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SuperBabe #6: Caitlin Fairchild


Fairchild, The Ravager

~Fairchild, from The Ravagers #2 (2012)

Having being rewritten from the Wildstorm publishers to the latest DC 52 creation, Caitlin Fairchild has now taken a major contender role - if not leader - in the lady's department with the newly-formed Ravagers. Her group is still in the transitional phase, but will consist of Beast Boy, Terra, Ridge, Thunder, and Lightning.

Fairchild was originally brought to us from the Wildstorm universe; she first appeared back in Deathmate Black (1994) and was little more than a bookwork-studying nerd, excelling in engineering, who happened to be part of a government project. Unknowingly, though, hidden in her DNA was a metagene that could activate when she became angry; once her furious power was unleashed, she could turn into a barbaric, towering, female of surprising beauty and rage.

This summer is Caitlin's time to rise. After the events with The Culling (a cross-over event bringing The Ravagers together), she is one of DC's newest girls on the scene. She's got something to prove and every issue seems to remind us of her frail weakness...until she's had enough.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

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