The SuperHeroes List
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Deadpool and Explosions


Regeneration: Gone. But Hearing Still Works!

Deadpool #61 (2012)

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Satana, Marvel's Daughter of Hell


Superhero Witch #6

~Thunderbolts #169 (2012)

Of Hellish power and origin, notoriously spurned from the demonic heritage of the Marvel Universe, one such femalee has appeared in the dark circles of magic over the years, casting spells and successfully fulfilling the role of witch for many decades. Not too nice, she's mostly a bad guy, but every now and then does something right. This devilish daughter is Satana.

Satana is the sister to Daimon Hellstrom who is known as the Son of Satan...which, probably makes her the Devil's Daughter? (Although they both tend to be stuck with that title of named evil, the demon believed to be their father is now explained to be Marduk Kurios.) Both are mothered by a human, Victoria Wingate, who became maddened when she learned their true heritage, but they rarely associate or work together. In most cases, they shun the others company.

Among spellcasters, Satana is all things witch-ful and macabre. She also happens to be a succubus, known to draw the life's essence from those who receive her unholy kiss. Among her typical practices, she's inscribing circles, studying spell-books, and doing the otherwise horrible things, smiling the whole time. Last check, she has been assigned to the Thunderbolts program, an initiative that allows former criminals to fight on the side of good. It's been a rocky road for her, but things seem to be going for the best.

Satana's first appearance was in Vampire Tales #2 (1973).

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

Captain America and The Ultimates Face Civil Unrest


With Border Security at an All-Time High

~The Ultimates #15 (2012)

There's serious trouble with the technology of today. As a matter of fact, "Social Media" has a whole new meaning. This excerpt comes from the latest release of The Ultimates, where The United States is involved with tech that's gone overboard.

Think this response for border security is crazy? That's nothing. In this alternate reality story, Captain America has resigned his position and the States have split up with some seceding from the Union. Even Nick Fury is a wanted man. And during all of the crisis, the polls are opening for the next Presidential Election.

Stay tuned. As The Ultimates go into action, the ending is a big surprise.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Thor, God of Thunder...Needs Quiet Time!


The Mighty Avenger, Always Avenging

~Avengers #30 (2012)

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

June Moon and The Enchantress


Superhero Witch: #7

~Enchantress shows Deadman how much she needs June Moon. Excerpt from Justice League Dark #4 (2012)

Sometimes you're a witch and you just don't know it. Other times, you're one and you don't want it! This is the totality of the witch-of-a-good-girl, June Moon, who shares her existence with a powerful, sometimes good, other times bad, spell-caster known as The Enchantress.

First appearing in Strange Adventures #187 (1966), June originally thought she was simply attending a costume party in a strange castle; that's where the entity "Dzamor" taught her to utter the word "Enchantress" to become one of the quintessential witches of the DC Universe. Later, we learned that June's other side was not another being, Enchantress was always a part of her.

This is worse news for June Moon, though, because she mostly doesn't want anything to do with the spellcrafter that shares her innate being. In the past, Enchantress has served the good and benevolent in the form of a supergroup known as The Shadowpact who fought magically maligned forces. Later, she would become a terrible power of her own, facing members of Justice League Dark

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

The Dark Phoenix Has Returned


Cyclops Has Gone Mad With Power

~Avengers vs. X-Men #11 (2012)

Scott Summers, formerly known to as Cyclops to the world of mutants and the public, has transformed into the ultra-powerful entity known as Dark Phoenix. The world is bracing for devastation.

Originally, Scott and four other X-Men had routed the Phoenix entity, somehow consuming its power among them; shortly after, they became known as the "Phoenix Five" and strived to create a utopia on earth (Re: Pax Utopia).

All those dreams fell away as their desires and goals turned to ultimatums and demands. Now the only member left, Scott is the sole vassal of a power that has turned him into Dark Phoenix. The Avengers have made no comments, but are already planning a counter-strategy.

You can read more about these exploits in the Avengers vs. X-Men story.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

In Memoriam, Professor X

Immortal Obituaries

Struck Down While Trying to Save The World

~Professor X, fallen by the visage of Cyclops, from Avengers vs. X-Men #11 (2012)

Professor Charles Francis Xavier, noted authority on the Homo Superior species, has been killed by Scott Summers, the former student codenamed "Cyclops". Founder of The X-Men, he had fallen battling one of his own in an effort to save the world.

The world community has been shocked into silence, losing one of its leading authorities on Homo Superior/Sapiens relations. A Memorial Service is planned; dignitaries are planning to attend. There is no comment yet from the United Nations.

This story arrives from the amazing, public accounts of the "Phoenix Five", individuals who had been imbued with the power of a ultra-powerful, cosmic entity. Now whittled down to one singular host, Scott Summers, The Avengers together with many unnamed mutants took the offensive and tried to bring him down. Xavier led with a psychic attack that ultimately failed.

Follow the story: revealed this week during the release of Avengers vs. X-Men #11 (2012), this is part of the Avengers vs. X-Men event.

Do Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan Get Along?


"He's a jerk," says Hal

~Green Lantern Corps #0 (2012)

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Luke Cage Quits Avengers!


Power Man No More

~New Avengers #30 (2012)

In a stunning revelation shocking the public and the superhero community, Luke Cage, the indestructibly skinned man from Harlem, formerly called Power Man, has left The Avengers.

"He's quitting", said Daredevil, a close source to Cage, "and it's a family matter. We need to give him space."

Until recently, Mr. Cage had been one of the front men of a team coined "The New Avengers"; technically, they are an affiliate of the core group, but equally as prominent. The announcement comes off the heels of an attack by The Purifiers, a mutant hate group that routed a truck holding Emma Frost, the former member of the Phoenix Five, and gifted mutant psychic.

There's no telling where Luke will show up now. For more information, check New Avengers #30 (2012).

Raven, Daughter of Trigon


Superhero Witch #8

~Raven, losing control of her emotions, from Titans #5 (2008)

We've explained that some humans are born into the powers of witchcraft and magic; their lives are a blessing and a curse, influencing actions which will eventually turn them into heroes or villains. Strange and mysterious as this lot is though, there are others whom embody the magic internally, for purposes as nefarious and benevolent as pure evil or good.

Raven, one of the earliest members of the Teen Titans, is one such female with powers of magic that make her very complicated in the heroic spectrum. Born of the breeding between a human mother and the powerful demon, Trigon, she spent most of her youth training in the dimension Azarath. Her first appearance was in DC Comics Presents #26 (1980), attempting to gather Robin, Cyborg, and the other infamous members to help her defeat him.

Technically, Raven couldn't possibly be a witch; she only fulfills that role based on her appearance, abilities, and mannerisms. Her powers are demonic in origin, with the ability to health others, teleport, and sense and influence emotions. It is important though that some instances of her story show her practicing spellcasting - usually of a darker sort - which qualifies under the black arts.

Raven's scariest fact comes from the future, one that will hopefully never happen. Born of Trigon, she is one of his "Seven Deadly Sins", and an avatar that would one day help him ravage the earth. She has rebuked him in the past, but as a entity born under evil (most believe she is "Pride"), she will forever be witch-like to others.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

The Top 10 Greatest Villains of Wolverine

With keen senses, an uncanny healing factor, and six, razor-sharp Adamantium claws, Wolverine has slashed his way into the top 10 most popular superheroes of the decade. He's also a close tie for first place with all the X-Men and solo movies out from the last decade. Perhaps Marvel could relax now, but no - nothing doing. On July 29, 2013, he'll come out with yet another movie, aptly named The Wolverine.

Are you waiting in anticipation for Logan's next film? If you want to keep a watch on the latest news, you can click here for the latest spotlight.

But lets assume you want to test your Wolverine knowledge. There's already a variety of top 10 villain lists covering the main characters of Weapon X across the multitudes of his adventures. So do you need another?

The answer is: Yes. In a tribute to his coming movie, let's go farther than the rest. Introducing The Top 10 Greatest Villains of Wolverine, we're going in-depth. This will not be watered down and not just a bunch of snapshots. You'll get the actual villainous characters, each with reasons and references. Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't, but you'll read it knowing that the research was done.

And if you're looking to test the mutant against, try this Prepare For Battle matchup: Captain America vs. Wolverine. America's Super-Soldier pits his powers and Weapon X in a showdown where you are called on to vote. Scenarios are displayed to test your opinion and the results are revealed.

Venom, Possessed!


The Symbiote Now Battles With Two Minds

~Venom #24 (2012)

The symbiote known as Venom has metamorphosed in an alien creature now possessed by a demon. Authorities are on the lookout for Damian Hellstrom, the Son of Satan, in conjunction with possible crimes throughout the city.

Flash Thompson aka Agent Venom deals with his worst nightmare when Hellstrom binds the Venom symbiote to a demon from the darker dimensions. Now he has to fight himself in addition to his suit and any external villainous threats. Check out Venom #24 (2012) as the Monsters of Evil story unfolds.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

How Buddy Baker Became Animal Man


"Who is our new champion?"

~Animal Man #0 (2012)

Now that the DC "0" Month has begun, we're getting a look at some of the strange and somewhat...disturbing origins of their heroes. In this shapshot, we're being reintroduced to Buddy Baker, the Avatar of The Red, and the man who will be known as Animal Man.

Still. You have to admit a guy running across the rooftops in a chicken suit is a great intro. Bawk! Bawk!

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Where in the World is Traci 13?


Superhero Witch #9

~Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint #1 (2011)

Are you familiar with the term Homo Magi? That's the rare individual born with magical ability. In DC Comics, it's extremely similar to a mutation and only a handful of notable individuals have so far been recognized.

Meet Traci 13. Originally she was known as Traci Thirteen (big difference). And, not surprisingly, she's the daughter of noted parapsychologist, Doctor Thirteen. With the big chances in DC, she's been increasingly involved in the magical problems of the universe, but has remained near the bottom of the heap when you compare her to the big-name spellcasters.

It might be because Traci is a teenager. This, once again, seems to be the most defining characteristic of witches in their youth: fiery, short temper, a sort of anti-hero philosophy, and a willingness to cross the line to suit their purpose. Traci's first appearance, though, was in Superman #189 (2003), where she helped him survive a magical encounter.

It's hard to tell where Traci 13 is going to show up nowadays. Although she was working with the Teen Titans for awhile, there's been no trace of her lately. Still, the question is not "if", but "when" she'll return. Since her 2003 initial showing, she's had increasing promise, even integral during the Flashpoint event.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

The Black Mask is Free


Gotham City Braces for Attack!

~Detective Comics Annual #1 (2012)

During the Night of The Owls, Roman Sionis, The Black Mask, apparently escaped Arkham Asylum. Gotham PD suspects he is about to engage in a rampage vendetta against the city.

This news comes straight out of Detective Comics #1 (2012). Batman has noticed a disturbance in the super-villain community, including some in the act of strange crimes. In the meantime, Commissioner Gordon is interviewing Arkham's "Finest" - the incarcerated who may have a lead to the Black Mask's whereabouts - after learning that Dr. Arkham was under a hypnotic induction.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Tony Stark, Billionaire Inventor, Wanted



Who is Tony Stark? Well if you've been hiding under a rock, you're forgiven. He's "Big Business", a Corporate Welfare Mogul who has lost, bought, and resold his holdings multiple times over. And - no wonder - he's Iron Man, the Crimson Avenger loaded down with all the latest and greatest technological gizmos of our era. Surely many of you are sickened by this inventor who owes everything he has to the middle class.

Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Resilent, Inc., is without a doubt the most treacherous hero and inventor the country has ever had to recognize during labor day. Everyone nowadays points to him as the Rich 1% and as President Obama later claimed, he was talking about Tony when he said, "You Didn't Build That!"

Remember all those years of Iron Man figurines, DVD movies, and comic books? Well don't be surprised: Stark was receiving royalties from every one of them. (Speaking of which, I'm required by law to inform you of the Amazon Iron Man Catalog featuring the IM Combo Pack w/ Digital Release. All rights reserved by T. Stark). While you were entertaining yourself with the stories of his adventures and pursuits, he was exploiting your hard labor.

So just remember, friends and countrymen, as Labor Day comes and goes, some among us are heroes of the people, but some heroes are not heroes at all. Did they get here by their own efforts? Surely not!

The Top 10 Greatest Superhero Inventors is a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List, giving you a look at some of the most brilliant minds, working their way with gadgets and innovations. It's also a satirical (hopefully humorous) tribute to the 2012 coming of Labor Day. If you like this kind of thing, head on over and check it out!
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