The SuperHeroes List
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Black Alice Loves To Steal Magic


Hahahahaahaahaa...(Insert strangled cackle here). Looks like Halloween is only 10 weeks away fellow Comic Book fans. And what are we going to do about that? Why the answer is easy. This year The Superheroes List is going to provide a countdown on The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes. Ugly and horrifying (don't count on it), these lurking fems represent the best DC and Marvel have to offer. Are you ready to get psyched for All Hallow's Eve? Let the incantations begin!

Superhero Witch #10

One of the younger witches lurking within the DC Universe, Lori Zechlin, happens to be one by trade and by chance. Early in her teenage story, after her mother committed suicide with pharmaceutical chemicals, she learned that she had the untamed power of Black Alice. Barely a superhero by today's standards, she's more of an anti-hero that needs direction and guidance to stay on the right side of the law.

But that's as if she cares. As Black Alice, Lori is mostly a self-serving adolescent. Originally appearing in Birds of Prey #76, Oracle and Black Canary first noticed her metahuman talents and kept her in their line-of-sight. Later, it was revealed she could steal the powers of magical heroes and villains near her; this includes figures such as the sorcery-empowered Dr. Fate and unbridled Demon, Etrigan.

Little is known of Black Alice's recent whereabouts, but she's a perfect icon of the witch on an All Hallows Eve. Dressed in black, she's a Goth from head to toe, including her overly-thickened eye shadow, and black-leather wear. The only think holding her from the higher rankings is her inability to control the powers she acquires. Either she unable or unconcerned to try.

Halloween is one of the best Holidays for comic book fans; that's when it's actually cool to dress up with a cape! To commemorate the occasion we have The Top 10 Scary Witch Superheroes, a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List. Spells will fly, incantations may be called, but who can blame them; it's time to be horrified and Read this List!

The Immortal Iron Fist Explains Kung Fu


"It's All In The Hips!" Says Fist

~Wolverine and The X-Men  #15 (2012)

The Iron Fist, after years of serving side by side with Iron Man and the Avengers, attempts to provide Tony Stark with a detailed quantification of Kung Fu power.

This amusing debate takes place between Abigail Brand, Iron Man, and Danny Rand, The Immortal Iron Fist. In the stunning rounds of the Avengers vs. X-Men event, by some mystical reasoning, the power of the Iron Fist is capable of stopping - or rebuffing - the Phoenix entity.

Now the technological experience of Hank McCoy and Tony Stark are in play; working a strategy, they intend to use the mystical martial arts energy as part of their defense.

Okay then. So how does Kung Fu power work?

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Natasha Romanoff, The Avenging Black Widow


SuperBabe #1: The Black Widow

If any SuperBabe had a good summer, it's Natasha Romanoff, the former Russian super-spy, current member of The Avengers, and one of possibly two female superheros to really hit it off in the film industry (Catwoman could be the other, but she's not technically a hero by any stretch). So far, we've seen this leather-clad, skin-tight, assassin in two movies: Iron Man (2008) and The Avengers (2012), where she was played by Scarlett Johansson.

Black Widow, although mostly a supportive role, has now moved to the front-seat position, gaining much greater popularity based on this year's releases. Even though this supple femme fatale is typically seen backing up Hawkeye or Captain America in their adventures, we've now noticed numerous appearances in the last few months, including her own mini-series The Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Attacks (2012). She's also had prominent roles last year in the Fear Itself event and Shattered Heroes.

This summer, regardless of previous success, Natasha had her breakout; she's now an official part of the Avengers Movie franchise, and you can be guaranteed that you'll see more of her on the screen. And why complain: she's the best looking superhero on the team.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

Superman Fights An Alien Prisoner


Which One, Though, Is The Villain?

~Superman #12 (2012)

Superman intends to bring this strange prisoner, an alien that has killed many hundreds of people, to the authorities. But would it be justice to keep it on Earth?

Every now and then the comic books will call into question the truth of morality. In Superman #12, this is one of those instances, when an alien (looking a lot like the Predator from the movies) goes on a rampage, killing anything in its path.

The philosophical imperative, though, occurs when we learn it was brought to earth as a prisoner. Now we have two choices: Does the creature have the right to freedom from captivity or is Superman right to recapture it and make it answer for its crimes?.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Mister Terrific Escapes His Taxes


What Is He Doing Now?

~Mister Terrific #7 (2012)

Alright: Is he number 2 or number 3? That's a good question because DC Comics swears up and down that Michael Holt, aka Mister Terrific, is the world's 3rd smartest man. And with his natural gift of being...naturally gifted, he's certainly a brilliant inventor to boot.(You want to know the real question, though? Those folks over at DC have never officially told us who the two before Michael are; it's possibly  Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne.)

All things under consideration, what shoots Mister Terrific so far in a list of greatest superhero inventors? Well, it's not his 14 PhDs, that's for sure; that only qualifies him for serious college loan debt consolidation. But what about those incredible T-Spheres, metallic orbs that travel with him, capable of assimilating and controlling other technological components? The trademark of his heroic powers, he uses them for everything from flight to firepower.

Whatever his brainy advancements, lately Mister Terrific - as smart as he may be - has had a run in with the government; his taxes are piling up. HE OWES THE 99%! He's been AWOL from earth and could be on the run (check Earth 2, the 2012 comic book release, to find out where he went.) The whispers have been scattered and few, but we think he might be "Too Big To Fail".

If you have any sightings of Mister Terrific, please contact the IRS at 1-800-BIG-DEAL.

The Top 10 Greatest Superhero Inventors is a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List, giving you a look at some of the most brilliant minds, working their way with gadgets and innovations. It's also a tribute to the 2012 coming of Labor Day. If you like this kind of thing, head on over and check it out!

Spider-Man Meets Alpha


Who's the Most Powerful Superhero of All?

~Amazing Spider-Man #692 (2012)

He's Alpha! The first Alpha-level threat. And he's also a teenager, unfortunately.

C'mon folks. You know this is exactly how it would be if you were a kid and suddenly had all sorts of super-powers. Check out Amazing Spider-Man #692 as Peter Parker tries to teach our newest superheroic sensation how to use "power with responsibility".

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Is Starfire the New "Cosmic Barbie"?


SuperBabe #2: Starfire Goes Spacey

~Red Hood and The Outlaws #1 (2011)

To sum it up: what's got red hair, tanned, has interstellar super-powers, but has the personality of a girl's action figure?

The Answer: Starfire!

Something happened last year, and it went far beyond the scope of DC's New 52. As a matter of fact it went plumb-crazy into outer space!

For those of us familiar with her, Starfire, or Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, originally started off with the Teen Titans. Warrior bred and born, she has always been a beauty, but deadly in skill and smart in battle.

This year, though, it's not quite the same "Princess Kori" that you've seen or were used to, especially if you've observed her as of late. In the latest versions of her adventures, seen in Red Hood and The Outlaws, she's sorta...dim. Not exactly the sharpest pencil in the drawer.

Some of it could be explained away, based on  her alien culture. She's already based on a race that is defined as having a "short attention span". Yes, that's right, she's more-than-flirty and quite the superficial girl. (That's okay, though, because Red Hood and Arsenal don't seem to mind.)

So what will you "see" from the Princess? Well, this snapshot barely begins all the well-detailed art in the series. Koriand'r is clearly one of the hottest babes in the DC Universe after all the shakeup. And don't forget, she has a sister. Can it get any better than that?

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

The Master Plan of The Guadians of Oa


With the Alpha gone, only the Corps remains

~Green Lantern Corps #12 (2012)

As the last Alpha Lantern falls, relegated to Green Lantern history, the Guardians of Oa now lament the next phase of a secret and diabolical plan.

Green Lantern Corps #12 gives us the next captivating moment of a story that will forever change the shape of the universe. Crumbling within their grasps, the Guardians of Oa crush and extinguish the power rings of the Alpha Lanterns. Only moments earlier, the Alphas served as the "internal affair officers" of the Corps.

With the Alpha Lanterns gone, the Green Lanterns are all that remains before The Rise of The Third Army.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Reed Richards, Too Smart For His Own Good


Superhero Inventor #3: Reed Richards

~FF #1 (2011)

Create a Cold Fusion Generator on Monday, solve Global Warming on Wednesday, and counter the Alien Invasion on Friday. Yeap, that's Reed Richards, high above in the Baxter Building, currently at work when most wish he wasn't. Nobody wants to hire him until there's a crisis; besides, usually it's his fault. (Heck, if he would take a break from all his inventing and gizmo-making, there might more left of the world to enjoy.)

The leader of the world-famous Fantastic Four, Richards is - oddly enough - one of the few superheroes to be known primarily for his brains and secondly for his super powers: the ability to stretch and contort his body to different shapes and distances. While elongating has served him on the field, his mind has always been his most powerful weapon, inventing complicated equipment to nullify and overcome their foes. Only recently, in Manhattan, he helped solved the mutating spider-man problem (Re: Spider-Island) by isolating the virus.

Okay. So there's smart, and smart, and then there's Reed Richards "smart"; we gotta give this brilliant physicist, also known as Mr. Fantastic, credit for his genius. At the same time, though, this shows us you can also be too smart for your own good. (Mayor Bloomberg is already trying to ban Reed's Fantasti-car and Negative Zone Portal.); Maybe you can whip up awesome devices - that's all great - but it doesn't mean we want and apocalyptic cosmic event in New York every week.

The Top 10 Greatest Superhero Inventors is a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List, giving you a look at some of the most brilliant minds, working their way with gadgets and innovations. It's also a tribute to the 2012 coming of Labor Day. If you like this kind of thing, head on over and check it out!

Spellcasting on Frankenstein


"Don't Do It"

~Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE #12 (2012)

In DC's latest story, the man-made monster of SHADE is having flashbacks. Memories from his incorporated parts have tales to tell, causing him to rethink his existence.

And now he's trying to find the truth. Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE #12 details his path, searching through the body of the Leviathan, fighting Scar-eb agents, all to bring him to a mole in the organization.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Pantha Arrives


Watch Pantha Go...

~Pantha #2 (2012)

There's only 3 babes left for this Summer and now we're getting into some serious beauties.

With an amazing debut from one of the lesser known independent publishers, Pantha, an Egyptian Immortal Queen, barely wearing a superhero costume, was the latest to make the scene this season. The response from the public have been awesome sales and a heightening of their presence in the comic book community.

Pantha is owned by Dynamite Publications; they are also directly responsible for all the latest releases of Vampirella, the Vampire Queen. What they've learned is that it's very popular to make your superheroes female, angry, and beautiful. Open one issue and you'll see; it's a PG-13 theme, but very strong in content.

With growing popularity, people are just getting their first tastes of Pantha. Her costume is basically a two-piece swimsuit with purple leopard spots. Complimented, she has long thigh boots and gloves. Her powers? Well, although it's almost unimportant, she has incredible prowess, agility, and strength, and can turn into a deadly black panther.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

Who is The Black Spider?


The Squad Traitor Revealed!

~Suicide Squad #12 (2012)

There is a traitor within the Suicide Squad, working with Basilisk. Now it has been revealed to be the assassin known as The Black Spider.

Amanda Waller is in the dark while her Task Force X manages to escape a Mayan Sacrifice with the help of Captain Boomerang. Thinking that his only goal was to turn them over to Regulus, Deadshot is suddenly released and they prepare to fight their way to freedom.

Not so fast! The Black Spider turns out to be a mole. Boomerang is struck down; the team is now hypnotized and Deadshot and Harley Quinn are the only two left.

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Superhero Inventor #4: Victor Stone


Where Does He Get He Parts?

~Excerpt from Teen Titans #23 (2003)

Victor Stone; he's really managed to pull off a sweet deal. You gotta hand it to him, there's no way to not feel sorry for the young man who, caught in an explosion, had his "parts" replaced by his father and turned into a half-human, half-machine superhero named Cyborg. Victor is barely an adult, but has quietly turned his misfortune into one of brilliance and innovative engineering.

Most of the Occupy Wall Street movement gives Victor a pass and it's easy to see why. Half of Victor's fights end up with holes blown through his chest, missing legs, or a dented head. And you can't blame a guy for needing spare parts, even though he carries around his own White Noise Generator.

In truth, though, Victor's just as rich as all those other inventing superheroes. Always sporting the latest in hardware, you can be guranteed he'll have the best iPod on the market. Do you have a cell phone? Well, his is in his arm; rumors are circulating that he's hacking his phone bill and has full coverage.

Besides Cyborg's superhero life, he's usually found in one of two groups. Originally, he was a member of the Titans, with members like Nightwing and Starfire. Later, he moved into The Justice League (meaning he has Bruce Wayne funding) and has become their lead tech. (How convenient, because the JLA doesn't provide any customer support for the rest of us.) With a half a brain composed of the world's most advanced operating system, he's certain to be on the front edge for years to come.

The Top 10 Greatest Superhero Inventors is a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List, giving you a look at some of the most brilliant minds, working their way with gadgets and innovations. It's also a tribute to the 2012 coming of Labor Day. If you like this kind of thing, head on over and check it out!

Sue Storm vs. Deadpool


Deadpool's Last Thought Was...

~Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #1 (2012)

Deadpool kicked off his 4-issue mini-series last week titles Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe and has already murdered most of the Fantastic Four. But not Sue Storm, the Invisible Girl. Here's the entirety of that incredible fight.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

Hope Summers and The Phoenix

The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012

SuperBabe #4

~Excerpts from Avengers vs X-Men #8 (2012)

She's the messiah. Haven't you heard?

Perhaps she should be much higher on the list; that's quite fair because Hope Summers, a mutant capable of duplicating other mutant powers, is one of the biggest female catalysts of change for the year. The only problem - and this is a subtle issue - is that she's a junior, probably in her teens. Can we really make her a babe, per se?

 Summer 2012 is Hope's year to make the prophecy come true. It's all culminating right now in Avengers vs. X-Men, the 12-issue event series where she's preparing to absorb the power of The Phoenix. That, in itself, is blowing the lid off of Marvel Comics and causing all the heroes to panic. Marvel Comics is also enjoying the shake up and now saying that everything well be realigned, like a remaking of the world, in Marvel NOW!.

For the record, Hope is from the future; she was raised by Cable and told that one day she will save the mutant race. (Somewhere in the myriad of time-spanning probabilities, she's either the child of Cyclops or great-great grandaughter. Who really knows?)

One thing about Ms. Summers, she's not like your typical superhero. She's a slim, teenage-with-an-attitude warrior. Most of her training is with high-tech guns and armaments. At the same time, she doesn't fight for defeat, she fights to kill.

No one, except the people at Marvel, have any idea how things are going to end for Hope once her story is told. We're not even sure she'll live through the ordeal. But one thing is certain; 2012 apparently is the apocalypse and Hope will be the SuperBabe heralding it.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.

Captain Rogers aka Deathlok.


Ambush at Central Park!

~X-Factor #231 (2012)

This is Steve Rogers; he is Deathlok.

Arriving from another dimension with Dread Dormammu and Yanora, the trio are preparing to ambush X-Factor in issue #231. The indications are the destruction of another dimension; something is about to die. But what force of evil is behind this malevolent attack?

Villainous Moments is a column from of The Superheroes List, updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this week? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Look for #VillainousMoments on Twitter.

Dr. Heny Pym and The Pym Particle


Superhero Inventor #5

~Mighty Avengers #25 (2009)

There's a rule of thumb in science, and it goes something like, "If first you fail to succeed, try, try, again." This also - by happenstance - becomes the credo of the hero, and doubly important for the inventing superhero. Can you imagine how life would be if it they quit?

Look no farther than the end of your thumb to Dr. Henry Pym, sometimes known as "Hank". Why the thumb? Well, it seems he's another scientist that figured out how to grow small. Much in the venue of DC's Atom, Pym is a scientist of great renown and the creator of the Pym Particle, which can distort dimensional physics and allow objects to increase or decrease in size.

If you want to shake Pym's hand, though, that might be a task. Sure, he's a glutton for approval, but he tends to be hard to find. In the last year, he created a "Pym Pocket" to hide his mansion and the only way to get there was to find "anchor doorways". Oh, yeah; that's another one of his tricks; he can end up anywhere on earth by linking anchors.

Don't bother asking how he got this smart. He's been doing this since his first appearance back in Tales to Astonish #27 (1961) in the story "The Man in the Ant Hill". Pym's only real problem is that his ideas, while beyond the understanding of normal men, tends to take on a life of their own. (Ask the super-villain, Ultron, whom he accidentally created. The Avengers are still dealing with that mess today.)

The Top 10 Greatest Superhero Inventors is a Countdown sponsored by The Superheroes List, giving you a look at some of the most brilliant minds, working their way with gadgets and innovations. It's also a tribute to the 2012 coming of Labor Day. If you like this kind of thing, head on over and check it out!

Wanted: Subtitute (Mutant) Teachers

Do You Have What It Takes?
~Wolverine and The X-Men #14 (2012)

With the Avengers vs. X-Men battles spanning the globe, there's a shortage of teachers at the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning. If you're a mutant, contact Headmistress (acting) Kitty Pryde; the rumor is that it won't be hard to qualify.

Are heroes and villains smart? Naw. #SuperFunnies updates every week (usually Thursday) on The Superheroes List. Here are the bloopers, flip-flops, and all-together moments of levity during exchanges of humor and snapshots of utterly ridiculous decisions in comic books.

T'Challa and Ororo Break Up


Walking Away From Wakanda!

~Avengers vs. X-Men #9 (2012)

Everyone following the Avengers vs. X-Men event this year is waiting for the stack of casualties and the lead-up to Marvel NOW! With death and change, costume makeovers and phoenix-powered mutants, who would have suspected a marriage breakup between a King and his Queen?

Well, that's what just happened, recently reported in Avengers vs. X-Men #9; T'Challa, the Black Panther, King of Wakanda, has just annulled his marriage to Ororo "Storm" Munroe.

"It's a terrible, sad day," said one of the Wakanda subjects, a young lady who mentioned how she idolized the flowing, white-haired, weather woman who stole the nation's heart. "Our people are bitter and broken for the loss." Elsewhere in the kingdom, though, the sentiments aren't as kind. "She betrayed her country and our King; there can be no forgiveness," spoke an anonymous member of the warrior-guard.

Clearly the nation is divided, but no one is to say how greatly the reverberations will continue. Members closest to the royal family say T'Challa enacted his own annulment ceremony as the current High Panther Priest; some are whispering that this is unheard of, but no one has risen to challenge his authority.

To surmount the tear in their relationship, one final decree has been sent up through Wakandan Law. Apparently void of any emotion, T'Challa is determined to banish his once-jewel from the land.

From a wedding heralded back in the days of Black Panther #18 (2006), the battle between Earth's Mightiest Heroes and The Children of the Atom continues it's path to determined destruction.

Does this story or the sequence of actions provided here trouble you? Or does it all make sense? #PerilousConundrum is an inquisitive column from The Superheroes List that discusses the rare, problematic moments in comic books. What we're asking is "How Could They Do That?" and "What Are The Future Implications?" If you have an opinion, now it's time to make things clear.

Return of The Scaret Witch


SuperBabe #5: The Scarlet Witch
~Excerpt from Avengers vs. X-Men #7 (2012)

She was either lost or dead; wherever she was, devastation followed her wake. (Most thought she'd be dead for a short while, regardless.) From the events of House of M and Avengers Disassembled, Wanda Maximoff had become a powder keg to her superhero team and the entire universe of Marvel Mutants. After suffering a breakdown, destroying almost everyone in her path, she was carried off, a pariah to the world.

  Not so fast, though; Now she's back! Wanda, also known as The Scarlet Witch, was located by her sons, Wiccan and Speed, during their mini-series The Children's Crusade. Somehow she had ended up in Latveria in a planned marriage to Doctor Doom.

After surviving that experience and regaining her full memories, Wanda decided to return to the Avengers in Avengers vs. X-Men #0 (2012) where she's receiving (mostly) a warm reception; the only visible detractor would be The Vision, whom was practically obliterated before she left.

Wanda's role this summer is one of the most vital to Marvel's upcoming Marvel NOW! event, which is heralding a list of alterations in reality. What's been recently revealed is that she's capable of affecting the Phoenix Entity with her hexes; now with Captain America and Iron Man's leadership, she's been put on the front lines, hoping to save the earth before it's too late.

Coinciding with this seasons' events in the comic book world, The Top 10 Super Babes of Summer 2012 is a countdown from The Superheroes List, updating on Wednesdays, for simple entertainment as well as informative purposes. If you want to know how some of the female characters are evolving during the hot months, Read the List.
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