SuperBabe #1: The Black Widow

If any SuperBabe had a good summer, it's Natasha Romanoff, the former Russian super-spy, current member of The Avengers, and one of possibly two female superheros to really hit it off in the film industry (Catwoman could be the other, but she's not technically a hero by any stretch). So far, we've seen this leather-clad, skin-tight, assassin in two movies: Iron Man (2008) and The Avengers (2012), where she was played by Scarlett Johansson.
Black Widow, although mostly a supportive role, has now moved to the front-seat position, gaining much greater popularity based on this year's releases. Even though this supple femme fatale is typically seen backing up Hawkeye or Captain America in their adventures, we've now noticed numerous appearances in the last few months, including her own mini-series The Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Attacks (2012). She's also had prominent roles last year in the Fear Itself event and Shattered Heroes.
This summer, regardless of previous success, Natasha had her breakout; she's now an official part of the Avengers Movie franchise, and you can be guaranteed that you'll see more of her on the screen. And why complain: she's the best looking superhero on the team.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.
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