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The Scarlet Witch and Her Powers of Hex


Superhero Witch #1: The Scarlet Witch

~Scarlet Witch, from Avengers vs. X-Men #12 (2012)

Wanda Maximoff, also beloved (or hated) by fans as The Scarlet Witch, is possibly the greatest superhero to ever wear the title. Then again, she's also single-handedly responsible for destroying most of the mutant race, ending the Avengers, and killing multiple people within the span of days. That's the problem when you're having a mental breakdown.

From an emotionally disturbed past wrought with deception manipulation, Wanda was one of the original members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, inducted by her (then unknown) father Magneto. This was her first appearance (X-Men #4, 1964). Later, though, she would become an Avenger and serve as one of their greatest members. During that long career, she would study magic and learn the true art of witchcraft, disputably becoming one of their greatest practitioners.

From earlier times, numerous stories and events have seen the Scarlet Witch, a mutant herself with the ability to create probability-altering hexes, as their focus. Avengers Disassembled was the moment she took out the entire group, killing a few of their members. House of M details the aftermath of that time when she created an entirely new world and later removed the powers of 90% of the mutant population. In most cases, it's never been an intentionally destructive act, just misguided suggestions and advice that caused her to do bad things.

But Witches never seem to be that good - they've always got some strange agenda - and let's face it, Wanda is truly "witchy". Although considerably good of heart, she's performed incredibly powerful and destructive acts. She's been judged as an unpredictable ally. There is one caveat, though; in her latest adventures, part of Avengers Vs. X-Men, she turns out to be a force that saves the world. Go figure.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

Who Punishes The Punisher? Not Spider-Man!


There's No Such Thing As A Fair Fight

~Frank Castle vs. Spider-Man, Punisher War Journal #1 (2012)

After being out-maneuvered and pummeled by Spider-Man, The Punisher ends the fight with an explosive the wall-crawler can't dodge.

The Punisher has never played by the rules and has no problem killing bad guys; that's why he's about to be the number one target of interest with Spider-Man and The Avengers. Starting in the five-issue mini-series, Punisher War Journal #1, Earth's Mightiest Heroes have decided to end the manhunt for the vigilante.

Here's the problem, though: The Punisher won't go down without a fight.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

The Luck of The Flash


Barry Has Rogue and Gorilla Problems

~The Flash #13 (2012)

In the middle of fighting the Rogues Gallery and being betrayed by Captain Cold, The Flash is called out by Gorilla Grodd and an  army of intelligent apes. Just another typical day for The Fastest Man Alive.

It's a SIEGE ON CENTRAL CITY! Gorilla Grodd is back and The Flash is in his cross-hairs in The Flash #13. With a story that started in issue #12, jumped over to The Flash Annual #1, now continuing, Barry is once again plagued by numerous problems simultaneously. That's how it goes when speed is your power.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

In Magic, Zatanna Sets The Stage


Superhero Witch #3: Zatanna

~Excerpt from Zatanna #1 (2010)

She calls herself a magician. Maybe that's because she's - yet another - member of the Homo Magi race. Let's be fair, though, Zatanna Zatara is a pure witchcrafting work of art with backwards incantations and syllabic intonations. With no known limits to her power, this daughter of the infamous Giovanni Zatara started off as a stage magician before it became apparent that she was the real deal.

Zatanna has (pardon the pun) set the stage as DC Comics most important magic-user. After a first appearance in Hawkman #4 (1964), she's been an instrumental part of the universe and multiple plots, including a key component of their Identity Crisis, giving advice and sometimes stretching the lines of morality in all things of mystical importance. She was also witnessed reviving the entire city of Metropolis from devastation. Perhaps it's her sleek, half-stocking tuxedo-suit and top hat that makes her look comical, but don't be fooled; even the Justice League trusts her with important missions.

Things are a little different lately with Zatanna, though. Although she was originally conceived as an additional appearance to some of Batman's encounters, she's grown independent over the years, and become updated to a world where she stands on her own contributions. Now, she's part of an elite magical fighting group called Justice League Dark. The tux seems to have disappeared, but she's still garbed in black and can perform a mean Circle of Invocation.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

Nick Fury and Agent Coulson vs. Marvel NOW


Six Months Left...And Counting

~Marvel NOW Point One #1 (2012)

The newest incarnation of Nick Fury, his son, has taken over the franchise; now he's a field agent who operates with his long-time buddy Agent Coulson. Their immediate assignment, however, is a stranger who showed up all-of-a-sudden and began taking over the stock market. SHIELD immediately picked up this anonymous figure without a title and he began explaining how the world would end...

It's all unfolding in Marvel NOW Point One #1. Fury and Coulson are witness to a series of stories landmarking the event: The New Nova, The Origin of Starlord, Loki and the Young Avengers, and more!

Time is no longer on their side; the problem is they don't know who's the bad guy.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Any Other Dumb Ideas, Hawkeye?


This Arrow Does What?

~Hawkeye #3 (2012)

Clinton Barton, aka Hawkeye aka The Bow-Slinging Archer-Avenger is trying to get "the girl" back. In the meantime, he has done some dumb things.

Want to see what Barton does when he's not avenging? This week's release Hawkeye #3 is a highly slapstick-style issue surround by the plot of a fast-paced car chase. During the adventure, you'll be privy to lots of his gear: the acid arrow, the smoke bomb arrow, the sonic arrow, even the rocket arrow. Most people think being a superhero is an automatic advantage; Hawkeye shows you that it's not.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday, but today Friday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Magik Can Be Good...Or Bad


Superhero Witch #3

~Magik, on the cover of X-Infernus #1 (2008)

Did you know Colossus aka Peter Rasputin had a sister? Well, not many do unless you're a true fan of mutants or the X-Men. First appearing in Giant-Sized X-Men #1 (1975), we barely had an idea what this innocent young child was capable of when her brother went off with Charles Xavier to became an X-Man. But, she grew up. And it turns out she's quite powerful by all observations.

Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina is her name and she's gifted with the ability of Limbo. (No, not the skill that requires flexibility.) Apparently, she has an intrinsic connection to that plane of existence and its demonic denizens. Originally, when she was brought in as a mutant, her power was teleportation. Later, though, it grew to uncanny proportions.

Nicknamed Magik, Illyana has been elevated to the dimension's Sorceress Supreme. She's their elite spellcaster and perhaps one of the most deadliest masters of the mystic arts in existence. It's even debatable that she's a superhero because her latest endeavor saw her attempting to enslave the human race (The Avengers vs. X-Men event).

Regardless of her current status, though, Illyana has served in the capacity of goodness. Maybe she's just misunderstood; you would be too if you were wielding a soulsword with demonic armor.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

The Joker Gets His Face Back!


Death of The Family Begins

~Batman #13 (2012)

The Joker is back. But he's not the same. Evil and twisted thoughts are now pale before this malevolent creature, killing his way through Gotham City and now at the doorstep of Alfred Pennyworth!

In the amazing Batman event Death of The Family, The Joker has returned after a year of uncertainty and grotesque mutilation. He was last seen in Detective Comics #1 (2012) when he was captured while on a rampage. After being dropped at Arkham Asylum, our last picture of the super-villain was a wall displaying his surgically-removed face!

Death of The Family is expected to run from October 2012 to February 2013 and will affect the entire Batman Crime-Fighting Family. You can follow the Reading Order and clues by clicking on the link.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Please Don't Bother Frankenstein!


The Trouble is Time...FATHER TIME!

~Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE #13 (2012)

Father Time needs help; unfortunately, he's made Frankie pretty mad. There's been a lot of backstabbing lately and - you know - things get heated when you're a creature bent on destroying evil.

Bringing the realms of The Red, The Green, and The Rot to the world of monsters, Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE #13 is about to find himself on an adventure of mystical importance and apocalypse. He's badly needed to save the world. Sadly enough: He's also one of the least appreciated heroes in the business.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Those Who Summon Madame Xanadu


Superhero Witch #4

~Madame Xanadu, from Demon Knights #7 (2012)

One of the most controversial witches in the DC Universe is Madame Xanadu, whose past originates from the pages of Doorway to Nightmare #1 (1978), where she was actually a supporting character to various, non-connected plots, but actually goes back much farther. In the title, the protagonist would be led through a series of strange occurrences, usually of occult origin, and end up at Xanadu's shop (now housed in Greenwich Village) where she would give a Tarot reading. Typically, the conclusion would be an unnerving finale based on the spiritual and magical advice she imparted.

Based on that concept, Madame Xanadu is mainly a seer or prophetess. It's true that most of her actions in the DC Universe involves looking into the future or past, but her ties to spellcasting and witchcraft cannot be ignored. She's done everything from potion-making to continue her immortality to binding demons for her bidding; the Tarot cards, however, are the penultimate tool of her trade.

Although most super-heroic witches are modern-day, Xanadu has the edge over them all. Her witching-hour past can be traced back to the Age of Camelot, Etrigan, and other fantasy-mythical characters currently being portrayed in the Demon Knights series. Simultaneously, the editors have her operating Justice League Dark - a caste of occult-based superheroes - in the current era. Very few supernatural heroes have this breadth of experience or can hold a candle to this lady, who is even rumored to have had relations with the Wizard, Merlin.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

Minimum Carnage Means Maximum Carnage!


The Sociopath Symbiote is Back!

~Minimum Carnage: Alpha #1 (2012)

Kletus Cassidy aka Carnage has been busted out of jail. The problem is, no one can figure out how he did it. After only a few weeks of capture, he's back on the rampage and seemingly unstoppable.

This week the issue to follow is Minimum Carnage: Alpha #1, featuring Carnage against two other recent heroes: Venom and Scarlet Spider. Both are fairly new to the Marvel campaigns with Flash Thompson having about a year with his symbiote and Kaine moving to Houston a few months back as their latest version of Spider-Man.

The one-shot issue starts of the event Minimum Carnage:
Part 1: Minimum Carnage: Alpha #1
Part 2: Scarlet Spider #10
Part 3: Venom #26
Part 4: Scarlet Spider #11
Part 5: Venom #27
Part 6: Minimum Carnage: Omega #1

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Doop Talks Smack!


Got Game? The Super-Kids Have Their Own AvX.

~Avengers Academy #38 (2012)

The first (and probably last) football game between Avengers Academy and Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning has commenced and the smack-talk is well underway. The battle is taking place on Mar-Vell Field.

It's A-Teens vs. the X-Kids as super powers, mutant mayhem, and magical manipulations take front stage and bring a teenager version of Avengers vs. X-Men. Amidst the sides, the rivalries and bad-mouthing have been established. This issue of Avengers Academy #38 has a mostly comedic backdrop and is the second to last issue of the series before the title ends.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Megan Gwynn, The Uncanny Pixie


Superhero Witch #5

~Uncanny X-Man #510 (2009)

The latest witch to appear in the comic books is the mutant, Megan Gwynn, an originally innocent Welsh lass who was all about fairy dust, teddy bears, and unicorns. Gifted with four lateral, multicolored wings and the ability to produce a hallucinogenic toxin, she was benefited with the codename "Pixie". Not quite a decade old to X-Men fans, she first appeared in New X-Men: Academy X #5 (2004) as a recruit to their Paragon team.

Things have changed, though; Pixie isn't as friendly and has had some upgrades. Most importantly, she's learning magic. Even Doctor Strange offered to train her once she gets older. And after a few brutal encounters and adventures, she's lost some of her color and gained the ability to summon a "Soul Dagger" - a magical object bound with her spirit. Her most notorious power is the spell of teleportation by uttering "Sihal Novarum Chinoth!"

Pixie started off as a small side extra to the X-Men family, but has gained increasing popularity and importance in their plots. It appears Marvel writers see great promise for her in the future. Currently, though, she is placed on teams for extraction and invasion strategies. No longer a comedy effect, Megan is coming to her own,  a spell-casting witch of the arts.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

Surtur Follows Loki


And When He Goes, So Does Everything Else

~Journey Into Mystery #644 (2012)

The Nine Realms are falling into ruin and it's all Loki's fault. All his tricks and sins are now center-stage; the ultimate threat is about to destroy him: Surtur.

Follow Loki and Thor as their entire race, with the others, battle for survival in Journey Into Mystery #644.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
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