide, and a set of sculpted Map Markers, each hewn into a representation of one of the House symbols. We have reproduced these items faithfully, in their true size, using the actual props as reference. The results are stunning, an heirloom item for Game of Thrones fans.
Price: $22.49
Game of Thrones: Stark Map Marker
In the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones, we see Robb Stark plotting the movements of opposing armies using a map of Westeros, which is painted onto animal hide, and a set of sculpted Map Markers, each hewn into a representation of one of the House symbols. We have reproduced these items faithfully, in their true size, using the actual props as reference. The results are stunning, an heirloom item for Game of Thrones fans.
Price: $22.49