The Squad Traitor Revealed!

There is a traitor within the Suicide Squad, working with Basilisk. Now it has been revealed to be the assassin known as The Black Spider.
Amanda Waller is in the dark while her Task Force X manages to escape a Mayan Sacrifice with the help of Captain Boomerang. Thinking that his only goal was to turn them over to Regulus, Deadshot is suddenly released and they prepare to fight their way to freedom.
Not so fast! The Black Spider turns out to be a mole. Boomerang is struck down; the team is now hypnotized and Deadshot and Harley Quinn are the only two left.
Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.
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