This Arrow Does What?

Clinton Barton, aka Hawkeye aka The Bow-Slinging Archer-Avenger is trying to get "the girl" back. In the meantime, he has done some dumb things.
Want to see what Barton does when he's not avenging? This week's release Hawkeye #3 is a highly slapstick-style issue surround by the plot of a fast-paced car chase. During the adventure, you'll be privy to lots of his gear: the acid arrow, the smoke bomb arrow, the sonic arrow, even the rocket arrow. Most people think being a superhero is an automatic advantage; Hawkeye shows you that it's not.
Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday, but today Friday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.
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